

WaitHandle objects, WaitHandle Objects

Web applications, history of, Web Applications

Web Forms clients

basic, building, A Basic Web Forms Client

creating, A Basic Web Forms Client

displaying results, A Basic Web Forms Client

event code, A Basic Web Forms Client

form creation, A Basic Web Forms Client

generated code, A Basic Web Forms Client

Web Matrix

.ashx files, The IHttpHandler Interface

client for, simple, Adding a Reference Manually, Manual References

defined, A Simple Example in Web Matrix

simple example in, A Simple Example in Web Matrix

Web methods, Chapter 7: Creating Web Methods

.asmx file sample, The Example Web Methods

abstraction steps, HTTP Handlers, Figure 5-1: The steps beneath the Web method abstraction

application settings, The Web.config File

asynchronous, Asynchronous Web Services, WS-Routing

asynchronous calls to, BeginInvoke and EndInvoke Methods

binding elements generated for, WSDL and Web Methods

BufferResponse property, BufferResponse Property, BufferResponse Property

CacheDuration property, CacheDuration Property, CacheDuration Property

configuring, Configuring Web Methods Using Attributes, BufferResponse Property

cookies with, Custom Cookies

creating, Building a Web Method, The WebMethod Attribute, The WebMethod Attribute

custom authentication example, Custom Authentication

DataSet commands, Using FileSystemDataProvider via a Web Service

debugging, The Web.config File, Debugging, Error Logging

deployment, Deployment, Deployment via IIS

Description property, Description Property


discovery, Discovery of the Web Service, WS-Inspection

document-literal encoding, Doc-Lit vs. RPC Encoding

documentation, Documentation

EnableSession property, EnableSession Property, EnableSession Property

error logging, Error Logging

exception handling, Exceptions

get prohibited, When Should You Maintain State?

GetBio sample method, The Example Web Methods

GetPic sample method, The Example Web Methods

handlers, weaknesses of, Coding Differences Between the Handler API and the Web Method API, Taking Care with Session State

images, sending to , The Example Web Methods

invoking, The WebMethod Attribute

logic, adding to, An Example Application, The Example Web Methods

machine.config for, The Machine.config File, Documentation

MessageName property, MessageName Property

multiple in a service, Dividing the Labor, WS-Routing

naming, MessageName Property

OneWay property, The OneWay Property, The OneWay Property

portType WSDL elements generated for, WSDL and Web Methods

protocols configuration, Protocols

proxy methods for, The Proxy Client

referencing classes, The Example Web Service

RPC encoding, Doc-Lit vs. RPC Encoding

sample application, An Example Application, The Example Web Methods

schemas for serialization, WSDL and Web Methods

server-maintained state, Maintaining State on the Server, Custom Cookies

service elements generated for, WSDL and Web Methods

Session variables with, When Should You Maintain State?

set prohibited, When Should You Maintain State?

SOAP extension registration, Documentation

SOAP formats, setting, Doc-Lit vs. RPC Encoding

state management, EnableSession Property, EnableSession Property, Managing State, Custom Cookies

storing output in memory, CacheDuration Property

TransactionOption property, TransactionOption Property, TransactionOption Property

tweaking, Tweaking Your Web Methods, Doc-Lit vs. RPC Encoding


validating input, Exceptions

versioning, Versioning with XSLT, Multitemplate Transformations

web.config file with, The Web.config File

WebMethod attribute, The WebMethod Attribute, BufferResponse Property

WebMethod attribute for, Building a Web Method

WS-Inspection with, WS-Inspection

WS-Routing, WS-Routing

WSDL documents, relation to, WSDL and Web Methods

XSLT for versioning, Versioning with XSLT, Multitemplate Transformations

Web references

adding in Visual Studio .NET, Adding a Web Reference

Web Service Endpoint Language, Quality of Service

Web Service Enhancements (WSE)., see gxa

Web Services Architecture., see wsa

Web Services Choreography Group, Combining Web Services

Web Services Description Language., see wsdl (web services description language)

Web Services Enhancements (WSE), Dealing with Multipart Messages

Web Services Flow Language, Combining Web Services

Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I), The March Toward Interoperability, A Freezing of Standards?

Web Settings Tool, The Web Settings Tool


add elements, Deploying a Module to a Web Application

appSettings tag, The Web.config File

authentication elements, Authentication in ASP.NET

clear elements, Deploying a Module to a Web Application

clear tags, The Web.config File

debug setting, The Web.config File

defined, Configuring Web Methods

dynamic discovery, enabling, Dynamic Discovery

HTTP modules, adding with, A Simple Example, Deploying a Module to a Web Application

impersonation with, Impersonation

protocols, disabling, Supported Protocols

purpose of, The Web.config File

remove elements, Deploying a Module to a Web Application

request handling, From IIS to ASP.NET, Inside the ASP.NET HTTP Pipeline, Configuring the Pipeline for Your Application, Using the Predefined HTTP Handlers

SOAP extensions, An Autonomous SOAP Extension, Deploying Autonomous SOAP Extensions

Web methods settings, The Web.config File

WSE configuration, WSE at the Server, Individual Configuration Options, Adding Filters in the Configuration Files

Web.Services namespace, Web Service Classes and Namespaces

WebHandler, The IHttpHandler Interface

WebMethod attribute

publicly declared function requirement, The WebMethod Attribute

purpose of, The WebMethod Attribute, The WebMethod Attribute

qualifiers, The WebMethod Attribute

return values, The WebMethod Attribute

WebRequest class, Custom Clients

WebService attribute

naming services with, Adding a Reference

properties of, The WebService Attribute, Description Property

purpose of, The WebService Attribute, The WebService Attribute

schemas with, Identifying the Service with [WebService], Identifying the Service with [WebService]

SOAP formats, setting, Doc-Lit vs. RPC Encoding

WebService class

purpose of, Project Files, Web Service Classes and Namespaces

whiteSpace constraint, Table 6-2: Schema Simple Type Constraints

Windows Forms

simple client example, A Simple Windows Forms Client, Adding a Reference

Windows Forms clients

building, A Basic Windows Forms Client

connecting to services, A Basic Windows Forms Client

creating, A Basic Windows Forms Client

querying proxies, A Basic Windows Forms Client

references, adding, A Basic Windows Forms Client

Windows security

authentication. , see authentication

authorization. , see authorization

manually logging on, Manually Logging On to a Windows Account

overview, Windows Security

working routers, Working Routers

WS-* Interop initiative, The Extended Architecture

WS-Addressing, WS-Addressing

WS-Attachments, WS-Attachments

adding filters for, Working with Attachments

chunks field, DIME Records

data field, DIME Records

debugging, Debugging Attachments

defined, WS-Attachments

DIME messages, DIME Messages

DIME record structure, DIME Records

DIME, equivalence to, WS-Attachments

final record indicator field, DIME Records

first record indicator field, DIME Records

ID field, DIME Records

length fields, DIME Records

optional properties field, DIME Records

record chunks, DIME Record Chunks

specification for, WS-Attachments

structure of, WS-Attachments

type field, DIME Records

type indicator field, DIME Records

version field, DIME Records

WS-Authorization, WS-Security

WS-Coordination, WS-Coordination

WS-Federation, WS-Security

WS-I (Web Services Interoperability Organization), The March Toward Interoperability, A Freezing of Standards?

WS-Inspection, WS-Inspection

WSA proposals for, WS-Inspection

WS-Policy, WS-Policy

WS-PolicyAssertions, WS-PolicyAssertions

WS-PolicyAttachments, WS-PolicyAttachment

WS-Privacy, WS-Security

WS-Referral, WS-Routing, WS-Referral, <r:ref> element, Chapter 14: Routing and Referral

referral cache documents, Server Configuration

WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-ReliableMessaging

WS-Routing, WS-Routing, The routing rules, Chapter 14: Routing and Referral

chained routers, Multiple Routers on the Same Server

client-controlled routing, Client-Controlled Routing, The SOAP Messages

clients for custom routers, The Client

custom routers, building, Building the Custom Router

multiple routers, Multiple Routers on the Same Server

object architecture, How WSE Routing Works

output filters, The SOAP Messages

Path objects, The Path Object, The Path Object, The Destination Web Services

ProcessMessageRequest, overridding, Building the Custom Router

ProcessRequest method, How WSE Routing Works

referral cache documents, Server Configuration

reverse paths, Table 14-1: Properties of the Path Object (Partial List), Routing and HTTP, The Client

RoutingHandler class, How WSE Routing Works, Figure 14-1: Internal architecture of the RoutingHandler.ProcessRequest method, Server Configuration, Custom Routing, Building the Custom Router

server-controlled routing, Server-Controlled Routing, The SOAP Messages

SOAP headers for, The SOAP Messages

timestamps with, Routing and Timestamps

Web services for custom routers, Creating the Web Services

web.config for, Server Configuration

working routers, Working Routers

WSDL for, WSDL for the Router

WS-SecureConversation, WS-SecureConversation

WS-Security, WS-Security, Chapter 13: Web Service Enhancements, Chapter 15: Web Service Security

adding credentials at client, Adding the SecurityToken to the Message, Adding the SecurityToken to the Message

additional specifications, WS-Security, WS-Trust

asymmetric encryption, Shared Key Encryption

authentication, Authentication, Security Requirements

authentication of messages, Message Authentication, Security Problems

AuthenticationClient example, Message Authentication

base class for credentials, The SecurityToken Class

BinarySecurityToken class, The SecurityToken Class, The SecurityToken Class

certificate retrieval, Retrieving Certificates from the Certificate Store

clients for shared-key encryption, The Client

clients, authentication credentials of, The Client, Adding the SecurityToken to the Message

Confidentiality assertion, WS-SecurityPolicy

confidentiality requirement, Security Requirements

decryption methods with, The Web Service

disadvantages of authentication, Security Problems

encryption, Confidentiality Through Encryption, Signing and Encrypting Messages

encryption with X509, The Client

HTTPS with, Security Problems

Integrity assertion, WS-SecurityPolicy

integrity requirement, Security Requirements

key creation, Shared Key Encryption

message authentication, Message Authentication, Security Problems

MessageAge assertion, WS-SecurityPolicy

non-X509 credentials, Using Other Security Credentials

partial-message encryption, Signing and Encrypting Parts of the Message, The Web Service

partial-message signing, Signing Parts of the Message

PartsClient sample, The Client

passwords, Username and Password Security, Adding the SecurityToken to the Message

properties of SecurityToken, table of, The SecurityToken Class, The SecurityToken Class

public keys, Integrity Through Signing, Confidentiality Through Encryption

purpose of, WS-Security

requirements, Security Requirements

Rijndael algorithm, The Shared Key

Security input filter, The Web Service

security tokens, Security Tokens, <wsse:BinarySecurityToken> element

SecurityHeader assertion, WS-SecurityPolicy

SecurityToken assertion, WS-SecurityPolicy

SecurityToken class, The SecurityToken Class, The SecurityToken Class, Adding the SecurityToken to the Message, Adding the SecurityToken to the Message

shared key encryption, Shared Key Encryption, The Web Service

Signature class, The Client

SignatureOptions enumeration, Signing Parts of the Message

signatures, Integrity Through Signing

specification for, WS-Security

usernames, Username and Password Security, Adding the SecurityToken to the Message

verifying credentials, Verifying Username and Password Credentials

Visability assertion, WS-SecurityPolicy

Web service, authentication at, The Web Service, Verifying Username and Password Credentials

Web services for shared-key encryption, The Web Service

WS-Authorization, WS-Security

WS-Federation, WS-Security

WS-Privacy, WS-Security

WS-SecureConversation, WS-SecureConversation

WS-SecurityPolicy, WS-SecurityPolicy

WS-Trust, WS-Trust

X509 certificates, <wsse:BinarySecurityToken> element, Confidentiality Through Encryption

X509 certificates in. , see x509 certificates

WS-SecurityPolicy, WS-SecurityPolicy

WS-Timestamp, WS-Timestamp, The <wsu:Timestamp> Element, Using Timestamp Filters

routing, using with, Routing and Timestamps

WS-Transaction, WS-Transaction, Transactions

WS-Trust, WS-Trust

WSA, The Standards

WSA (Web Services Architecture)

architecture of, basic, The Basic Architecture, Users on the discovery stack

basic standards implemented, The Basic Architecture

description stacks, The Basic Architecture, Service Description, Schemas

discovery agencies stacks, The Basic Architecture, Publishing and Discovery, Users on the discovery stack

extended architecture, The Extended Architecture, Quality of Service

HTTP standard, HTTP

message exchange, Message Exchange, SOAP

orchestrating services, Combining Web Services

quality of service, Quality of Service

schemas in, Schemas

security services, Security

SOAP standard, HTTP, SOAP

specification for, The Standards

transactions, Transactions

UDDI standards, UDDI

Unicode, XML and Unicode

universal issues, Universal Issues

users on discovery stacks, Users on the discovery stack

wire stack extensions, Wire Stack Extensions

wire stacks, The Basic Architecture, Message Exchange, SOAP

WS-Inspection standards, WS-Inspection


XML standard, XML and Unicode


?wsdl, The Anatomy of WSDL

abstract definitions, The Anatomy of WSDL, The Core Framework, The <portType> Element

action value option, Changing the SOAP Action

address elements, The <http:address> element, The <soap:address> element, The <soap:address> element

advantages of, Chapter 3: Describing Web Services

autogenerated files, Chapter 3: Describing Web Services, The <import> Element, The <message> Element

automatic documentation with, Supported Protocols

bare messages, SOAP Message Formats, Document-Oriented Messages and Types, Literal messages and types, Encoded messages and types

binding elements, The Core Framework, The <binding> Element, The <binding> Element, WSDL and Web Methods

binding extensions, The Binding Extensions, The <soap:address> element

bindings, The Anatomy of WSDL

body elements, The <soap:body> element, The <soap:body> element

command line tool for, Wsdl.exe

components of, The Anatomy of WSDL

concrete definitions, The Anatomy of WSDL, The Core Framework

data, defining with XSD, The <types> Element

defined, Chapter 3: Describing Web Services

definitions elements, Document Structure

DISCO, definition retrieval with, Adding a Web Reference from a Web Service

document structure, Document Structure, The <documentation> Element

document-oriented SOAP messages, Document-Oriented Messages and Types

documentation elements, The <documentation> Element, Specifying Documentation Elements, Figure 3-3: Documentation elements are pulled from the WSDL file.

element names, changing, Changing the Request and Response Element Names

elements of, The Anatomy of WSDL

encoded messages, Encoded messages and types

fault elements, The <binding> Element, The <portType> Element

handlers creating, Coding Differences Between the Handler API and the Web Method API

header elements, The <soap:header> element, The <soap:header> element, SOAP Headers

HTTP binding extensions, HTTP Binding Extensions, The <http:address> element

import elements, The <import> Element, The <import> Element

input elements, The <binding> Element, The <portType> Element, The <portType> Element

interoperability for, Coding Practices

language specification for proxies, Wsdl.exe

literal messages, Literal messages and types

message elements, The Core Framework, The <portType> Element, The <message> Element, The <message> Element, WSDL and Web Methods

messages, The Anatomy of WSDL

messages formats, SOAP, SOAP Message Formats, RPC-Oriented Messages and Types

method access scenarios, The <portType> Element

method overloading, Method Overloading, Figure 3-6: Overloaded methods in the Object Browser

MIME binding extensions, The Binding Extensions, MIME Binding Extensions, The <mime:multipartRelated> element

multipart messages, Dealing with Multipart Messages

namespaces for, Document Structure, Changing the Request and Response Namespaces

one-way method option, One-Way Methods

operation elements, The Core Framework, The <binding> Element, The <portType> Element, The <portType> Element, The <http:operation> element, The <soap:operation> element, The <soap:operation> element

operations, The Anatomy of WSDL

output elements, The <binding> Element, The <portType> Element, The <portType> Element

ParameterStyle parameter, Document-Oriented Messages and Types

part elements, The <message> Element, The <message> Element, Literal messages and types, Encoded messages and types

port elements, The Core Framework, The <service> Element, The <service> Element

ports, The Anatomy of WSDL

portType elements, The Core Framework, The <portType> Element, The <portType> Element, WSDL and Web Methods

portTypes, The Anatomy of WSDL

protocol support, Supported Protocols

protocols, disabling, Supported Protocols

proxy generation, Wsdl.exe, Viewing the Proxy Code, Figure 3-11: Proxy code created by Visual Studio .NET

RecordFinder sample service, The Anatomy of WSDL

request namespaces, Changing the Request and Response Namespaces

response namespaces, Changing the Request and Response Namespaces

root element of documents, Document Structure

routing, WSDL for the Router, WSDL for the Routers

RPC-oriented messaging, RPC-Oriented Messages and Types

service elements, The Core Framework, The <service> Element, WSDL and Web Methods

services, The Anatomy of WSDL

shells, The Core Framework

SimpleRecordFinder sample service, The Anatomy of WSDL

SOAP binding extensions, SOAP Binding Extensions, The <soap:address> element

SOAP encoding dependence, The Anatomy of WSDL

SOAP headers with, SOAP Headers

SOAP messages formats, SOAP Message Formats, RPC-Oriented Messages and Types

SOAP with, SOAP and WSDL

SoapDocumentMethod attribute, SOAP Message Formats, Other Configuration Options, Changing the SOAP Action, Changing the Request and Response Namespaces

SoapRpcMethod attribute, SOAP Message Formats, Other Configuration Options, Changing the SOAP Action, Changing the Request and Response Namespaces

specifications, Chapter 3: Describing Web Services

structure, overall, The Core Framework

tModels, generating, Creating a tModel from a Web service

transport attribute, The <soap:binding> element

type names, changing, Changing the Request and Response Element Names

types, The Anatomy of WSDL

types elements, The <types> Element, The <types> Element

UDDI registries, using in, Creating a tModel from a Web service

UDDI, relation to, Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)

urlEncoded elements, The <http:urlEncoded> element

urlReplacement elements, The <http:urlReplacement> element, The <http:urlReplacement> element

Use parameter, Document-Oriented Messages and Types

viewing, The Anatomy of WSDL

Visual Studio .NET tools for, Visual Studio .NET, Figure 3-12: Updating a Web reference

void methods, One-Way Methods

Web methods documents, relation to, WSDL and Web Methods

wrapped messages, SOAP Message Formats, Document-Oriented Messages and Types, Literal messages and types, Encoded messages and types

WSA proposals for, WSDL

Wsdl.exe, Wsdl.exe

XSD with, The <types> Element, The <types> Element

1.2 version, WSDL

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), WSDL and UDDI

client interface role, The Life Cycle of a Web Service Request

development of, WSDL and UDDI

locating files, Adding a Reference


/server switch, Generating a Web service from a tModel

abstract class generation, Generating a Web service from a tModel

adding references with, Wsdl.exe

schema, creating services from, Using Wsdl.exe

SOAP messages, Sending Datasets via an Application

Wsdl.exe command line tool, Wsdl.exe

WSDLX, Chapter 3: Describing Web Services

WSE, The Structure of WSE

WSE (Web Service Enhancements), Chapter 13: Web Service Enhancements

adding custom filters, Adding a Custom Filter

adding filters to pipelines, Controlling the Filters in the Pipeline, Adding Filters in the Configuration Files

attachment filter, adding, Working with Attachments

Body property, The SoapEnvelope Object

building filters, Building a Custom Filter

classes, location of, Downloading and Installing WSE

clients with, WSE at the Client, Under the Covers

clients with custom filters, Custom Filters on the Client, Figure 13-14: Entries written to event log by the custom filter

collections with, Working with Attachments

configuration, WSE at the Server, The Web Settings Tool, Individual Configuration Options

configuring filters, Individual Configuration Options

controlling filters, Controlling the Filters in the Pipeline, Recommended Filter Configuration

custom filter creation, Creating Custom Filters, Figure 13-14: Entries written to event log by the custom filter

debugging attachment filters, Debugging Attachments

default filters, table of, The WSE Pipeline

diagnostics element, The Trace Filters

DIME attachments with, Working with Attachments

DIME with, The WSE Pipeline, Figure 13-1: Message path through the WSE pipeline and the filters

Envelope property of SoapContext, The SoapContext Object

Envelope property of SoapEnvelope, The SoapEnvelope Object

filter control, Controlling the Filters in the Pipeline, Recommended Filter Configuration

filter overview, The WSE Pipeline

Header property, The SoapEnvelope Object

input filters, The WSE Pipeline

input vs. output, The WSE Pipeline

inserting filters at specific locations, Controlling the Filters in the Pipeline

installing, Downloading and Installing WSE

Invoke method, Under the Covers, Figure 13-3: Internal architecture of SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke

message filtering process, The WSE Pipeline

namespace for, Downloading and Installing WSE

output filters, The WSE Pipeline

Path objects, The Path Object, The Path Object, The Destination Web Services

pipelines, The WSE Pipeline, The SoapEnvelope Object

priority attributes for, WSE at the Server

ProcessMessage method, Under the Covers

properties of SoapContext, table of, The SoapContext Object, Table 13-2: Important Properties of the SoapContext Object

proxy classes, WSE at the Client, Under the Covers

proxy generation tool, The Web Settings Tool

recommended configuration, Recommended Filter Configuration

referral. , see ws-referral

removing filters from pipelines, Controlling the Filters in the Pipeline

request SoapContext objects, The SoapContext Object, The SoapContext Object

RequestSoapContext property, WSE at the Client, Figure 13-2: The proxy class after manual editing to support WSE

ResponseSoapContext property, WSE at the Client, Figure 13-2: The proxy class after manual editing to support WSE

routing object architecture, How WSE Routing Works

routing. , see ws-routing

security. , see ws-security

server-side implementation, WSE at the Server, Under the Covers

Service Pack 1, Downloading and Installing WSE

SOAP envelopes, relation to, The Structure of WSE

SOAP extensions for, WSE at the Server, Under the Covers

SoapContext class, The SoapContext Object, The SoapContext Object, WSE at the Client, Under the Covers, WSE at the Server

SoapEnvelope class, The SoapContext Object, The SoapEnvelope Object, Under the Covers

SoapHttpClientProtocol class, WSE at the Client

SoapInputFilter, Controlling the Filters in the Pipeline, Under the Covers, Building a Custom Filter

SoapOutputFilter, Controlling the Filters in the Pipeline, Under the Covers, Building a Custom Filter

streams with, Working with Attachments

structure of, The Structure of WSE, The SoapEnvelope Object

Timestamp filters, Using Timestamp Filters

Trace filters, The WSE Pipeline, The Trace Filters, Working with Attachments

viewing filters in pipelines, Controlling the Filters in the Pipeline

Web Settings Tool, The Web Settings Tool

web.config for, WSE at the Server, Individual Configuration Options, Adding Filters in the Configuration Files

WebServicesClientProtocol class, WSE at the Client, Under the Covers

WS-Attachments, The WSE Pipeline, Figure 13-1: Message path through the WSE pipeline and the filters

WS-Security. , see ws-security

WS-Timestamp, Using Timestamp Filters

WSDK, Downloading and Installing WSE

WSE (Web Service Enhancements)., see gxa

WSE (Web Services Enhancements), Dealing with Multipart Messages

Programming Microsoft. NET XML Web Services
Programming MicrosoftВ® .NET XML Web Services (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 0735619123
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 172 © 2008-2017.
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