
StringBuffer java.lang

Java 1.0 serializable appendable

This class represents a mutable string of characters that can grow or shrink as necessary. Its mutability makes it suitable for processing text in place, which is not possible with the immutable String class. Its resizability and the various methods it implements make it easier to use than a char[ ] . Create a StringBuffer with the StringBuffer( ) constructor. You may pass a String that contains the initial text for the buffer to this constructor, but if you do not, the buffer will start out empty. You may also specify the initial capacity for the buffer if you can estimate the number of characters the buffer will eventually hold.

The methods of this class are synchronized , which makes StringBuffer objects suitable for use by multiple threads. In Java 5.0 and later, when working with a single thread, StringBuilder is preferred over this class because it does not have the overhead of synchronized methods. StringBuilder implements the same methods as StringBuffer and can be used in the same way.

Query the character stored at a given index with charAt( ) and set or delete that character with setCharAt( ) or deleteCharAt( ) . Use length( ) to return the length of the buffer, and use setLength( ) to set the length of the buffer, truncating it or filling it with null characters ('\u0000') as necessary. capacity( ) returns the number of characters a StringBuffer can hold before its internal buffer needs to be reallocated. If you expect a StringBuffer to grow substantially and can approximate its eventual size , you can use ensureCapacity( ) to preallocate sufficient internal storage.

Use the various append( ) methods to append text to the end of the buffer. Use insert( ) to insert text at a specified position within the buffer. Note that in addition to strings, primitive values, character arrays, and arbitrary objects may be passed to append( ) and insert( ) . These values are converted to strings before they are appended or inserted. Use delete( ) to delete a range of characters from the buffer and use replace( ) to replace a range of characters with a specified String .

Use substring( ) to convert a portion of a StringBuffer to a String . The two versions of this method work just like the same-named methods of String . Call toString( ) to obtain the contents of a StringBuffer as a String object. Or use getChars( ) to extract the specified range of characters from the StringBuffer and store them into the specified character array starting at the specified index of that array.

As of Java 1.4, StringBuffer implements CharSequence and so also defines a subSequence( ) method that is like substring( ) but returns its value as a CharSequence . Java 1.4 also added indexOf( ) and lastIndexOf( ) methods that search forward or backward (from the optionally specified index) in a StringBuffer for a sequence of characters that matches the specified String . These methods return the index of the matching string or -1 if no match was found. See also the similarly named methods of String after which these methods are modeled .

In Java 5.0, this class has a new constructor and new methods for working with CharSequence objects. It implements the Appendable interface for use with java.util.Formatter and includes new methods for working with 21-bit Unicode characters as int codepoints .

String concatenation in Java is performed with the + operator and is implemented, prior to Java 5.0, using the append( ) method of a StringBuffer . In Java 5.0 and later, StringBuilder is used instead. After a string is processed in a StringBuffer object, it can be efficiently converted to a String object for subsequent use. The StringBuffer.toString( ) method is typically implemented so that it does not copy the internal array of characters. Instead, it shares that array with the new String object, making a new copy for itself only if and when further modifications are made to the StringBuffer object.

Figure 10-59. java.lang.StringBuffer

 public final class  StringBuffer  extends AbstractStringBuilder implements CharSequence,  Serializable {  // Public Constructors  public  StringBuffer  ( );        public  StringBuffer  (String  str  );        public  StringBuffer  (int  capacity  );  5.0  public  StringBuffer  (CharSequence  seq  );  // Public Instance Methods  public StringBuffer  append  (String  str  );  synchronized   1.4  public StringBuffer  append  (StringBuffer  sb  );  synchronized   5.0  public StringBuffer  append  (CharSequence  s  );        public StringBuffer  append  (Object  obj  );  synchronized  public StringBuffer  append  (char[ ]  str  );  synchronized  public StringBuffer  append  (long  lng  );  synchronized  public StringBuffer  append  (float  f  );  synchronized  public StringBuffer  append  (double  d  );  synchronized  public StringBuffer  append  (boolean  b  );  synchronized  public StringBuffer  append  (char  c  );  synchronized  public StringBuffer  append  (int  i  );  synchronized  public StringBuffer  append  (char[ ]  str  , int  offset  , int  len  );  synchronized   5.0  public StringBuffer  append  (CharSequence  s  , int  start  , int  end  );  synchronized   5.0  public StringBuffer  appendCodePoint  (int  codePoint  );  synchronized  public char  charAt  (int  index  );  Implements:  CharSequence synchronized  1.2  public StringBuffer  delete  (int  start  , int  end  );  synchronized   1.2  public StringBuffer  deleteCharAt  (int  index  );  synchronized  public StringBuffer  insert  (int  offset  , char  c  );  synchronized  public StringBuffer  insert  (int  offset  , boolean  b  );        public StringBuffer  insert  (int  offset  , long  l  );        public StringBuffer  insert  (int  offset  , int  i  );        public StringBuffer  insert  (int  offset  , String  str  );  synchronized  public StringBuffer  insert  (int  offset  , Object  obj  );  synchronized   5.0  public StringBuffer  insert  (int  dstOffset  , CharSequence  s  );        public StringBuffer  insert  (int  offset  , char[ ]  str  );  synchronized  public StringBuffer  insert  (int  offset  , double  d  );        public StringBuffer  insert  (int  offset  , float  f  );  1.2  public StringBuffer  insert  (int  index  , char[ ]  str  , int  offset  , int  len  );  synchronized   5.0  public StringBuffer  insert  (int  dstOffset  , CharSequence  s  , int  start  ,       int  end  );  synchronized  public int  length  ( );  Implements:  CharSequence synchronized  1.2  public StringBuffer  replace  (int  start  , int  end  , String  str  );  synchronized  public StringBuffer  reverse  ( );  synchronized  public String  toString  ( );  Implements:  CharSequence synchronized  // Methods Implementing CharSequence  public char  charAt  (int  index  );  synchronized  public int  length  ( );  synchronized   1.4  public CharSequence  subSequence  (int  start  , int  end  );  synchronized  public String  toString  ( );  synchronized   // Public Methods Overriding AbstractStringBuilder  public int  capacity  ( );  synchronized   5.0  public int  codePointAt  (int  index  );  synchronized   5.0  public int  codePointBefore  (int  index  );  synchronized   5.0  public int  codePointCount  (int  beginIndex  , int  endIndex  );  synchronized  public void  ensureCapacity  (int  minimumCapacity  );  synchronized  public void  getChars  (int  srcBegin  ,       int  srcEnd  , char[ ]  dst  , int  dstBegin  );  synchronized   1.4  public int  indexOf  (String  str  );  1.4  public int  indexOf  (String  str  , int  fromIndex  );  synchronized   1.4  public int  lastIndexOf  (String  str  );  1.4  public int  lastIndexOf  (String  str  , int  fromIndex  );  synchronized   5.0  public int  offsetByCodePoints  (int  index  , int  codePointOffset  );  synchronized  public void  setCharAt  (int  index  , char  ch  );  synchronized  public void  setLength  (int  newLength  );  synchronized   1.2  public String  substring  (int  start  );  synchronized   1.2  public String  substring  (int  start  , int  end  );  synchronized   5.0  public void  trimToSize  ( );  synchronized  } 

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Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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