
String java.lang

Java 1.0 serializable comparable

The String class represents a read-only string of characters . A String object is created by the Java compiler whenever it encounters a string in double quotes; this method of creation is typically simpler than using a constructor. The static valueOf( ) factory methods create new String objects that hold the textual representation of various Java primitive types. There are also valueOf( ) methods, copyValueOf( ) methods and String( ) constructors for creating a String object that holds a copy of the text contained in another String , StringBuffer , StringBuilder , or a char or int array. You can also use the String( ) constructor to create a String object from an array of bytes. If you do this, you may explicitly specify the name of the charset (or character encoding) to be used to decode the bytes into characters, or you can rely on the default charset for your platform. (See java.nio.charset.Charset for more on charset names .)

In Java 5.0, the static format( ) methods provide another useful way to create String objects that hold formatted text. These utility methods create and use a new java.util.Formatter object and behave like the sprintf( ) function in the C programming language.

length( ) returns the number of characters in a string. charAt( ) extracts a character from a string. You can use these two methods to iterate through the characters of a string. You can obtain a char array that holds the characters of a string with toCharArray( ) , or use getChars( ) to copy just a selected region of the string into an existing array. Use getBytes( ) if you want to obtain an array of bytes that contains the encoded form of the characters in a string, using either the platform's default encoding or a named encoding.

This class defines many methods for comparing strings and substrings. equals( ) returns TRue if two String objects contain the same text, and equalsIgnoreCase( ) returns true if two strings are equal when uppercase and lowercase differences are ignored. As of Java 1.4, the contentEquals( ) method compares a string to a specified StringBuffer object, returning true if they contain the same text. startsWith( ) and endsWith( ) return true if a string starts with the specified prefix string or ends with the specified suffix string. A two-argument version of startsWith( ) allows you to specify a position within this string at which the prefix comparison is to be done. The regionMatches( ) method is a generalized version of this startsWith( ) method. It returns TRue if the specified region of the specified string matches the characters that begin at a specified position within this string. The five-argument version of this method allows you to perform this comparison ignoring the case of the characters being compared. The final string comparison method is matches( ) , which, as described below, compares a string to a regular expression pattern.

compareTo( ) is another string comparison method, but it is used for comparing the order of two strings, rather than simply comparing them for equality. compareTo( ) implements the Comparable interface and enables sorting of lists and arrays of String objects. See Comparable for more information. compareToIgnoreCase( ) is like compareTo( ) but ignores the case of the two strings when doing the comparison. The CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER constant is a Comparator for sorting strings in a way that ignores the case of their characters. (The java.util.Comparator interface is similar to the Comparable interface but allows the definition of object orderings that are different from the default ordering defined by Comparable .) The compareTo( ) and compareToIgnoreCase( ) methods and the CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER Comparator object order strings based only on the numeric ordering of the Unicode encoding of their characters. This is not always the preferred "alphabetical ordering" in some languages. See java.text.Collator for a more general technique for collating strings.

indexOf( ) and lastIndexOf( ) search forward and backward in a string for a specified character or substring. They return the position of the match, or -1 if there is no match. The one argument versions of these methods start at the beginning or end of the string, and the two-argument versions start searching from a specified character position.

Java 5.0 adds new comparison methods that work with any CharSequence . A new version of contentEquals( ) enables the comparison of a string with any CharSequence , including StringBuilder objects. The contains( ) method returns true if the string contains any sequence of characters equal to the specified CharSequence .

substring( ) returns a string that consists of the characters from (and including) the specified start position to (but not including) the specified end position. A one-argument version returns all characters from (and including) the specified start position to the end of the string. As of Java 1.4, the String class implements the CharSequence interface and defines the subSequence( ) method, which works just like the two-argument version of substring( ) but returns the specified characters as a CharSequence rather than as a String .

Several methods return new strings that contain modified versions of the text held by the original string (the original string remains unchanged). replace( ) creates a new string with all occurrences of one character replaced by another. Java 5.0 adds a generalized version of replace( ) that replaces all occurrences of one CharSequence with another. More general methods, replaceAll( ) and replaceFirst( ) , use regular expression pattern matching; they are described later in this section. toUpperCase( ) and toLowerCase( ) return a new string in which all characters are converted to upper- or lowercase respectively. These case-conversion methods take an optional Locale argument to perform locale-specific case conversion. trim( ) is a utility method that returns a new string in which all leading and trailing whitespace has been removed. concat( ) returns the new string formed by concatenating or appending the specified string to this string. String concatenation is more commonly done, however, with the + operator.

Note that String objects are immutable; there is no setCharAt( ) method to change the contents. The methods that return a String do not modify the string they are invoked on but instead return a new String object that holds a modified copy of the text of the original. Use a StringBuffer if you want to manipulate the contents of a string or call toCharArray( ) or getChars( ) to convert a string to an array of char values.

Java 1.4 introduced support for pattern matching with regular expressions. matches( ) returns true if this string exactly matches the pattern specified by the regular expression argument. replaceAll( ) and replaceFirst( ) create a new string in which all occurrences or the first occurrence of a substring that matches the specified regular expression is replaced with the specified replacement string. The split( ) methods return an array of substrings of this string, formed by splitting this string at positions that match the specified regular expression. These regular expression methods are all convenience methods that simply call methods of the same name in the java.util.regex package. See the Pattern and Matcher classes in that package for further details.

Many programs use strings as commonly as they use Java primitive values. Because the String type is an object rather than a primitive value, however, you cannot in general use the = = operator to compare two strings for equality. Instead, even though strings are immutable, you must use the more expensive equals( ) method. For programs that perform a lot of string comparison, the intern( ) provides a way to speed up those comparisons. The String class maintains a set of String objects that includes all double-quoted string literals and all compile-time constant strings defined in a Java program. The set is guaranteed not to contain duplicates, and the set is used to ensure that duplicate String objects are not created unnecessarily. The intern( ) method looks up a string in or adds a new string to this set of unique strings. It searches the set for a string that contains exactly the same characters as the string you invoked the method on. If such a string is found, intern( ) returns it. If no matching string is found, the string you invoked intern( ) on is itself stored in the set ("interned") and becomes the return value of the method. What this means is that you can safely compare any strings returned by the intern( ) method using the = = and != operators instead of equals( ) . You can also successfully compare any string returned by intern( ) to any string constant with = = and != .

In Java 5.0, Unicode supplementary characters may be represented as a single int codepoint value or as a sequence of two char values known as a "surrogate pair." See Character for more on supplementary characters and methods for working with them. String methods for working with supplementary characters, such as codePointAt( ) , codePointCount( ) , and offsetByCodePoints( ) , are similar to those defined by Character .

Figure 10-58. java.lang.String

 public final class  String  implements Serializable, Comparable<String>, CharSequence {  // Public Constructors  public  String  ( );  5.0  public  String  (StringBuilder  builder  );        public  String  (StringBuffer  buffer  );        public  String  (char[ ]  value  );        public  String  (String  original  );  1.1  public  String  (byte[ ]  bytes  );  1.1  public  String  (byte[ ]  bytes  , String  charsetName  )       throws;  #  public  String  (byte[ ]  ascii  , int  hibyte  );        public  String  (char[ ]  value  , int  offset  , int  count  );  1.1  public  String  (byte[ ]  bytes  , int  offset  , int  length  );  5.0  public  String  (int[ ]  codePoints  , int  offset  , int  count  );  #  public  String  (byte[ ]  ascii  , int  hibyte  , int  offset  , int  count  );  1.1  public  String  (byte[ ]  bytes  , int  offset  , int  length  , String  charsetName  )       throws;  // Public Constants   1.2  public static final java.util.Comparator<String>  CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER  ;  // Public Class Methods  public static String  copyValueOf  (char[ ]  data  );        public static String  copyValueOf  (char[ ]  data  , int  offset  , int  count  );  5.0  public static String  format  (String  format  , Object...  args  );  5.0  public static String  format  (java.util.Locale  l  , String  format  , Object...  args  );        public static String  valueOf  (float  f  );        public static String  valueOf  (long  l  );        public static String  valueOf  (Object  obj  );        public static String  valueOf  (double  d  );        public static String  valueOf  (boolean  b  );        public static String  valueOf  (char[ ]  data  );        public static String  valueOf  (int  i  );        public static String  valueOf  (char  c  );        public static String  valueOf  (char[ ]  data  , int  offset  , int  count  );  // Public Instance Methods  public char  charAt  (int  index  );  Implements:  CharSequence  5.0  public int  codePointAt  (int  index  );  5.0  public int  codePointBefore  (int  index  );  5.0  public int  codePointCount  (int  beginIndex  , int  endIndex  );        public int  compareTo  (String  anotherString  );  Implements:  Comparable  1.2  public int  compareToIgnoreCase  (String  str  );        public String  concat  (String  str  );  5.0  public boolean  contains  (CharSequence  s  );  1.4  public boolean  contentEquals  (StringBuffer  sb  );  5.0  public boolean  contentEquals  (CharSequence  cs  );        public boolean  endsWith  (String  suffix  );        public boolean  equalsIgnoreCase  (String  anotherString  );  1.1  public byte[ ]  getBytes  ( );  1.1  public byte[ ]  getBytes  (String  charsetName  ) throws      UnsupportedEncodingException;        public void  getChars  (int  srcBegin  , int  srcEnd  , char[ ]  dst  , int  dstBegin  );        public int  indexOf  (int  ch  );        public int  indexOf  (String  str  );        public int  indexOf  (int  ch  , int  fromIndex  );        public int  indexOf  (String  str  , int  fromIndex  );        public String  intern  ( );  native  public int  lastIndexOf  (String  str  );        public int  lastIndexOf  (int  ch  );        public int  lastIndexOf  (String  str  , int  fromIndex  );        public int  lastIndexOf  (int  ch  , int  fromIndex  );        public int  length  ( );  Implements:  CharSequence  1.4  public boolean  matches  (String  regex  );  5.0  public int  offsetByCodePoints  (int  index  , int  codePointOffset  );        public boolean  regionMatches  (int  toffset  , String  other  , int  ooffset  , int  len  );        public boolean  regionMatches  (boolean  ignoreCase  , int  toffset  , String  other  , int  ooffset  , int  len  );        public String  replace  (char  oldChar  , char  newChar  );  5.0  public String  replace  (CharSequence  target  , CharSequence  replacement  );  1.4  public String  replaceAll  (String  regex  , String  replacement  );  1.4  public String  replaceFirst  (String  regex  , String  replacement  );  1.4  public String[ ]  split  (String  regex  );  1.4  public String[ ]  split  (String  regex  , int  limit  );        public boolean  startsWith  (String  prefix  );        public boolean  startsWith  (String  prefix  , int  toffset  );        public String  substring  (int  beginIndex  );        public String  substring  (int  beginIndex  , int  endIndex  );        public char[ ]  toCharArray  ( );        public String  toLowerCase  ( );  1.1  public String  toLowerCase  (java.util.Locale  locale  );        public String  toString  ( );  Implements:  CharSequence      public String  toUpperCase  ( );  1.1  public String  toUpperCase  (java.util.Locale  locale  );        public String  trim  ( );  // Methods Implementing CharSequence  public char  charAt  (int  index  );        public int  length  ( );  1.4  public CharSequence  subSequence  (int  beginIndex  , int  endIndex  );        public String  toString  ( );  // Methods Implementing Comparable  public int  compareTo  (String  anotherString  );  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public boolean  equals  (Object  anObject  );        public int  hashCode  ( );  // Deprecated Public Methods   #  public void  getBytes  (int  srcBegin  , int  srcEnd  , byte[ ]  dst  , int  dstBegin  );   } 

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Too many methods to list.

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Too many methods to list.

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Too many fields to list.

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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