
StrictMath java.lang

Java 1.3

This class is identical to the Math class, but additionally requires that its methods strictly adhere to the behavior of certain published algorithms. The methods of StrictMath are intended to operate identically on all platforms, and must produce exactly the same result (down to the very least significant bit) as certain well-known standard algorithms. When strict platform-independence of floating-point results is not required, use the Math class for better performance.

 public final class  StrictMath  {  // No Constructor   // Public Constants  public static final double  E  ;  =2  .718281828459045      public static final double  PI  ;  =3  .141592653589793  // Public Class Methods  public static int  abs  (int  a  );        public static long  abs  (long  a  );        public static float  abs  (float  a  );        public static double  abs  (double  a  );        public static double  acos  (double  a  );  native  public static double  asin  (double  a  );  native  public static double  atan  (double  a  );  native  public static double  atan2  (double  y  , double  x  );  native   5.0  public static double  cbrt  (double  a  );  native  public static double  ceil  (double  a  );  native  public static double  cos  (double  a  );  native   5.0  public static double  cosh  (double  x  );  native  public static double  exp  (double  a  );  native   5.0  public static double  expm1  (double  x  );  native  public static double  floor  (double  a  );  native   5.0  public static double  hypot  (double  x  , double  y  );  native  public static double  IEEEremainder  (double  f1  , double  f2  );  native  public static double  log  (double  a  );  native   5.0  public static double  log10  (double  a  );  native   5.0  public static double  log1p  (double  x  );  native  public static int  max  (int  a  , int  b  );        public static long  max  (long  a  , long  b  );        public static float  max  (float  a  , float  b  );        public static double  max  (double  a  , double  b  );        public static int  min  (int  a  , int  b  );        public static long  min  (long  a  , long  b  );        public static float  min  (float  a  , float  b  );        public static double  min  (double  a  , double  b  );        public static double  pow  (double  a  , double  b  );  native  public static double  random  ( );        public static double  rint  (double  a  );        public static int  round  (float  a  );        public static long  round  (double  a  );  5.0  public static float  signum  (float  f  );  5.0  public static double  signum  (double  d  );        public static double  sin  (double  a  );  native   5.0  public static double  sinh  (double  x  );  native  public static double  sqrt  (double  a  );  native  public static double  tan  (double  a  );  native   5.0  public static double  tanh  (double  x  );  native  public static double  toDegrees  (double  angrad  );                      strictfp      public static double  toRadians  (double  angdeg  );                      strictfp  5.0  public static float  ulp  (float  f  );  5.0  public static double  ulp  (double  d  );   } 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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