
Document org.w3c.dom

Java 1.4

This interface represents a DOM document, and an object that implements this interface serves as the root of a DOM document tree. Most of the methods defined by the Document interface are "factory methods" that are used to create various types of nodes that can be inserted into this document. Note that there are two versions of the methods for creating attributes and elements. The methods with "NS" in their name are namespace-aware and require the attribute or element name to be specified as a combination of a namespace URI and a local name . You'll notice that throughout the DOM API, methods with "NS" in their names are namespace-aware. Other important methods include the following:

getElementsByTagName( ) and its namespace-aware variant getElementsByTagNameNS( ) search the document tree for Element nodes that have the specified tag name and return a NodeList containing those matching nodes. The Element interface defines methods by the same names that search only within the subtree defined by an Element .

getElementById( ) is a related method that searches the document tree for a single element with the specified unique value for an ID attribute. This is useful when you use an ID attribute to uniquely identify certain tags within an XML document. Note that this method does not search for attributes that are named "id" or "ID". It searches for attributes whose XML type (as declared in the document's DTD) is ID . Such attributes are often named "id", but this is not required.

An XML document must have a single root element. getdocumentElement( ) returns this Element object. Note, however that this does not mean that a Document node has only one child. It must have exactly one child that is an Element , but it can also have other children such as Comment and ProcessingInstruction nodes. The geTDoctype( ) method returns the DocumentType object (or null if there isn't one) that represents the document's DTD. getImplementation( ) returns the the DOMImplementation object that represents the DOM implementation that created this document tree.

Figure 21-5. org.w3c.dom.Document

 public interface  Document  extends Node {  // Public Instance Methods   5.0  Node  adoptNode  (Node  source  ) throws DOMException;        Attr  createAttribute  (String  name  ) throws DOMException;        Attr  createAttributeNS  (String  namespaceURI  , String  qualifiedName  )          throws DOMException;        CDATASection  createCDATASection  (String  data  ) throws DOMException;        Comment  createComment  (String  data  );        DocumentFragment  createDocumentFragment  ( );        Element  createElement  (String  tagName  ) throws DOMException;        Element  createElementNS  (String  namespaceURI  , String  qualifiedName  )          throws DOMException;        EntityReference  createEntityReference  (String  name  ) throws DOMException;        ProcessingInstruction  createProcessingInstruction  (String  target  ,          String  data  ) throws DOMException;        Text  createTextNode  (String  data  );        DocumentType  getDoctype  ( );        Element  getDocumentElement  ( );  5.0  String  getDocumentURI  ( );  5.0  DOMConfiguration  getDomConfig  ( );        Element  getElementById  (String  elementId  );        NodeList  getElementsByTagName  (String  tagname  );        NodeList  getElementsByTagNameNS  (String  namespaceURI  , String  localName  );        DOMImplementation  getImplementation  ( );  5.0  String  getInputEncoding  ( );  5.0  boolean  getStrictErrorChecking  ( );  5.0  String  getXmlEncoding  ( );  5.0  boolean  getXmlStandalone  ( );  5.0  String  getXmlVersion  ( );        Node  importNode  (Node  importedNode  , boolean  deep  ) throws DOMException;  5.0  void  normalizeDocument  ( );  5.0  Node  renameNode  (Node  n  , String  namespaceURI  , String  qualifiedName  )          throws DOMException;  5.0  void  setDocumentURI  (String  documentURI  );  5.0  void  setStrictErrorChecking  (boolean  strictErrorChecking  );  5.0  void  setXmlStandalone  (boolean  xmlStandalone  ) throws DOMException;  5.0  void  setXmlVersion  (String  xmlVersion  ) throws DOMException;   } 

Returned By

javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder.{newDocument( ) , parse( )} , DOMImplementation.createDocument( ) , Node.getOwnerDocument( )

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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