XML Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Tools
XML Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Tools
ISBN: 0596007116
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 156
Michael Fitzgerald
XML Hacks
Table of Contents
Why XML Hacks?
How This Book Is Organized
Conventions Used in This Book
Using Code Examples
How to Contact Us
Got a hack?
Chapter 1. Looking at XML Documents
Hacks 1-10
Hack 1 Read an XML Document
Hack 2 Display an XML Document in a Web Browser
Hack 3 Apply Style to an XML Document with CSS
Hack 4 Use Character and Entity References
Hack 5 Examine XML Documents in Text Editors
Hack 6 Explore XML Documents in Graphical Editors
Hack 7 Choose Tools for Creating an XML Vocabulary
Hack 8 Test XML Documents Online
Hack 9 Test XML Documents from the Command Line
Hack 10 Run Java Programs that Process XML
Chapter 2. Creating XML Documents
Hacks 11-30
Hack 11 Edit XML Documents with oXygen
Hack 12 Edit XML Documents with Emacs and nXML
Hack 13 Edit XML with Vim
Hack 14 Edit XML Documents with Microsoft Word 2003
Hack 15 Work with XML in Microsoft Excel 2003
Hack 16 Work with XML in Microsoft Access 2003
Hack 17 Convert Microsoft Office Files, Old or New, to XML
Hack 18 Create an XML Document from a Text File with xmlspy
Hack 19 Convert Text to XML with Uphill
Hack 20 Create Well-Formed XML with Minimal Manual Tagging Using an SGML Parser
Hack 21 Create an XML Document from a CSV File
Hack 22 Convert an HTML Document to XHTML with HTML Tidy
Hack 23 Transform Documents with XQuery
Hack 24 Execute an XQuery with Saxon
Hack 25 Include Text and Documents with Entities
Hack 26 Include External Documents with XInclude
Hack 27 Encode XML Documents
Hack 28 Explore XLink and XML
Hack 29 What s the Diff? Diff XML Documents
Hack 30 Look at XML Documents Through the Lens of the XML Information Set
Chapter 3. Transforming XML Documents
Hacks 31-58
Hack 31 Understand the Anatomy of an XSLT Stylesheet
Hack 32 Transform an XML Document with a Command-Line Processor
Hack 33 Transform an XML Document Within a Graphical Editor
Hack 34 Analyze Nodes with TreeViewer
Hack 35 Explore a Document Tree with the xmllint Shell
Hack 36 View Documents as Tables Using Generic CSS or XSLT
Hack 37 Generate an XSLT Identity Stylesheet with Relaxer
Hack 38 Pretty-Print XML Using a Generic Identity Stylesheet and Xalan
Hack 39 Create a Text File from an XML Document
Hack 40 Convert Attributes to Elements and Elements to Attributes
Hack 41 Convert XML to CSV
Hack 42 Create and Process SpreadsheetML
Hack 43 Choose Your Output Format in XSLT
Hack 44 Transform Your iTunes Library File
Hack 45 Generate Multiple Output Documents with XSLT 2.0
Hack 46 Generate XML from MySQL
Hack 47 Generate PDF Documents from XML and CSS
Hack 48 Process XML Documents with XSL-FO and FOP
Hack 49 Process HTML with XSLT Using TagSoup
Hack 50 Build Results with Literal Result and Instruction Elements
Hack 51 Write Push and Pull Stylesheets
Hack 52 Perform Math with XSLT
Hack 53 Transform XML Documents with grep and sed
Hack 54 Generate SVG with XSLT
Hack 55 Dither Scatterplots with XSLT and SVG
Hack 56 Use Lookup Tables with XSLT to Translate FIPS Codes
Hack 57 Grouping in XSLT 1.0 and 2.0
Hack 58 Use EXSLT Extensions
Chapter 4. XML Vocabularies
Hacks 59-67
Hack 59 Use XML Namespaces in an XML Vocabulary
Hack 60 Create an RDDL Document
Hack 61 Create and Validate an XHTML 1.0 Document
Hack 62 Create Books, Technical Manuals, and Papers in XML with DocBook
Hack 63 Create a SOAP 1.2 Document
Hack 64 Identify Yourself with FOAF
Hack 65 Unravel the OpenOffice File Format
Hack 66 Render Graphics with SVG
Hack 67 Use XForms in Your XML Documents
Chapter 5. Defining XML Vocabularies with Schema Languages
Hacks 68-79
Hack 68 Validate an XML Document with a DTD
Hack 69 Validate an XML Document with XML Schema
Hack 70 Validate Multiple Documents Against an XML Schema at Once
Hack 71 Check the Integrity of a W3C Schema
Hack 72 Validate an XML Document with RELAX NG
Hack 73 Create a DTD from an Instance
Hack 74 Create an XML Schema Document from an Instance or DTD
Hack 75 Create a RELAX NG Schema from an Instance
Hack 76 Convert a RELAX NG Schema to XML Schema
Hack 77 Use RELAX NG and Schematron Together to Validate Business Rules
Hack 78 Use RELAX NG to Generate DTD Customizations
Hack 79 Generate Instances Based on Schemas
Chapter 6. RSS and Atom
Hacks 80-90
Hack 80 Subscribe to RSS Feeds
Hack 81 Create an RSS 0.91 Document
Hack 82 Create an RSS 1.0 Document
Hack 83 Create an RSS 2.0 Document
Hack 84 Create an Atom Document
Hack 85 Validate RSS and Atom Documents
Hack 86 Create RSS with XML::RSS
Hack 87 Syndicate Content with Movable Type
Hack 88 Post RSS Headlines on Your Site
Hack 89 Create RSS 0.91 Feeds from Google
Hack 90 Syndicate a List of Books from Amazon with RSS and ASP
Chapter 7. Advanced XML Hacks
Hacks 91-100
Hack 91 Pipeline XML with Ant
Hack 92 Use Elements Instead of Entities to Avoid the
Hack 93 Use Cocoon to Create a Well-Formed View of a Web Page, Then Scrape It for Data
Hack 94 From Wiki to XML, Through SGML
Hack 95 Create Well-Formed XML with JavaScript
Hack 96 Inspect and Edit XML Documents with the Document Object Model
Hack 97 Processing XML with SAX
Hack 98 Process XML with C
Hack 99 Generate Code from XML
Hack 100 Create Well-Formed XML with Genx
XML Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips and Tools
ISBN: 0596007116
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 156
Michael Fitzgerald
Project Management JumpStart
Building the Foundation
Developing Project Management Skills
Defining the Project Goals
Executing the Project
Appendix B Sample Project Management Forms
Kanban Made Simple: Demystifying and Applying Toyotas Legendary Manufacturing Process
Introduction to Kanban
Developing a Kanban Design
Initial Startup and Common Pitfalls
Appendix B Kanban Supermarkets
SQL Hacks
Hack 24. Multiply Across a Result Set
Hack 31. Disaggregate a COUNT
Hack 36. Calculate the Distance Between GPS Locations
Hack 40. Calculate Rank
Storing Small Amounts of Data
Introducing Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX (Pro - Developer)
The AJAX Revolution
The Pulsing Heart of ASP.NET AJAX
Partial Page Rendering
The AJAX Control Toolkit
Building AJAX Applications with ASP.NET
Mastering Delphi 7
Libraries and Packages
Delphis Database Architecture
Writing Database Components
Reporting with Rave
Internet Programming: Sockets and Indy
Junos Cookbook (Cookbooks (OReilly))
Saving Logging Messages to the Other Routing Engine
Configuring an Interface Description
Making Sure a Routing Policy Is Functioning Properly
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