DVD Creation Overview


Prepare in iMovie. Create iDVD Chapter Markers in iMovie to access individual chapters within the movie when you play the DVD.


Create iDVD Project. The easiest way to move from iMovie to iDVD is to use the Create iDVD Project command. iMovie prepares the data, launches iDVD, and saves a new iDVD project containing your movie.


Edit the DVD Theme. Each DVD menu has a visual theme that not only makes it attractive, but provides links and folders to your movie and other content. Choose one of iDVD's existing themes and then customize its appearance.


Add Other Content. Your DVD can include just your movie, but if there's enough room on the disc, you can add QuickTime movies, photo slideshows, and other data.


Burn the DVD Disc. Time to etch your project into a disc's surface. Choose the type of encoding, double-check that everything is set, and then burn the disc in a SuperDrive.

Making a Movie in imovie HD and iDVD 5. Visual QuickProject Guide
Making a Movie in iMovie HD and iDVD 5: Visual QuickProject Guide
ISBN: 0321330188
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 124
Authors: Jeff Carlson

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