
 < Day Day Up > 


cable modems, 522–23

Calc, 219–40

basics, 221–35

configuring, 238–40

drop-down menus in, 228–35

example spreadsheet using, 235–38

functions, 226–28

inserting charts in, 230–33

performing basic calculations in, 223–29

vs. Excel, 220–21, 228–29

cal command, 470–73


performing basic, 223–29

standard deviation function (STDEV), 226–27

summation, 225

Calculation toolbar (Calc), 222

calculators, 116–19, 474–75

Calendar (Evolution), 323

calendars, 470–73

cameras, digital, 349–51

case statements, 481–83

cat command, 407, 410, 411

cd command, 56–57, 58, 406, 431–32

CD/DVD ROM icon, 68

C drive, 32

See also hard drive

CD-ROM drive, 520–21

CD writer software, 345–47

cells, 223

central processing unit (CPU), 517–19


creating, in Impress, 252–53

inserting, 201–3, 206–7, 230–33

chat software, 331–32

clear command, 56, 58, 405

Clone tool (GIMP), 304

cmp command, 406, 407–8

color, 193, 266, 301–2

command-line interface, 39, 49–52

See also shells

command prompt, 53


case sensitivity of, 53

DOS, 54–56, 58

shell. See shell commands

vi, 477

Composer, 314

configuration utilities, 161–65

Configure Panel, 342–45


Ethernet, 84–85, 89–93

Internet, 82–93

modem, 85–88, 522–23

wireless, 88

Control Center, 67, 156–58

cookies, 318

copying, files, 55–56, 58

cp command, 55, 58, 406

CPU (central processing unit), 517, 518–19

crond, 162

Crop tool (GIMP), 299–300

C shell, 50

 < Day Day Up > 

Moving From Windows to Linux
Moving From Windows To Linux (Charles River Media Networking/Security)
ISBN: 1584502800
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 247
Authors: Chuck Easttom © 2008-2017.
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