IPv6 Packet Format


The IPv6 packet format includes a large, hierarchical IPv6 address and headers that enable routers to efficiently process the packet. The address is large enough to allow for considerable Internet growth and to provide many layers of hierarchy.

Some IPv4 header fields have been removed. Removal of the Options field and the requirement that all routers process the options has made the packet processing more efficient. The network options are still available; in most cases, however, the options need to be processed only by the destination node. IPv6 moves the options processing to extension headers that are processed only by the nodes that need the information.

The IPv6 address types, uses, and structure, as well as the IPv6 header, are discussed in detail in this section.

The IPv6 Address

When IP was first developed in the 1970s, the Internet world was very different. The Internet was used for research and education. An address space of 32 bits must have seemed like more than would ever be needed, at least for the lifetime of IP. The success of the Internet has been so great that IP is embedded into the operation of many businesses and homes . IP networks are integral parts of the day-to-day operations of many very successful organizations. As the organizations grow and the number of sites that want to connect to the Internet grows, the concern for a more scalable solution will grow. So many devices use (or will use in the near future) IP addresses to access internetworks that even the methods developed to prolong the depletion of IP addresses, such as NAT and CIDR, soon will not be enough. Cell phones, PDAs, e-mail appliances, home lighting systems, cars , and utility meters will all have IP addresses. The very success of IP is straining many aspects of its original design.

IPv6 addresses issues that are causing the strain. It increases the address size and defines more address hierarchy. It also defines rules governing allocation of the addresses to maintain the hierarchical aggregation capability.

Address Size

What is the appropriate size for an address that is so widely used? Should the address size be fixed or variable? Too small of an address limits scalability. Too large of an address creates too large of a header, making it difficult for routers (and people) to manage.

Variable-length addresses increase software complexity and can slow down packet processing. One proposal for the next generation of IP (IPng) suggested using network service access point (NSAP) addresses, which could vary between 1 and 20 octets in length. Another proposal suggested 64 bits of address space. Although 64 bits seemed like enough space to address IP nodes, more bits were added to account for the extra complexity that would result from the increase in the complexity of the Internet as its size increased. To allow future growth and address allocation hierarchy, 128 bits was chosen .

340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 nodes can be theoretically addressed with 128 bits. If the total human population of the world is 10 billion, that's roughly 3.4 * 10 27 addresses per person. Even tomorrow's on-the-go , highly connected telecommuter, with an Internet cell phone, an IP watch, a home network with routable appliances and utility meters, and a networked car won't use that many addresses.

Text Representation of Addresses

The IPv6 address is 128 bits long, written as eight 16-bit pieces, separated by colons. Each piece is represented by four hexadecimal digits. Two addresses are shown here:

  • FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210

  • 1080:0000:0000:0000:0008:0800:200C:417A

These addresses are large, capable of addressing lots of nodes and providing hierarchical flexibility, but they are not very easy to write down, let alone remember. There are ways to compress the addresses to make them a bit easier for a mere human to manipulate.

An address is very likely to have many zeros. In any 16-bit field, you can remove the leading zeros, but at least one digit must be present in every field, with one exception. Address 1 in the preceding example does not have any leading zeros in any field and cannot compact. Address 2 can compact as follows :


You can compact multiple contiguous fields of zero even further. This is the exception to the rule that at least one digit must be present in every field. You can replace multiple fields of zeros with double colons (::). Table 8-1 shows some address compactions.

Table 8-1. Examples of Address Compaction Show That Multiple Contiguous Fields of Zeros Can Be Compacted to ::
Address Before Compaction Address After Compaction
1080:0000:0000:0000:0008:0800:200C:417A 1080::8:800:200C:417A
1080:0000:0000:3245:0000:0000:200C:417A 1080:0:0:3245::200C:417A
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 ::1
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 ::

Trailing or leading fields of zeros can be compacted. Note that :: can replace only one set of contiguous zero fields. Multiple ::s would make the address ambiguous. For example, the incorrectly written address 1080::3245::200c:417A does not provide sufficient information about the correct position in the address of the two octets Ox3245.

You can use another form of address in certain mixed IPv6 and IPv4 modes. This form combines the colon -separated hexadecimal fields of IPv6 with the dotted -decimal notation of IPv4, as follows:


X represents the hexadecimal digits of the IPv6 address and d.d.d.d notates the last 32 bits of the address in dotted-decimal notation. Table 8-2 shows some examples of this mixed-mode format.

Table 8-2. Text Representation of Addresses in a Mixed IPv6 and IPv4 Environment
Expanded Format Compressed Format
0:0:0:0:0:0: ::
0:0:0:0:0:0: ::

The mixed IPv6/IPv4 address representation provides a method for IPv6 and IPv4 nodes to coexist on the same network. The section "Transition from IPv4 to IPv6" later in this chapter discusses the transition and coexistence methods.

Text Representation of Address Prefixes

IPv6 address prefix representation is similar to IPv4 CIDR notation. IPv6 prefix notation is as follows:

IPv6-address / prefix-length


IPv6-address is any valid address.

prefix-length is the number of contiguous bits that comprise the prefix.

The following prefixes are legal textual representations for the 56-bit prefix 200F00000000AB:



Note that as with IPv6 host addresses, the double colon is used only once in each representation.

The following are not valid representations of the 56-bit prefix 200F00000000AB:




The first notation is not valid because a trailing zero was dropped within one of the 16-bit fields, and the address is not a valid length. The IPv6 address on the left of the forward slash (/) must be a valid full-length or compacted IPv6 address. The second and third notations are valid compacted IPv6 addresses, but they do not expand to the correct address. Instead of 200F:0000:0000:AB00:0000:0000:0000:0000, they expand to 200F:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:AB00 and 200F:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:00AB, respectively.

Address Type Allocation

Before CIDR, the high-order bits in an IPv4 address defined its type ”Class A, B, C, D, or E. The type identified a fixed-length network portion and a host portion that the owner of the address was free to use as he pleased. This was the only defined structure in an IPv4 address. IPv6 addresses have more structure defined. The structure is discussed fully in the later section "Address Structure." The high-order bits define IPv6 address types. The variable-length field comprising these bits is called the format prefix (FP). Table 8-3 shows the initial allocation of these prefixes.

Table 8-3. IPv6 Prefix Allocation
Allocation Prefix (Binary) Fraction of Address Space
Reserved 0000 0000 1/256
Unassigned 0000 0001 1/256
Reserved for NSAP allocation 0000 001 1/128
Reserved for IPX allocation 0000 010 1/128
Unassigned 0000 011 1/128
Unassigned 0000 1 1/32
Unassigned 0001 1/16
Aggregatable global unicast addresses 001 1/8
Unassigned 010 1/8
Unassigned 011 1/8
Unassigned 100 1/8
Unassigned 101 1/8
Unassigned 110 1/8
Unassigned 1110 1/16
Unassigned 1111 0 1/32
Unassigned 1111 10 1/64
Unassigned 1111 110 1/128
Unassigned 1111 1110 0 1/512
Link-local unicast addresses 1111 1110 10 1/1024
Site-local unicast addresses 1111 1110 11 1/1024
Multicast addresses 1111 1111 1/256

Address space is allocated for aggregatable globally routable addresses, local-use addresses, and multicast addresses. Only about 15 percent of the address space is currently allocated.

Some space is reserved. Space is reserved for future implementations of NSAP and IPX routing. A portion of the reserved space, particularly 0x00, is used for special addresses, such as the loopback and unspecified addresses, which are discussed in the next section.

Much of the space is initially unassigned. It can be utilized in the future for expansion of existing use or for new uses.

Aggregatable global unicast addresses are analogous to globally routable IPv4 IP addresses. They are assigned in blocks to Internet providers and exchanges, who then assign portions of the addresses to businesses and end users. This type of address defines multiple levels of hierarchy and aggregation. This is the largest assigned address space, and it still utilizes only 1/8 of the available addresses.

From Table 8-3, you can see that multicast addresses begin with 0xFF. An address beginning with anything else is a unicast address. Table 8-4 is a quick reference for identifying a type of IP address.

Table 8-4. Digits that Define the Address Type
Defining First Digits Address Type
00 Unspecified, loopback, IPv4-compatible


Aggregatable global unicast
FE8 Link-local
FEC Site-local
FF Multicast

Address Structure

IPv6 address structure is used for assignment and allocation. Packet forwarding is based on the longest matched prefix, as it is in IPv4. A unicast address may be either an aggregatable global address, a link-local, a site-local, or a special format address. An IPv6 interface may be assigned multiple addresses ”unicast, anycast, or multicast. The following sections discuss individual address structure types.

Aggregatable Global Address Format

The aggregatable global addresses will be used to connect to the public Internet and for any other purpose that requires global uniqueness and routability. The address structure supports today's provider-based aggregation and a new type, exchange-based aggregation. Exchange-based aggregation allocates address space to exchanges that then subdivide the space and allocate it to their customers. An exchange is another name for a NAP, as discussed in Chapter 2. It is a Layer 2 switch that interconnects ISPs and top-level service providers. A route arbitrator might be used on an exchange to collect routing information and provide a peering point between service providers. Experience with exchange-based aggregation is yet to be accomplished. Through these aggregation points, the defined format of the aggregatable global address enables the hierarchy required to scale the Internet. The hierarchy is discussed further in the next section.


Aggregatable addresses are organized into three levels of hierarchy: public, site, and interface. The public topology comprises service providers that offer public Internet transit services, and exchanges. The very top level of the public topology makes up what is called the default-free zone ”the Internet routers with no default route entry in their routing tables. These sites know explicitly how to reach all other network prefixes. Site topology is local to a site or organization that does not offer public transit services, although some smaller-scale private transit services may be offered . The interface topology identifies interfaces on the network. Figure 8-2 illustrates the Internet hierarchy of aggregatable addresses.

Figure 8-2. Internet Hierarchy


ISP1, ISP2, ISP3, and ISP4 represent the public space. They are interconnected directly and via exchanges. Smaller ISPs ”P1 and P2 ”and end- user sites, shown as S1 through S5, make up the site space.

The defined format of the address, detailed in the next section, reflects this hierarchy.


Figure 8-3 displays the aggregatable global unicast address format.

Figure 8-3. The Format of Aggregatable Global Unicast Addresses


The fields that make up the public level are the FP, TLA, RES, and NLA. SLA is the site level, and interface ID is the interface level. The network portion of the address makes up the first 64 bits. The node portion is the last 64 bits.

The fields of the address are defined as follows:

  • FP is the format prefix (001).

  • TLA ID is the top-level aggregation identifier.

  • RES is reserved for future use.

  • NLA ID is the next-level aggregation identifier.

  • SLA ID is the site-level aggregation identifier

  • Interface ID is the interface identifier

The format prefix is binary 001, identifying the aggregatable global unicast address. Figure 8-3 shows that the FP, TLA ID, RES, and NLA ID fields comprise the public topology. SLA ID makes up the site topology, and Interface ID is the interface identifier. Both the public topology and the site topology can be subdivided to create even more levels of hierarchy. The FP, TLA, NLA, and SLA make up the network portion of the address. The interface ID is the node portion. The following sections discuss each of the fields illustrated in Figure 8-3.

Top-Level Aggregation Identifier

The top-level aggregation identifiers (TLA ID) are the top levels in the routing hierarchy. Routers in the default-free zone must have a routing entry for every TLA ID and will probably have routing entries depicting their own topology as well. The TLA ID field is 13 bits. If more TLAs are needed, another FP can be assigned, or the TLA field can expand to the right into the reserved field.

Just as a range of addresses is given by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) to the various regional IP registries, ranges of IPv6 TLA IDs are given to the regional IP registries around the globe. The regional IP registries in turn assign TLA IDs to large ISPs. Particularly, the large ISPs that receive TLA IDs are transit providers and exchanges.

IANA has initially allocated the TLA 0x0001. It is subdivided to provide blocks of sub-TLAs to each of the RIRs. The RIRs allocate sub-TLAs from their assigned blocks to organizations that will provide IPv6 services ”TLA registries. TLA 0x0001 has 13 bits of sub-TLA, followed by 6 sub-TLA reserved bits, 13 NLA bits, 16 SLA bits, and 64 Interface ID bits. Each sub-TLA initially has up to 13 bits of NLA ID to allocate to the NLA registries. When an organization has completely allocated its NLA space, it may request more addresses. An entire sub-TLA is reserved for an organization, but only one sub-TLA is allocated at any time. If an organization needs more, it needs to justify this with engineering documentation or deployment plans. The 6 reserved bits can be used to allocate more addresses within a sub-TLA.

For example, ARIN has been allocated 2001:0400::/23. ARIN can allocate 2001:0400::/29 through 2001:05FF::/29 sub-TLAs. To encourage a slow-start addressing approach, however, the RIRs allocate addresses with a 35-bit prefix, such as 2001:0408::/35. The sub-TLA is actually 29 bits with 6 bits of reserved NLA space. VBNS has been allocated 2001:0408::/35. VBNS has 13 bits of NLA space to allocate to its customers. It can allocate the space however it chooses. It may allocate 2001:0408:0010::/40 to a smaller ISP customer. The ISP then has 2001:0408:0010::/48 through 2001:0408:001F::/48 to allocate to its customers.


The reserved field (RES) is not currently used, except in the case of TLA 0x0001, as described in the preceding section. All bits are set to zero. Future use could include growth of the TLA ID and NLA ID.

Next-Level Aggregation Identifier

An organization allocated a TLA ID creates address hierarchy and identifies sites using the NLA ID. Organizations that receive address allocation from the NLA space are called NLA registries. This is similar to a CIDR block of IPv4 address space given to a top-level ISP, which then gives blocks of address space with longer prefixes to its customer.

An organization given a TLA has 24 bits, and an organization given a sub-TLA has 13 bits of NLA to use in allocating address space to its own customers. Its customers may be ISPs (NLA registries) or end-user subscribers. The TLA registry may use the high-order NLA bits to create hierarchy and may assign the lower-order bits to the NLA registries. NLA registries will be allocated enough address space to provide their own customers addresses. The minimum size of address space that an NLA registry can assign is a prefix of 48 bits (/48), giving the customer at least 16 bits of SLA to use in its own subnetting scheme. A site can request more than /48 addresses; however, the customer must prove the need with current deployment statistics and engineering documents or deployment plans.

Site-Level Aggregation Identifier

A site is free to create as many levels of hierarchy within the SLA-ID as is appropriate. It could have a flat numbering scheme with no further subdivision, or it could further divide the SLA ID into subnets, creating a hierarchy of SLA ID addresses.

Interface Identifier

The interface identifier is used to identify interfaces on a specific link. It is unique to the link. All addresses with high-order bits between 001 and 111, excluding multicast, must have interface IDs in EUI-64 format. Currently, only the special-format addresses, NSAP-allocated address space, and IPX allocated address space do not fall into this range.

The EUI-64 format can be derived from the interface MAC address, if one exists. An FFFE is inserted between the company ID and the node ID, and the universal/local bit is set to 1 to indicate global value (see Figure 8-4).

Figure 8-4. MAC-to-EUI-64 Conversion


MAC address 0000:0C0A:2C51 is converted into EUI-64 address 0200:0CFF:FE0A:2C51 by inserting FFFE after the company identifier in the MAC and then setting the universal/local bit.[1]

Special-Format Addresses

Some addresses use a special format. The addresses are allocated from the reserved FP 0x00. The unspecified address, the loopback address, and the embedded IPv4 address are all examples of special-format addresses.


The unspecified address is made up of all zeros, 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0. It must never be assigned to any node. It actually represents the absence of an address. One use for the unspecified address is in the source address field of an initializing host, before it has been assigned a valid address. The unspecified address must never be used as a destination address in IPv6 packets or IPv6 routing headers.


The loopback address is 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1. This address is analogous to the IPv4 loopback address A node uses this address to send IP packets to itself. It can never be assigned to any physical interface. Traffic destined to the loopback address must never leave the sending node.

IPv6 with Embedded IPv4 Addresses

One transition mechanism used when migrating from IPv4 to IPv6 is the use of automatic tunnels. IPv6 packets are automatically encapsulated into IPv4 packets for transfer over the IPv4 network. This mechanism requires special-format IPv6 unicast addresses. Nodes that use this technique are dual-stack nodes running both IPv4 and IPv6. The IPv6/IPv4 node that supports automatic tunneling must be assigned an IPv6 address, with the IPv4 address embedded in the low-order 32 bits. All other bits are zero. Addresses of this type are termed IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses and have the following format:


d.d.d.d is an IPv4 dotted-decimal address. IPv4-compatible addresses and automatic tunnels are discussed further in the section "Transition from IPv4 to IPv6."

Local-Use Addresses

Two types of addresses have local significance. A link-local address is meaningful only to nodes on a single link. A site-local address is meaningful only to nodes within a site. The addresses are not globally unique. They are unique only within their respective scope.

The Link-Local Address

A link-local address is used for nodes on a single link. Autoconfiguration, neighbor discovery, nodes on a routerless link, and even routing protocols use link-local addresses. Routers must not forward packets with either source or destination link-local addresses beyond the link. Therefore, any protocol that requires sending a packet to devices on a single link and that wants to ensure that the packets do not get routed beyond the local link can use a link-local address in the IP header. A link-local address is defined by the FP 1111111010, followed by 54 zeros and the interface ID. The address contains no TLA, NLA, or SLA information. There is no hierarchical information at all. Figure 8-5 illustrates the format of the link-local address.

Figure 8-5. Link-Local Address Format


Every node assigns every active IPv6 interface a link-local address. They can be configured automatically, with autoconfiguration, or they can be manually configured.

The following are some examples of link-local addresses:




The Site-Local Address

A site is an organization or part of an organization. It could be a certain topological location, or it could be multiple topological locations interconnected in some way. A network configured with a site-local address is not reachable from locations outside the site. The site's edge routers must be able to keep site-local traffic within the site and are responsible for controlling the route propagation. In addition to the site-local FP and Interface ID, site-local addresses have a subnet identification field. Note, however, that no TLA or NLA IDs exist. These addresses are designed to be used within a site only; no global prefix is required. Use of these addresses is identical to the private IPv4 addresses. The addresses are not globally unique. It is recommended that you use site-local addresses, not global aggregatable addresses, on router interfaces.

The site-local address is defined by FP 1111111011 and is followed by 38 zeros, a 16-bit subnet field, and the 64-bit Interface ID, as illustrated in Figure 8-6.

Figure 8-6. Site-Local Address Format


The subnet field can be utilized to create multiple networks within the site and to create a local hierarchy. The hierarchy can be used to aggregate addresses within the site. Site-local addresses must not be propagated beyond the site boundaries.

The following are some examples of site-local addresses:



Anycast Addresses

Anycast routing is a mechanism for addressing multiple interfaces, usually on different nodes, with the same IP address. Traffic destined to the address gets routed to the nearest node. The anycast functionality is discussed later, in the section "The Anycast Process." The anycast address has the same format as a unicast address. No special FP defines an anycast address.

Anycast addresses are assigned from the unicast address space. In fact, the addresses are taken from the Interface ID field. The Subnet-Router anycast address is predefined, and all router interfaces connected to a link must be assigned this address. It is a unicast address with an all-zero interface identifier. Figure 8-7 illustrates the Subnet-Router anycast address.

Figure 8-7. Subnet-Router Anycast Address


An example of a Subnet-Router anycast address is FEC0:0:0:A:: on a router interface assigned with the unicast address FEC0:0:0:A:200:CFF:FE0A:2C51.

The highest 128 interface IDs are reserved for assigned subnet anycast addresses. A reserved subnet anycast address is an anycast address that is available on every IPv6 subnet, regardless of the type or format of the prefix. Figure 8-8 illustrates the construction of reserved anycast addresses.

Figure 8-8. Anycast Address Construction


Figure 8-8 shows that the reserved anycast address space is taken completely from the Interface ID field. A reserved anycast address is reserved for every subnet. The top 128 interface IDs are reserved for anycast address allocation.The last 7 bits of the address identify the specific anycast address.

At the time of this writing, the only specified anycast address is the mobile IPv6 home- agents . It has an anycast identifier of binary 1111110. That is, on every IPv6 subnet, the address associated with the EUI-64 interface ID FDFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFE is reserved for the mobile IPv6 home-agent anycast address. The mobile IPv6 home-agent on prefix FEC0:0:0:A::/64 uses the anycast address FEC0:0:0:A:FDFF:FFFF:FFFF:FFFE.

All the remaining anycast IDs, hexadecimal values 0-7D and 7F, are reserved for future use.

Because anycast addresses are syntactically indistinguishable from unicast addresses, an interface must be explicitly configured to recognize that its address is an anycast address.

Multicast Addresses

Multicast addresses identify groups of interfaces, each of which can contain multiple multicast addresses. Multicast addresses are distinguishable from unicast addresses because they always begin with 0xFF. There is no such thing as broadcasting at the network layer in IPv6. Broadcasting induced a lot of extra overhead on nodes that were not necessarily interested in the broadcast packet. All IP interfaces that received a broadcast packet had to process the packet to see whether it might be the intended recipient. Very often, the node was not the intended recipient. Every IPv6 interface knows the multicast groups to which it belongs. A multicast packet is processed only by those interfaces that belong to the multicast group . IPv6 uses multicasting rather than broadcasting.

IPv6 multicast addresses may be either assigned by an official addressing authority (well-known addresses) or transient ”that is, locally assigned for nonglobal use. The initial assignment of IPv6 multicast addresses was based on assigned IPv4 multicast addresses. All relevant IPv4 multicast addresses are converted to IPv6 multicast addresses. You can find a complete list of the currently assigned IPv6 multicast addresses in RFC 2375. Table 8-6, shown in a moment, lists some examples.

IPv6 multicast addresses are also scoped. The addresses have a field that identifies the scope as either local to the node, local to the link, local to the site, local to the organization, or global. Transient addresses defined within a particular scope are meaningful only to nodes within that scope. The same address may be defined in a different scope, or a different network, and have a completely different meaning.

Figure 8-9 illustrates the format of a multicast address.

Figure 8-9. Multicast Address Format


The leading octet, 11111111, identifies this address as multicast.

flgs is a set of 4 bits. The leading 3 bits are reserved and must be set to 0. The last bit indicates whether the multicast address is an address permanently assigned by the global Internet numbering authority or whether it is not permanently assigned, known as "transient." A value of 0 in the fourth bit indicates that the multicast address is "well- known." The global Internet numbering authority assigned it.

scop is a 4-bit value used to limit the scope of the multicast address. Table 8-5 lists the values.

Table 8-5. Multicast Address Scope Values
Value Description
1 Node local scope
2 Link local scope
5 Site local scope
8 Organization local scope
e Global scope
f Reserved

Any of the scope values may exist with either well-known or transient addresses. Transient addresses within a given scope are valid only for that scope. They are meaningless under any other scope.

Group ID identifies the multicast group, either well-known or transient, within the given scope.

Table 8-6 lists some common multicast groups, along with their assigned addresses and scopes.

Table 8-6. Some IPv6 Well-Known Multicast Addresses
IPv6 Well-Known Multicast Address IPv4 Well-Known Multicast Address Multicast Group
Node-Local Scope
FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 All-nodes address
FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:2 All-routers address
Link-Local Scope
FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 All-nodes address
FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:2 All-routers address
FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:5 OSPFIGP
FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:6 OSPFIGP-designated routers
FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:9 RIP routers
FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:D All PIM routers
Site-Local Scope
FF05:0:0:0:0:0:0:2 All-routers address
Any Valid Scope
FF0X:0:0:0:0:0:0:101 Network Time Protocol (NTP)
FF0X:0:0:0:0:0:0:127 cisco-rp-announce
FF0X:0:0:0:0:0:0:128 cisco-rp-discovery

Upon interface initialization and when multicast protocols and applications are initialized , nodes join the required multicast groups. Nodes join the all-nodes multicast addresses of FF01::1 and FF02::1. The address' formats indicate that the multicast addresses are well- known and have node-local and link-local scope, respectively. Routers join the all-routers multicast address of FF01::2, FF02::2, and FF05::2. These are well-known addresses with node-local, link-local, and site-local scope, respectively.

You can see from Table 8-6 that a multicast group capable of operating within multiple scopes has multiple IPv6 addresses. This is not the case with the well-known IPv4 addresses. These are not scoped. Two methods of multicast scoping with IPv4 were discussed in Chapter 5, "Introduction to IP Multicast Routing." TTL scoping requires the network administrator to set TTL thresholds on multicast boundaries. If the TTL value in a multicast packet is lower than the defined threshold when the packet reaches the boundary, the packet is discarded. One drawback to this approach is its inflexibility ”an interface's TTL threshold applies to all multicast packets exiting the interface. Another drawback is that in a large network, it is difficult to predict what the correct TTL threshold value should be. The other type of scoping for IPv4, administrative scoping, defines a range of private-use multicast addresses that can be used to define scope within an enterprise. The reserved range is “ Suggested scoping ranges are for local or site scope and for organizationwide scope. These are just suggested ranges. Enterprises are free to use the addresses as they see fit. Administrative scoping might work fine within an organization, but it cannot work globally. The addresses are for private use only.

Multicast scoping is built into all IPv6 multicast addresses. Currently, five levels of scope are defined. Link-local scope is achieved in IPv4 with TTL scoping by setting the TTL value in all link-local multicast packets to 1. The rest of the IPv6 scopes create the potential for various levels of multicast containment. Multicast applications using IPv6 can be contained within a link, site, or organization. There are reserved addresses for future scopes. Scoped, well-known multicast addresses enable multicast containment while at the same time ensuring that the same address is not used for two different multicast groups. There is no danger of two companies using the same address for two different applications and then conflicting when the two companies later decide to merge.

A particular type of multicast address is the "solicited-node" address. Solicited-node multicast addresses are used by various IPv6 functions to communicate withIPv6 nodes. The functions' use of the address is discussed in the section "IPv6 Functionality." Solicited-node multicast addresses are created and assigned for every unicast and anycast address assigned to an interface, other than the link-local address. The solicited-node multicast address is created using the last 24 bits of the interface ID and appending it to the prefix FF02:0:0:0:0:1:FF00::/104. Figure 8-10 illustrates how a solicited-node multicast address is formed .

Figure 8-10. Solicited-Node Multicast Address Formation


An interface with the MAC address 0000.0C0A.2C51 forms EUI-64 interface ID ::200:CFF:FE0A:2C51, which then creates link-local address FE80::200:CFF:FE0A:2C51. The site-local prefix FEC0::/64 on subnet 0 creates site-local address FEC0::200:CFF: FE0A:2C51. A solicited-node multicast address is formed because the interface now has a site-local address. The solicited-node address takes the last 24 bits of the interface ID, 0A:2C51, and appends it to the solicited-node prefix, forming FF02::1:FF0A:2C51.

Each interface may have multiple prefixes and multiple IPv6 addresses associated with it. The interface ID is likely the same for all addresses. Creating the solicited-node multicast address out of the final 24 bits of the interface ID minimizes the number of multicast addresses that the node must join.

Required Addresses for Nodes

Nodes are required to recognize multiple addresses as identifying themselves . IPv6 mechanisms require nodes to maintain these addresses in order to work correctly. The use of each address is discussed further with the particular IPv6 function.

A host is required to recognize the following addresses:

  • The link-local address for each interface

  • All assigned unicast addresses

  • The loopback address

  • All-nodes multicast addresses

  • The solicited-node multicast address for each of its assigned unicast and anycast addresses

  • The multicast addresses of all other groups to which the host belongs

In addition to all these addresses, a router also is required to recognize the following:

  • The subnet-router anycast address for each of its routing interfaces

  • All other anycast addresses configured on the router

  • The all-routers multicast address

  • Multicast addresses of all other groups to which the router belongs

Table 8-7 summarizes the address types.

Table 8-7. Address Types and Examples
Defining First Digits Example Address Type
00 ::1






2001:0608:1000:: Aggregatable global unicast
FE8 FE80::200:CFF:FE0A:2C51 Link-local
FEC FEC0::200:CFF:FE0A:2C51 Site-local
FF FF02::2 Multicast
FF02:0:0:0:0:1:FF00:: FF02:0:0:0:0:1:FF0A:2c51 Solicited-node

IPv6 Header

One of the design goals of IPv6 is to improve on the IPv4 header. It is simpler, more flexible, and more efficient when using options. Some of the IPv4 fields were removed; others were renamed . The address is four times as long, but the header is only twice as large. Option encoding changed to make processing more efficient and to offer greater flexibility in the size and addition of options.

Header Format

The header is simple. It has eight fields, including the Source and Destination fields. Figure 8-11 shows the header.

Figure 8-11. IPv6 Header Format


The fields in the IPv6 header format are defined as follows:

  • Version indicates the IP version (in this case, 6).

  • Payload Length is the length of the IP packet, excluding this header, in octets. Extension headers, discussed in the next section, are considered part of the payload and are therefore included in this length.

  • Next Header is the value identifying the header immediately following the IPv6 header. The next header is either an upper-layer header (such as ICMP, TCP, or UDP) or it is an IPv6 extension header, as discussed in the next section.

  • Hop Limit is decremented by each node the packet traverses. The packet is discarded if the hop limit reaches zero. Some IPv6 functions, such as Router Advertisements, Neighbor Advertisements and Solicitations, and IPv6 Redirects, are used only between devices on a single link. A technique used by IPv6 processes to validate that a packet was not sent by an off-link node (perhaps as an attempt to maliciously redirect traffic) is to require the hop limit to be set to 255, which is the maximum value for the hop limit. If the packet had traversed a router and was thus sent by an off-link node, the hop limit of the received packet would be something less than 255. An IPv6 node receiving this packet considers it invalid and drops it.

  • Source Address/Destination Address are 128-bit fields for the IPv6 source and destination addresses.

The Traffic Class and Flow Label fields are discussed later in this chapter, in the section "Quality of Service."

Figure 8-12 shows the IPv4 header for comparison. Only the fields that require processing by every IP node in the path remain in the IPv6 header. The rest of the fields contain information that may or may not be relevant to any given IP packet. This information has been moved to extension headers in IPv6.

Figure 8-12. IPv4 Header Format


Extension Headers

Optional network layer information is not included in the IPv6 header. It is included in separate headers that are encoded and placed between the IPv6 and the upper-layer header. The extension headers are not processed by every node along the packet's delivery path, with one exception. They are examined only by the node (or nodes in the case of multicast destinations) identified in the Destination Address field of the IP header. This improves the efficiency of options processing by not requiring every IP router to process information that is perhaps intended only for the destination node. The exception is the hop-by-hop option. The hop-by-hop option contains information that is intended for every router along the delivery path.

Extension Header Order

A node determines whether it must examine and process an extension header by looking at information that is contained in the preceding header. Therefore, extension headers must be processed in the order that they appear in the packet. If they all exist in a packet, they should be in the order shown in Table 8-8. The table shows the next-header value that identifies this header. The headers should be in the order shown in Table 8-8, but they might not be, except for the hop-by-hop header, which must always immediately follow the IPv6 header, if it exists at all. Nodes are required to process the headers, regardless of the order received.

Table 8-8. Headers and Next-Header Value
Header Previous Header's Next-Header Value
Hop-by-Hop Options
Destination Options 60
Routing 43
Fragment 44
Authentication 51
Encapsulating Security Payload 50
Destination Options 60
OSPF for IPv6 89

The Destination Options header appears twice in Table 8-8. Its meaning differs in each location. When it occurs before a routing header, the header is to be examined by the first destination that appears in the Destination field of the IPv6 header, plus by all the subsequent addresses listed in the routing header. When the Destination Options header appears without a routing header, or after the routing header, the options are to be processed only by the final destination of the packet. Figure 8-13 illustrateshow the extension headers are used.

Figure 8-13. The Use of Extension Headers


In each header, the next-header value identifies the following header. After reading the IPv6 header, if the processing node is not the final destination, and the next header is not the hop-by-hop header, the packet is forwarded. If the node is the destination, it processes each header in the order received.


Two of the currently defined extension headers ”Hop-by-Hop and Destination ”are composed of a variable number of type-length-value (TLV) options. Options include a flag that indicates whether the data may change in transit. This has significance to the Authentication header. If the data may change, the Authentication header must treat the field as all zeros when computing the authentication information. Currently, only two options are defined ”Pad1 and PadN. Both are used to pad the header so that the length is a multiple of eight octets, or to align subsequent options. Pad1 inserts one octet of padding into the Options area of a header. PadN inserts two or more octets.

Hop-by-Hop Options Header

Information included in the Hop-by-Hop Options header must be examined by every router along the delivery path to the destination. The Hop-By-Hop Options header must be immediately follow the IPv6 header. This enables the routers along the path to examine the header without the need to process any other extension header.

Routing Header

Addresses listed in the Routing header identify nodes that must be visited en route to the destination. The IPv6 header contains the first node to be visited, and the Routing header contains the list of remaining nodes, including the final destination.

The Routing header contains Next-Header, Length, Type, Segments Left, and Address fields. The Type field has one defined value, type 0. The Segments Left field contains the number of explicitly listed nodes yet to be visited before reaching the destination.

The Routing header is processed by the node identified in the Destination Address field of the IP header. This node examines the Routing header. If there are nodes listed that have yet to be visited, the processing node identifies the next node to visit by comparing the total number of route header nodes to the number of segments left. The next node address is placed in the IP Destination Address field, the Segments Left value is decremented, and the packet is forwarded.

Fragment Header

A source node desiring to send a packet larger than what will fit in the path MTU to the destination uses the Fragment header. The source node is responsible for fragmenting the packet if any link MTU along the path is smaller than the packet. Routers do not fragment IPv6 packets. The source node fragments the packet and sends the fragments in multiple packets, to be reassembled by the destination. The source node can use a process called MTU path discovery to determine the minimum MTU along the path to the destination node. After it has learned the minimum MTU, the source knows the maximum size packet that can traverse the path. If the source is not running the MTU path discovery process, it assumes the maximum MTU it can use is the IPv6 minimum MTU of 1280 bytes. This process is covered in detail in the section "MTU Path Discovery." All the fragments of an individual packet are marked with an Identification value that is generated by the source node.

Destination Options Header

The Destination Options header contains options that must be examined by the destination(s) of an IPv6 packet. When the Destination Options header immediately precedes the Routing header, the option is processed by each node in the Routing header. When the Destination Options header immediately precedes the Upper-Layer Protocol header, it is processed by the final destination.


An Authentication header (AH) has been added to IPv6. Its intent is to provide integrity and authentication for IP packets. All fields in the IP packet that do not change in transit to the destination are used to calculate the authentication information. Fields or options that do change, such as the hop limit, are considered to be zero when calculating the authentication information.

Encapsulating Security Payload

Integrity and confidentiality are provided by the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP). You can use the Authentication header in conjunction with ESP to provide authentication. ESP encrypts the data to be protected and places the encrypted data into the Data portion of the ESP header. There are two encryption modes ”Tunnel mode and Transport mode. In Tunnel mode, the ESP header encrypts the entire IPv6 packet, which it places in its encrypted field. The ESP header then gets placed in a new, unencrypted IPv6 header. In Transport mode, the ESP header encrypts only the transport layer segment (TCP, UDP, ICMP), places this encrypted data into its encrypted field, and is then placed in the original packet, just before the Transport Layer Protocol header.

Security mechanisms are beyond the scope of this book. For more information about IPv6 security, refer to RFCs 2401, 2402, and 2403.

Routing TCP[s]IP (Vol. 22001)
Routing TCP[s]IP (Vol. 22001)
Year: 2004
Pages: 182

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