To populate the PA customer dimension whenever a new PA customer is inserted into the customer dimension, you need to merge the PA customer subset dimension population into the data warehouse regular population. The revised regular population script is presented in Listing 12.5. The change (addition) is printed in bold. Note that the script rebuilds (truncates, then adds all PA customers) the PA customer subset dimension every time you run the daily regular population script.
Listing 12.5: The revised daily DW regular population
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/******************************************************************/ /* */ /* dw_regular_12.sql */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ USE dw; /* CUSTOMER_DIM POPULATION */ TRUNCATE customer_stg; LOAD DATA INFILE 'customer.csv' INTO TABLE customer_stg FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' , ' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' IGNORE 1 LINES ( customer_number , customer_name , customer_street_address , customer_zip_code , customer_city , customer_state , shipping_address , shipping_zip_code , shipping_city , shipping_state ) ; /* SCD 2 ON ADDRESSES */ UPDATE customer_dim a , customer_stg b SET a.expiry_date = SUBDATE (CURRENT_DATE, 1) WHERE a.customer_number = b.customer_number AND ( a.customer_street_address <> b.customer_street_address OR a.customer_city <> b.customer_city OR a.customer_zip_code <> b.customer_zip_code OR a.customer_state <> b.customer_state OR a.shipping_address <> b.shipping_address OR a.shipping_city <> b.shipping_city OR a.shipping_zip_code <> b.shipping_zip_code OR a.shipping_state <> b.shipping_state OR a.shipping_address IS NULL OR a.shipping_city IS NULL OR a.shipping_zip_code IS NULL OR a.shipping_state IS NULL) AND expiry_date = '9999-12-31' ; INSERT INTO customer_dim SELECT NULL , b.customer_number , b.customer_name , b.customer_street_address , b.customer_zip_code , b.customer_city , b.customer_state , b.shipping_address , b.shipping_zip_code , b.shipping_city , b.shipping_state , CURRENT_DATE , '9999-12-31' FROM customer_dim a , customer_stg b WHERE a.customer_number = b.customer_number AND ( a.customer_street_address <> b.customer_street_address OR a.customer_city <> b.customer_city OR a.customer_zip_code <> b.customer_zip_code OR a.customer_state <> b.customer_state OR a.shipping_address <> b.shipping_address OR a.shipping_city <> b.shipping_city OR a.shipping_zip_code <> b.shipping_zip_code OR a.shipping_state <> b.shipping_state OR a.shipping_address IS NULL OR a.shipping_city IS NULL OR a.shipping_zip_code IS NULL OR a.shipping_state IS NULL) AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM customer_dim x WHERE b.customer_number = x.customer_number AND a.expiry_date - SUBDATE (CURRENT_DATE, 1)) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM customer_dim y WHERE b.customer_number = y.customer_number AND y.expiry_date - '9999-12-31') ; /* END OF SCD 2 */ /* SCD 1 ON NAME */ UPDATE customer_dim a, customer_stg b SET a.customer_name = b.customer_name WHERE a.customer_number = b.customer_number AND a.expiry_date - '9999-12-31' AND a.customer_name <> b.customer_name ; /* ADD NEW CUSTOMER */ INSERT INTO customer_dim SELECT NULL , customer_number , customer_name , customer_street_address , customer_zip_code , customer_city , customer_state , shipping_address , shipping_zip_code , shipping_city , shipping_state , CURRENT_DATE , '9999-12-31' FROM customer_stg WHERE customer_number NOT IN( SELECT a.customer_number FROM customer_dim a , customer_stg b WHERE b.customer_number = a.customer_number ) /* RE-BUILD PA CUSTOMER DIMENSION */ TRUNCATE pa_customer_dim; INSERT INTO pa_customer_dim SELECT customer_sk , customer_number , customer_name , customer_street_address , customer_zip_code , customer_city , customer_state , shipping_address , shipping_zip_code , shipping_city , shipping_state , effective_date , expiry_date FROM customer_dim WHERE customer_state = 'PA' ; /* END OF CUSTOMER_DIM POPULATION */ /* product dimension loading */ TRUNCATE product_stg ; LOAD DATA INFILE 'product.txt' INTO TABLE product_stg FIELDS TERMINATED BY '' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' IGNORE 1 LINES ( product_code , product_name , product_category ) ; /* PRODUCT_DIM POPULATION */ /* SCD2 ON PRODUCT NAME AND GROUP */ UPDATE product_dim a , product_stg b SET expiry_date = SUBDATE (CURRENT_DATE, 1) WHERE a.product_code = b.product_code AND ( a.product_name <> b.product_name OR a.product_category <> b.product_category ) AND expiry_date = '9999-12-31' ; INSERT INTO product_dim SELECT NULL , b.product_code , b.product_name , b.product_category , CURRENT_DATE , '9999-12-31' FROM product_dim a , product_stg b WHERE a.product_code = b.product_code AND ( a.product_name <> b.product_name OR a.product_category <> b.product_category ) AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM product_dim x WHERE b.product_code = x.product_code AND a.expiry_date = SUBDATE (CURRENT_DATE, 1) ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM product_dim y WHERE b.product_code = y.product_code AND y.expiry_date = '9999-12-31') ; /* END OF SCD 2 */ /* ADD NEW PRODUCT */ INSERT INTO product_dim SELECT NULL , product_code , product_name , product_category , CURRENT_DATE , '9999-12-31' FROM product_stg WHERE product_code NOT IN( SELECT y.product_code FROM product_dim x, product_stg y WHERE x.product_code = y.product_code ; /* END OF PRODUCT_DIM POPULATION */ /* ORDER_DIM POPULATION */ INSERT INTO order_dim ( order_sk , order_number , effective_date , expiry_date ) SELECT NULL , order_number , order_date , '9999-12-31' FROM source.sales_order WHERE entry_date = CURRENT_DATE ; /* END OF ORDER_DIM POPULATION */ /* SALES_ORDER_FACT POPULATION */ INSERT INTO sales_order_fact SELECT order_sk , customer_sk , product_sk , date_sk , order_amount , order_quantity FROM source.sales_order a , order_dim b , customer_dim c , product_dim d , date_dim e WHERE a.order_number = b.order_number AND a.customer_number = c.customer_number AND a.order_date >= c.effective_date AND a.order_date <= c.expiry_date AND a.product_code = d.product_code AND a.order_date >= d.effective_date AND a.order_date <= d.expiry_date AND a.order_date = AND a.entry_date = CURRENT_DATE ; /* end of script */
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