

Determines the length of a multibyte character, or whether the multibyte encoding is stateful

 #include <stdlib.h> int mblen ( const char *s , size_t maxsize  ); 

The mblen( ) function determines the length in bytes of a multibyte character referenced by its pointer argument. If the argument points to a valid multibyte character, then mblen( ) returns a value greater than zero. If the argument points to a null character ('\0'), then mblen( ) returns 0. A return value of -1 indicates that the argument does not point to a valid multibyte character, or that the multibyte character is longer than the maximum size specified by the second argument. The LC_TYPE category in the current locale settings determines which byte sequences are valid multibyte characters.

The second argument specifies a maximum byte length for the multibyte character, and should not be greater than the value of the symbolic constant MB_CUR_MAX, defined in stdlib.h.

If you pass mblen( ) a null pointer as the first argument, then the return value indicates whether the current multibyte encoding is stateful. This behavior is the same as that of mbtowc( ). If mblen( ) returns 0, then the encoding is stateless. If it returns any other value, the encoding is stateful; that is, the interpretation of a given byte sequence may depend on the shift state.


 size_t mbsrcat( char * restrict s1, char * restrict s2,                 mbstate_t * restrict p_s1state, size_t n ) /* mbsrcat: multibyte string restartable concatenation.  * Appends s2 to s1, respecting final shift state of destination string,  * indicated by *p_s1state. String s2 must start in the initial shift state.  * Returns: number of bytes written, or (size_t)-1 on encoding error.  * Max. total length (incl. terminating null byte) is <= n;  * stores ending state of concatenated string in *s1state.  */ {   int result;   size_t i = strlen( s1 );   size_t j = 0;   if ( i >= n - ( MB_CUR_MAX + 1 ))  // Sanity check: room for 1 multibyte                                      // char + string terminator.     return 0;                        // Report 0 bytes written.   // Shift s1 down to initial state:   if ( !mbsinit( p_s1state ))   // If not initial state, then append   {                             // shift sequence to get initial state.     if ( ( result = wcrtomb ( s1+i, L'\0', p_s1state )) == -1 )       {                         // Encoding error:         s1[i] = '\0';           // Try restoring termination.         return (size_t)-1;      // Report error to caller.       }     else       i += result;   }   // Copy only whole multibyte characters at a time.   // Get length of next char w/o changing state:   while (( result = mblen( s2+j, MB_CUR_MAX )) <= (n - ( 1 + i )) )   {     if ( result == 0  ) break;     if ( result == -1 )     {                      // Encoding error:       s1[i] = '\0';        // Terminate now.       return (size_t)-1;   // Report error to caller.     }                            // Next character fits; copy it and update state:     strncpy( s1+i, s2+j, mbrlen( s2+j, MB_CUR_MAX, p_s1state ));     i += result;     j += result;   }   s1[i] = '\0';   return j; } 

See Also

mbrlen( ), mbtowc( )

C(c) In a Nutshell
C in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596006977
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 473

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