Chapter 9


What do LAN, WAN, TCP/IP, PPP, and ISDN stand for?

these abbreviations stand for the following: lan: local area network wan: wide area network tcp/ip: transmission control protocol / internet protocol ppp: point-to-point protocol isdn: integrated services digital network


Determine a Public Class C IP address and specify it with netmask . with a netmask of is a public class c ip address.


Determine various IP ranges available to be used as Private IP addresses for your LAN.

following are the private ip ranges available to be used in your lan:


Write down the steps to change the Apache 2 Web server port number from 80 to 81, on which Apache will listen for incoming requests .

following are the steps to change the apache port number to listen for inkling requests: a. open the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file in your preferred editor. b. search for the following configuration line: listen 80 c. change this line to the following: listen 81 d. save the file. e.the apache web server using the service command as follows: service http restart


Check the Apache Web server configuration file ( httpd.conf ) for syntax errors.

to check the httpd.conf configuration file for syntax errors, use the following command: service httpd configtest .


Restart the Apache Web server without affecting any connected clients .

to restart the apache web server without affecting any connected client and without any downtime on the web site hosted on apache web server, use the following command: service httpd graceful . the graceful option restarts the apache httpd daemon without aborting currently open connections.


Using the RPM command-line interface, determine the FTP server currently installed on your system.

you can find out any rpm package installed on your system by using the following command: rpm -qi vsftpd . if you can t remember the exact name of the package, you can also search for a package using the following command to display the list of packages installed on your system with ftp in their package names: rpm -qagrep ftp . once you learn the name of the package, you can get more information about that package using the rpm -qi [ package name ] command.


Change the FTP greeting banner on your vsftpd server and test it.

to change the ftp banner on your vsftpd server, follow these steps: a. open the vsftpd configuration file /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf in your preferred text editor. b. find the following configuration directive: #ftpd_banner=welcome to blah ftp service . c. uncomment and change the preceding configuration directive to look something like the following: ftpd_banner=welcome to the wrox press ftp service . d. save the configuration file and restart the vsftpd service as follows: service vsftpd restart .


Check the print queue using the command line utilities.

you can check the print queue on the print server using the lpq command line utility as follows: lpq -a .


Check the Samba configuration file ( /etc/samba/smb.conf ) for correctness.

the samba package comes with a command line utility called testparm to check the samba configuration file. execute the command on the command line to check the /etc./samba/smb.conf file as follows: testparm .


Check the mail queue on your Mail server.

execute the mailq command on the command line as follows: mailq .


What is the location of the DHCP server configuration file?

the location of the dhcp configuration file is /etc/dhcpd.conf .



These abbreviations stand for the following:

LAN: Local Area Network

WAN: Wide Area Network

TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol

ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network

2. with a netmask of is a Public Class C IP address.


Following are the Private IP ranges available to be used in your LAN: “ “ “


Following are the steps to change the Apache port number to listen for inkling requests:

a. Open the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file in your preferred editor.

b. Search for the following configuration line: Listen 80

c. Change this line to the following: Listen 81

d. Save the file.

e. the Apache Web Server using the service command as follows : service http restart


To check the httpd.conf configuration file for syntax errors, use the following command: service httpd configtest .


To restart the Apache Web Server without affecting any connected client and without any downtime on the Web site hosted on Apache Web Server, use the following command: service httpd graceful .

The graceful option restarts the Apache httpd daemon without aborting currently open connections.


You can find out any RPM package installed on your system by using the following command: rpm -qi vsftpd .

If you can t remember the exact name of the package, you can also search for a package using the following command to display the list of packages installed on your system with ftp in their package names : rpm -qagrep ftp .

Once you learn the name of the package, you can get more information about that package using the rpm -qi [ package name ] command.


To change the ftp banner on your vsftpd server, follow these steps:

a. Open the vsftpd configuration file /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf in your preferred text editor.

b. Find the following configuration directive: #ftpd_banner=Welcome to blah FTP service .

c. Uncomment and change the preceding configuration directive to look something like the following: ftpd_banner=Welcome to the Wrox Press FTP service .

d. Save the configuration file and restart the vsftpd service as follows: service vsftpd restart .


You can check the print queue on the print server using the lpq command line utility as follows: lpq -a .


The SAMBA package comes with a command line utility called testparm to check the SAMBA configuration file. Execute the command on the command line to check the /etc./samba/smb.conf file as follows: testparm .


Execute the mailq command on the command line as follows: mailq .


The location of the DHCP configuration file is /etc/dhcpd.conf .

Beginning Fedora 2
Beginning Fedora 2
ISBN: 0764569961
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 170 © 2008-2017.
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