
ErrorProvider marshal by reference, disposable

System. Windows .Forms (system. windows .forms.dll) class

This component allows you to display a small Icon next to a Control to indicate that there is something wrong with the user input. When the user hovers the mouse over the icon, a ToolTip appears containing some text descriptive of the error.

First, you must set the ContainerControl property to the container for the controls that need validation. This happens automatically if the ErrorProvider is dropped onto a designer surface. You can also set a specific Icon if the default red circle with a white exclamation is not to your taste or culture. The position at which an icon should appear is set using the Get / SetIconAlignment() and Get / SetIconPadding() methods . The icon can also be made to blink using the BlinkRate and BlinkStyle properties. (See ErrorBlinkStyle for more information about this).

There are two principle modes of operation. The simplest is to set the DataSource property to refer to a System.Data.DataSet , and you will automatically get errors displayed for any rows that have a column error (either set by the framework, or with the System.Data.DataRow.SetColumnError() method).

The alternative is to use the SetError() method, which allows you to set specific error text for any control. To clear the error condition, call SetError() for the control with an empty string ("").

 public class  ErrorProvider  : System.ComponentModel.Component : System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider {  // Public Constructors  public  ErrorProvider  ();    public  ErrorProvider  (ContainerControl  parentControl  );  // Public Instance Properties  public int  BlinkRate  {set; get; }    public ErrorBlinkStyle  BlinkStyle  {set; get; }    public ContainerControl  ContainerControl  {set; get; }    public string  DataMember  {set; get; }    public object  DataSource  {set; get; }    public Icon  Icon  {set; get; }    public override ISite  Site  {set; }  // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component   // Public Instance Methods  public void  BindToDataAndErrors  (object  newDataSource  , string  newDataMember  );    public bool  CanExtend  (object  extendee  );  // implements System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider  public string  GetError  (Control  control  );    public ErrorIconAlignment  GetIconAlignment  (Control  control  );    public int  GetIconPadding  (Control  control  );    public void  SetError  (Control  control  , string  value  );    public void  SetIconAlignment  (Control  control  , ErrorIconAlignment  value  );    public void  SetIconPadding  (Control  control  , int  padding  );    public void  UpdateBinding  ();  // Protected Instance Methods  protected override void  Dispose  (bool  disposing  );  // overrides System.ComponentModel.Component  } 


System.Object System.MarshalByRefObject System.ComponentModel.Component(System.ComponentModel.IComponen, System.IDisposable) ErrorProvider(System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider)

. Net Windows Forms in a Nutshell
.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell
ISBN: 0596003382
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 794 © 2008-2017.
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