The NetBIOS address family is yet another protocol family accessible from Winsock. You will be familiar with many of the topics and caveats discussed here from the NetBIOS discussion in Chapter 1. Addressing NetBIOS from Winsock still requires the knowledge of NetBIOS names and LANA numbers. We'll assume you've read those sections in Chapter 1, and we'll continue on with the specifics of accessing NetBIOS from Winsock.

The NetBIOS address family is exposed by Winsock only on Windows NT and Windows 2000. It is not available on the Windows 95 and Windows 98 platforms or on Windows CE.


The basis for addressing a machine under NetBIOS is a NetBIOS name, which we covered in Chapter 1. To review, a NetBIOS name is 16 characters long, with the last character reserved as a qualifier to define what type of service the name belongs to. There are two types of NetBIOS names: unique and group. A unique name can be registered by only one process on the entire network. For example, a session-based server would register the name FOO, and clients who wanted to contact that server would attempt a connection to FOO. Group names allow a group of applications to register the same name, so datagrams sent to that name will be received by all processes that registered that name.

In Winsock, the NetBIOS addressing structure is defined in Wsnetbs.h, as follows:

 #define NETBIOS_NAME_LENGTH 16 typedef struct sockaddr_nb { short snb_family; u_short snb_type; char snb_name[NETBIOS_NAME_LENGTH]; } SOCKADDR_NB, *PSOCKADDR_NB, FAR *LPSOCKADDR_NB; 

The snb_family field specifies the address family of this structure and should always be set to AF_NETBIOS. The snb_type field is used to specify a unique or a group name. The following defines can be used for this field:

 #define NETBIOS_UNIQUE_NAME (0x0000) #define NETBIOS_GROUP_NAME (0x0001) 

Finally, the snb_name field is the actual NetBIOS name.

Now that you know what each field means and what it should be set to, the following handy macro defined in the header file sets all of this for you:

 #define SET_NETBIOS_SOCKADDR(_snb, _type, _name, _port) \ { \ int _i; \ (_snb)->snb_family = AF_NETBIOS; \ (_snb)->snb_type = (_type); \ for (_i = 0; _i < NETBIOS_NAME_LENGTH - 1; _i++) { \ (_snb)->snb_name[_i] = ' '; \ } \ for (_i = 0; \ *((_name) + _i) != '\0' \ && _i < NETBIOS_NAME_LENGTH - 1; \ _i++) \ { \ (_snb)->snb_name[_i] = *((_name)+_i); \ } \ (_snb)->snb_name[NETBIOS_NAME_LENGTH - 1] = (_port); \ } 

The first parameter to the macro, _snb, is the address of the SOCKADDR_NB structure you are filling in. As you can see, it automatically sets the snb_family field to AF_NETBIOS. For the _type parameter to the macro, specify NETBIOS_UNIQUE_NAME or NETBIOS_GROUP_NAME. The _name parameter is the NetBIOS name. The macro assumes it is either at least NETBIOS_NAME_LENGTH _ 1 characters in length or is null-terminated if shorter. Notice that the snb_name field is prefilled with spaces. Finally, the macro sets the 16th character of the snb_name character string to the value of the _port parameter.

You can see that the NetBIOS name structure in Winsock is straightforward and shouldn't present any particular difficulties. The name resolution is performed under the hood, so unlike with TCP and IrDA, you don't have to resolve a name into a physical address before any operations. This becomes clear when you consider that NetBIOS is implemented over multiple protocols and each protocol has its own addressing scheme. In the next chapter, we'll present a simple client/server using the NetBIOS interface in Winsock.

Creating a Socket

The most important consideration when you create a NetBIOS socket is the LANA number. Just as in the native NetBIOS API, you have to be aware of which LANA numbers concern your application. Remember that in order for a NetBIOS client and server to communicate, they must have a common transport protocol on which they both listen or connect. There are two ways to create a NetBIOS socket. The first is to call socket or WSASocket, as follows:


The type parameter of WSASocket is either SOCK_DGRAM or SOCK_SEQPACKET (don't specify both), depending on whether you want a connectionless datagram or a connection-oriented session socket. The third parameter, protocol, is the LANA number on which the socket should be created, except that you have to make it negative. The fourth parameter is null because you are specifying your own parameters, not using a WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure. The fifth parameter isn't used. Finally, the dwFlags parameter is set to WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED; you should specify WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED on all calls to WSASocket.

The drawback to the first method of socket creation is that you need to know which LANA numbers are valid to begin with. Unfortunately, Winsock doesn't have a nice, short method of enumerating available LANA numbers. The alternative in Winsock is to enumerate all transport protocols with WSAEnumProtocols. Of course, you could call the Netbios function with the NCBENUM command to get the valid LANAs. Chapter 5 described how to call WSAEnumProtocols. The following sample enumerates all transport protocols, searches for a NetBIOS transport, and creates a socket for each one.

 dwNum = WSAEnumProtocols(NULL, lpProtocolBuf, &dwBufLen); if (dwNum == SOCKET_ERROR) { // Error } for (i = 0; i < dwNum; i++) { // Look for those entries in the AF_NETBIOS address family if (lpProtocolBuf[i].iAddressFamily == AF_NETBIOS) { // Look for either SOCK_SEQPACKET or SOCK_DGRAM if (lpProtocolBuf[i].iSocketType == SOCK_SEQPACKET) { s[j++] = WSASocket(FROM_PROTOCOL_INFO, FROM_PROTOCOL_INFO, FROM_PROTOCOL_INFO, &lpProtocolBuf[i], 0, WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED); } } } 

In the above pseudocode, we enumerate the available protocols and iterate through them looking for those belonging to the AF_NETBIOS address family. Next we check the socket type, and in this case, look for entries of type SOCK_SEQPACKET. Otherwise, if we wanted datagrams we would check for SOCK_DGRAM. If this matches, we have a NetBIOS transport we can use. If you need the LANA number, take the absolute value of the iProtocol field in the WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure. The only exception is for LANA 0. The iProtocol field for this LANA is 0x80000000 because 0 is reserved for use by Winsock. The variable j will contain the number of valid transports.

Network Programming for Microsoft Windows
Linux Server Hacks, Volume Two: Tips & Tools for Connecting, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting
ISBN: 735615799
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1998
Pages: 159 © 2008-2017.
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