Market Research Confirmed a Major New Product Opportunity

Wooster Brush used an observation tracking system to identify the extent to which mini-rollers were being used across the United States. Interviews were conducted with managers of paint and hardware stores to determine their impressions of trends in the sales of mini-rollers. Personal observations of the back of contractors trucks were then conducted to see what inventory the contractors were carrying. Specifically, these observations noted the extent to which mini-rollers were present in the trucks . This system of store interviews and personal observations enabled Wooster Brush management to determine that mini-rollers were gaining market share and were eroding paintbrush usage more and more.

Wooster Brush management believed that painting contractors were the key to success in launching a new paint applicator. Consumers represent the bulk of the unit sales; however, they tend to buy what is available and recommended in paint and hardware stores, and these stores typically display and recommend what is used by professional contractors. Before launching Jumbo-Koter, therefore, Wooster Brush felt that it was necessary to determine whether painting contractors would consider this new mini- roller to be a true improvement over the current products available in the market.

For research projects of this type, Wooster Brush has established an extensive panel of painting contractors located throughout the United States. Each of these contractors has completed a survey indicating the type of painting done. For example, contractors indicated the extent to which they use brushes or rollers and whether they typically paint commercial or residential facilities. There is also detailed demographic information on each of these contractors. The respondents in this sample of contractors have also stated that they would be willing to try new products from Wooster Brush.

Prototype products were sent to a sample of contractors that matched the typical user of mini-rollers. These contractors were given a chance to use the prototype products and then asked to provide their feedback on a survey questionnaire that was included with the samples. A subsample of these people was contacted by telephone to obtain their perceptions on a qualitative basis. The purpose of these one-on-one interviews was to determine exactly how the new mini-rollers were being used and to probe the respondents perceptions of any perceived advantages or disadvantages.

The quantitative and qualitative research enabled Wooster Brush to obtain-feedback on the reactions to the new mini-roller that they might expect in a variety of different regions across the United States. It was learned that Jumbo-Koter was generally perceived as a significant improvement over the mini-rollers that were currently available. A substantial number of the respondents who tried the new product felt that they would definitely purchase it on an ongoing basis. They liked how smoothly the cage frame rolled, and they liked how close the redesigned covers were able to get to the corner of walls and other tight places. The results of this research were so strong that Wooster Brush management made the decision to launch the program.

Powerhouse Marketing Plans(c) 14 Outstanding Real-Life Plans and What You Can Learn from Them to Supercharge [... ]aigns
Powerhouse Marketing Plans(c) 14 Outstanding Real-Life Plans and What You Can Learn from Them to Supercharge [... ]aigns
ISBN: 735621675
Year: 2006
Pages: 172 © 2008-2017.
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