What I really, really want

As I began this book, I pointed out that there were - if we really bothered to sit down and think it through - a remarkable number of things that individuals and organisations have in common.

Researching and writing this book hasn't changed my mind at all. More than ever I can see that the whole basis of lifestyle/workstyle has been gradually evolving over a long period of time. It has its roots in how we as corporations have treated individuals. Even - let it be said - how we ourselves have been treated by those we have worked for.

What we need to do now is begin to manage those expectations, those synergies that make employer and employee click. If we can get our managers to understand how to manage employees with these needs we will be well on our way to creating the true new-age business. More than ever, with every day that passes , I see examples of what Mr and Ms Average employee of the twenty-first century are seeking. And, tragically in some cases, I see corporations unable to adapt and bend to new ways of working, new ways of rewarding , new ways of retaining people. But there are so many things that individuals and organisations have in common that it seems ludicrous they can't get this modern ˜ marriage ' right.

Just look again and consider: how do I make my business work to meet these needs? It can't be that difficult. Can it? If ˜us' and ˜them' essentially want the same things, can't we work together in some kind of harmony? This little chart is on my wall and I look at it every day to remind myself . Better still, cut it out and read it on the way to work. I guarantee that if you memorise the points on this chart, you'll have a whole different attitude to this new-age work contract debate.

Table 3: What People and Organisations Want

People Want To

Organizations want To

  • Enjoy life and work, achieve success and excel at what they do

  • Engage the people they serve and enable, encourage and reward outstanding performance

  • Do work they care about on their own terms; create and deliver financial and human value

  • Provide enriching products and services; create and deliver financial and human value to all the stakeholders they interact with

  • Create and express a unique professional identity as ˜ themselves '

  • Create and build a distinctive corporate brand

  • Find the right organization and the role that suits them best

  • Find the best people and match them to the right roles

  • Use their skills, stretch themselves and develop new abilities in their personal and professional lives

  • Use the skills of their people, improve effectiveness and drive value growth

  • Make a valued and recognized contribution to organizations who understand their lifestyle/workstyle needs

  • Enable and reward contribution to corporate purpose

The New Rules of Engagement(c) Life-Work Balance and Employee Commitment
Performance Tuning for Linux(R) Servers
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 131

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