Clearing Cell Contents

Clearing Cell Contents


You can clear a cell to remove its contents. Clearing a cell does not remove the cell from the worksheet; it just removes from the cell whatever elements you specify: data, comments (also called cell notes ), or formatting instructions. When clearing a cell, you must specify whether to remove one, two, or all three of these elements from the selected cell or range.

Clear the Contents of a Cell


Select the cell or range you want to clear.


Right click the cell or range, and then click Clear Contents on the shortcut menu, or press Delete.


Did You Know?

You can find and replace cell contents . Click the cell or cells containing content you want to replace. Click the Edit menu, click Find, and then click the Replace tab for additional options.

Clear Cell Contents, Formatting, and Comments


Select the cell or range you want to clear.


Click the Edit menu, and then point to Clear.


Click All.


Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003
ISBN: 0789730057
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 291 © 2008-2017.
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