When you create a new Excel workbook, the title bar displays a default title, such as Book1 or Book2. When you save a workbook for the first time, you need to give it a meaningful name and specify where you want to store it. Once you have saved a workbook, you should continue to save it as you work so that changes you make are saved in the file. If you want to make changes to a previously saved workbook, but keep the original version intact, you need to save the changed workbook with a different name ; then you will have the original workbook and one with the changes. If necessary, you can also change the file format so you can use the workbook file with a different program. Save a Workbook for the First Time -
| Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar. | -
| Click one of the icons on the Places bar (quick access to frequently used folders) to select a location to save the workbook file. | -
| If you want to save the file in another folder, click the Save In list arrow, and then select the drive and folder in which you want to store the workbook file. | -
| Type the file name for the new workbook name. | -
Click Save. The new name appears in the title bar of the workbook. Save a File with Another Name -
| Click the File menu, and then click Save As. | -
| Click an icon on the Places bar or click the Save In list arrow, and then click the drive or folder where you want to save the file. | -
| Type a new file name. | -
| Click Save. | Save a File in a New Folder -
| Click the File menu, and then click Save As. | -
| Locate and select the drive and folder where you want to create the new folder. | -
| Click the Create New Folder button. | -
| Type the new folder name, and then click OK. | -
| Type a name for the file, or use the suggested one. | -
| Click Save. | Did You Know? You can rename a folder in the Save As or Open dialog box . In the Save As or Open dialog box, right-click the folder you want to rename, click Rename, type a name, and then press Enter. | |