Laddad,Ramnivas (AspectJ in Action ),170,597
large object (LOB),203–208
of architecture,21–23,583–588
business services layer
definition of,23,27,583
guidelines for,585–587
security for,27,368,370–371
DAO (Data Access Object) interface layer,23,24–26,583
data access layer
definition of,583–585
for sample application,177–182
database layer (EIS tier),23,583
presentation layer
definition of,23,27–29,583
guidelines for,587–588
JSF features for,529
Spring MVC features for,529
Struts features for,528
Tapestry features for,529
WebWork features for,528
replaceability of,7
lazy loading
iBATIS SQL Maps,266
lazy-init attribute, bean element,57
Lee,Bob (AOP Alliance founder),120
lightweight container architecture, 21 See also architecture
lightweight frameworks,3–4
lightweight remoting
accessors for,306,307–308
Burlap for
accessing a service,310–312
definition of,306,309
exception handling,308
exporting a service,312–313
support classes for,309–310
when to use,310,333
configuration for,307–308
definition of,5,35,305–307,580
exporters for,306,308
Hessian for
accessing a service,310–312
definition of,306,309
exception handling,308
exporting a service,312–313
support classes for,309–310
when to use,310,333
HTTP invoker for
accessing a service,314–315
additional invocation attributes for,316
customizing, 316–317
definition of,306,313
exception handling,308
exporting a service,315–316
secure communication with,316
support classes for,313–314
when to use,333
RMI for
accessing a service,318–320
definition of,306,317
exception handling,308
exporting a service,322–323
RMI-IIOP support,323–324
stub lookups for,317,320–322
support classes for,317–318
when to use,318,333
stateless remoting,307
strategies for,choosing,323–333
third-party remoting solutions supported,306–307
Web Services with JAX-RPC for
accessing a service,326–328
custom application objects,330–332
definition of,324–325
exporting a service,328–330
support classes for,325
when to use,325,333
limited privilege execution,368
list element,59–60
ListableBeanFactory interface,48,50
listener,for servlet context,93
listeners property, AdvisedSupport class,136
lists,data binding and,463
Little,Mark (Java Transaction Processing: Design and Implementation),217
LOB (large object),203–208
LobHandler interface,203–208,285–286
local EJBs,402,403–404
local objects,when to use,582
local transactions,221,260
LocalDataSourceConnectionFactory class,300
locale resolution,MVC,454–455
LocaleChangeInterceptor class,449,454–455
LocaleEditor class,102
LocaleResolver class,435,441,454–455
LocalJaxRpcServiceFactoryBean class,325
LocalPersistenceManagerFactoryBean class,291–293
LocalSessionFactoryBean class,71
LocalSessionFactoryBean interface,273–274,276
LocalStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean class,71
LocalStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean interface,140,403–404
location paths for resources
ant-style paths,93
in application context constructors,92–93
prefixes for,85,92
concurrency control and,220
isolation level and,219–220
LoginModule class,JAAS,372,373
Lookup Method Injection,44
loosely typed operations,DAO,260