
Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


access. See also authentication

anonymous, 208–210, 209–210

database, 179–185, 180, 182, 184

in Jobs service, 399–400

remote. See remote access

AccessProjectFiles.vb program, 328–331

ACLs (access control lists), 210

Active Data Objects (ADO), 178

active server pages, 342

Add method

in Application, 136

for arrays, 68

Add Reference dialog box, 250, 251

Add Web Reference dialog box, 11, 12, 114

for UDDI, 37, 38, 127, 128, 166, 167

for WSDL, 15, 113–114

AddRecord.vb program, 365–368

Administrative Tools window

for authentication, 210

for event logs, 336

for SSL connections, 239–240

for Windows services, 314

ADO (Active Data Objects), 178

ADO.NET, 178–179

data providers in, 179

database access in, 179–185, 180, 182, 184

database updates in, 185–188, 185

XML for, 195–205, 196, 199, 201, 204

age service

creating, 52–54, 53

WSDL file for, 116–117, 117

airport information, 35–37, 35

AirportInfo.aspx page, 35–37

AirportInfo service, 35–37, 35

AllData method, 138–139

AllKeys property, 139

Amazon, SDK from, 23, 24

AmazonDemo.aspx page, 23, 25–27

AmazonSearchService, 25–27

angle brackets (<>) in XML, 111

anonymous access, 208–210, 209–210

Anonymous Access option, 211

Anonymous User Account dialog box, 210

API (application program interface) for UDDI, 171

Application_AuthenticateRequest method, 297

Application_BeginRequest method, 297

Application_End method, 297

Application_Error method, 297

Application layer, 234

Application Log option, 336

Application object

within services, 135–142, 137, 140

using, 132–135, 134

Application_OnEnd method, 134–135

Application_OnStart method, 134

application program interface (API) for UDDI, 171

Application_Start method, 297


deleting services from, 157

usernames and passwords in, 215–218, 215–216

Web.config for, 297–300

ApplicationStateInfo.asmx.vb program, 138–139

ApplicationStateInfo service, 138–139

AppStateDemo.asmx.vb, 136

AppStateDemo service, 135–142, 137

Array service, 92–94, 92

array values

changing, 68–71

passing, 65–66

returning, 71–72, 72

.asmx files, 288, 294–296

.assembly entry, 291

.assembly extern entry, 291

assembly settings, 289–293, 290–292

AssemblyInfo file, 289–293, 290–292

AssemblyInfo.vb program, 289, 293

assigning values to XML attributes, 113

asynchronous services, 352

calls to, 352–356, 354

LocateFile, 356–359, 357

AsynchSearch.vb program, 357–359

attaching services to HTML documents, 84–85

attributes in XML, 113


basic, 210–212, 211–212

certificate-based, 214–215, 214

digest, 213

forms, 213–214

Integrated Windows, 213

security settings configuration, 218–220

usernames and passwords in, 215–218, 215–216

<authentication> entry, 299

Authentication Modes dialog box, 210–211, 211, 213

AuthenticationType method, 208–209

<authorization> entry, 299

AvailableFiles method

in FileLibrary.asmx.vb, 326–327

in GetImage.asmx.vb, 270–271

in GetMedia.asmx.vb, 276–277

in OfficeDocument.asmx.vb, 305

Average method, 65–66

. NET Web Services Solutions
.NET Web Services Solutions
ISBN: 0782141722
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 161
Authors: Kris Jamsa © 2008-2017.
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