I have benefited from the insights and help of Alex Tschobokdji, Babak Fouladi, Brent Hoberman, Mark Winberry, Victoria Gray, Jet Broekman, Simon Buckingham, Hans Kammann, and Larry Williams. Thanks also go to Dave Wood, Eric Carlson, and all the other great people at Telcontar, Inc. Special thanks go to everyone at Autodesk Location Services for their contributions. I especially benefited from the insights and support of Mike McGill, Brian McDonough, Tara Cooper, and Spencer Horowitz. Joe Astroth has been an exceptional supporter, and I believe Joe will lead and inspire a new class of software developers to build mobile location services applications that we cannot imagine today. This book would not have been possible without the contributions of everyone at Kivera. My thanks to Clay Collier and Michael Fisher for seeing a great opportunity to help application developers. Rajiv Synghal's insights on mobile location services are without compare, and I always enjoy his input and criticism. I have benefited from the insights of Mark Strassman and Carlo Cardilli, and my thanks also go to John Gibb, Bill Patow, Noelle Murata, Michael Schwener, and Igor Grinkin for the first-class support they gave me. Kivera has an excellent engineering team, and I have benefited from the insights of Jerry Smythe, Matt Hartfield, Rajat Ahuja, Ashwini Verma, Vishwas Goel, and Tom Singer. The one person who has contributed more than any other to this book and to my understanding of mobile location services is Brian Shenson. My thanks to my friends Jim Dunn, Richard Tung, Allen Rea, Mark Abraham, Erick Hendricks, and Jason Harris for all their support. The greatest thanks of all go to my parents, Michael and Susan Jagoe, who are the best parents imaginable, and to my sister, Christy Jagoe. |