Using the Practice Files

When you install the practice files from the companion CD that accompanies this book, the files are stored on your hard disk in Documents\MSP\ExcelVBA07SBS. Each exercise is preceded by a paragraph that lists the files needed for that exercise and explains any preparations needed before you start working through the exercise. Here are examples:

USE the Budget.xlsx workbook and the Nov2007.txt text file. These practice files are located in the Documents\MSP\ExcelVBA07SBS folder.

BE SURE TO save Budget.xlsx as a macro-enabled workbook called Chapter04 in the trusted folder that you created in Chapter 1.

OPEN the Chapter04.xlsm workbook.

You can browse to the practice files in Windows Explorer by following these steps:

  1. On the Windows taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Documents.

    image from book

  2. In your Documents folder, double-click MSP, and then double-click ExcelVBA07SBS.

You can browse to the practice files from an Excel 2007 dialog box by following these steps:

  1. In the Favorite Links pane in the dialog box, click Documents.

  2. In your Documents folder, double-click MSP, and then double-click ExcelVBA07SBS.

Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Visual Basic for Applications Step by Step
Microsoft Excel 2002 Visual Basic for Applications Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735613591
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 99
Authors: Reed Jacobsen © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: