data sources, 138
data types, converting between. see Type Conversion Functions
closing, 60
saving changes when closing, 60–61
DataBodyRange property, 149
Date function, 312
filling range with, 52
finding, 321–322
formatting as start of month, 312–313
hiding columns preceding, 321–325
prompting for, 53–54
declaring variables, 123, 180
Delete method
confirmation prompt, turning off, 62
value returned by, 85
digital IDs, 34
macros, 60
worksheet rows, 41
worksheets, 61–62
worksheets, macro for, 85
design mode, 267–268
switching to, 289
Design Mode button, 268
Developer tab (Ribbon)
components of, 264
displaying, 8, 264
dialog boxes
custom. see user forms
Digital Signature, 32
Get A Digital ID, 31
Go To Special, 48
Macro Options, 8
Microsoft Office Trusted Location, 29
Modify Button, 23
Open, 46
Paste Special, 24
Tab Order, 316
Trust Center, 29
digital IDs
creating, 31–32
deleting, 34
Digital Signature dialog box, 32
Dim statement, 89, 90
Dir function, 225
DisplayAlerts property, 62
Do loops, 225–228
for error resolution, 254–255
flexibility of, 228
Immediate window, 76
task panes, 76
down payments, calculating. see loan
payment calculator
drawing objects. see shapes
drop shadows. see font shadows on shapes