Security Principles

Recommendations used throughout this guide are based on security principles that have proven themselves over time. Security, like many aspects of software engineering, lends itself to a principle-based approach, where core principles can be applied regardless of implementation technology or application scenario. The major security principles used throughout this guide are summarized in Table 1.4.

Table 1.4: Summary of Core Security Principles




Reduce the surface area of attack. Ask yourself how you will contain a problem. If an attacker takes over your application, what resources can he or she access? Can an attacker access network resources? How are you restricting potential damage? Firewalls, least privileged accounts, and least privileged code are examples of compartmentalizing.

Use least privilege

By running processes using accounts with minimal privileges and access rights, you significantly reduce the capabilities of an attacker if the attacker manages to compromise security and run code.

Apply defense in depth

Use multiple gatekeepers to keep attackers at bay. Defense in depth means you do not rely on a single layer of security, or you consider that one of your layers may be bypassed or compromised.

Do not trust user input

Your application's user input is the attacker's primary weapon when targeting your application. Assume all input is malicious until proven otherwise , and apply a defense in depth strategy to input validation, taking particular precautions to make sure that input is validated whenever a trust boundary in your application is crossed.

Check at the gate

Authenticate and authorize callers early ” at the first gate.

Fail securely

If an application fails, do not leave sensitive data accessible. Return friendly errors to end users that do not expose internal system details. Do not include details that may help an attacker exploit vulnerabilities in your application.

Secure the weakest link

Is there a vulnerability at the network layer that an attacker can exploit? What about the host? Is your application secure? Any weak link in the chain is an opportunity for breached security.

Create secure defaults

Is the default account set up with least privilege? Is the default account disabled by default and then explicitly enabled when required? Does the configuration use a password in plaintext? When an error occurs, does sensitive information leak back to the client to be used potentially against the system?

Reduce your attack surface

If you do not use it, remove it or disable it. Reduce the surface area of attack by disabling or removing unused services, protocols, and functionality. Does your server need all those services and ports? Does your application need all those features?

Improving Web Application Security. Threats and Countermeasures
Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures
ISBN: 0735618429
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 613 © 2008-2017.
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