
How do I access NFS shares from another Linux or Unix system?


As explained in Chapter 29, you can mount a remote file system on a Linux or Unix computer using the following command:

 mount -t nfs host:/tree /mnt/point 

Replace host with the hostname of the server, /tree with the shared directory tree, and /mnt/point with the mountpoint on the local system where you want the shared files to appear. For example, to mount the /publicfiles directory on a host called mack on the local directory /network/publicfiles, you enter the following:

 mount -t nfs mack:/publicfiles /network/publicfiles 


Can I also use Samba to share my printers with other Windows machines?


Yes, but because of driver issues related to printing in Windows, the process can at times be rather complex, and is therefore beyond the scope of a beginning-level book like this one. Consult the online Samba documentation at for details on printing with Samba.


Can I use Linux to serve files to Mac OS computers?


Yes. Mac OS X includes the capability of sharing files using either Windows file sharing or NFS; you can choose to use whichever method you prefer. Consult your Mac OS X documentation for details on mounting NFS or Windows shares in Mac OS.

    SAMS Teach Yourself Red Hat(r) Fedora(tm) 4 Linux(r) All in One
    Cisco ASA and PIX Firewall Handbook
    ISBN: N/A
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2006
    Pages: 311
    Authors: David Hucaby © 2008-2017.
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