Project 6-4 Download and Install MySQL Control Center on Linux

Project 6-4 Download and Install MySQL Control Center on Linux

In this project, you will download and install MySQLCC on a computer that runs the Linux OS. Now that you have had hands-on experience using the command line with MySQL, you may opt to use the GUI interface at times, depending on your personal preference. Logging in on the command line to execute a single command will probably still be faster; however, viewing and interpreting data in a multicolumn table will be easier in MySQLCC because of the wrap-around format for long lines of data on the command line.

Step by Step

  1. Open a browser and go to Scroll down to Linux downloads and click the Pick a mirror link.

  2. Choose the closest mirror site and click the HTTP or FTP link. Download the taz.gz file to /usr/local/src. Once the file download is complete, you may close your browser if desired.

  3. Open a command-line window and change to the /usr/local/src directory. The file you downloaded should be named something like mysqlcc-0. x . x -linux-glibc2 x .tar.gz.tar.

  4. Untar and install the file, using the following command. (Replace the instances of the letter x in the version designation with the corresponding numbers in the file you downloaded).

     tar -xzvf mysqlcc-0.  x  .  x  -linux-glibc2  x  .tar.gz.tar 
  5. Start the program by running the following command.

  6. Fill in the Username, Password, and Hostname fields in the pop-up window labeled MySQL Administrator, and then click the Connect button to open the GUI and connect it to your server.

Project Summary

In this project, you installed MySQLCC. Now, you can interface with you database in a point-and-click, visually oriented environment. In some circumstances, this will be preferable to working on the command line.

MySQL(c) Essential Skills
MySQL: Essential Skills
ISBN: 0072255137
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 109 © 2008-2017.
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