

background property, 57, 155

for a:active selector, 80

for a:visited selector, 80

background-attachment property, 140, 153–154

background-color property, 72, 135

for a:active selector, 80

for a:hover selector, 80

for a:visited selector, 80

for headers, 73

for links, 78

background-image property, 137–139

background-position property, 140, 147

background-repeat property, 140

backgrounds, 135

color for, 72, 135–136, 136

images for, 137–139, 138–139

positioning, 140, 143–153, 145–146, 148, 150, 152

in presentation, 10, 11

repeating, 140–143, 141–143

in WOW site, 237, 237

in reconstructed site, 210

scrolling, 140, 153–154

shorthand properties for, 154–155

bandwidth, 223

Baron, David, 96

baselines for fonts, 96

:before pseudo element selector, 52

binding, 33

blink tag, 12

blink value, 113

block-level elements, 60

blockquote element, 159–160

BlueRobot home page, 242, 242

blurs for shadows, 114

body elements

in document trees, 9, 9

in HTML, 24

in inheritance, 46

styling, 69–72, 70, 72

in XHTML, 27

body selector, 48

bold style, 105

Bold value, 106–107

Bolder value, 106

boldness of fonts, 95

border property, 57, 163

border-bottom property, 57, 74, 163

border-bottom-color property, 159

border-bottom-style property, 156

border-bottom-width property, 157

border-collapse property, 162

border-left property, 57, 163

border-left-color property, 159

border-left-style property, 156

border-left-width property, 157

border-right property, 57, 163

border-right-color property, 159

border-right-style property, 156

border-right-width property, 157

border-spacing property, 162

border-top property, 57, 163

border-top-color property, 159

border-top-style property, 156

border-top-width property, 157

borders, 155–156

in boxes, 61

for headers, 74

around images, 78

in presentation, 10, 11

properties for

color, 159–161, 161

individual, 162

shorthand, 163

style, 156, 157

width, 157–158, 159

Both value for clear, 178

Bottom property, 168, 169

bottom value for images, 144

bottom center value, 150–151, 152

bottom left value, 150–151, 152

bottom right value, 150–152, 152

Bowman, Douglas, 243–244, 243–245, 247, 253

box model, 59–61, 60, 188–190, 189

box offsets, 167–171, 168–169, 171

box property, 167

Braille applications, 34

Briggs, Owen, 61

browser exceptions in inheritance, 46

browser wars, 5–6


styling, 212–214, 213

in WOW site, 237, 238

Business and Law page, 240, 241

Business and Legal Section Style, 238–240

Cascading Style Sheets(c) The Designer's Edge
ASP.NET 2.0 Illustrated
ISBN: 0321418344
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 86 © 2008-2017.
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