Chapter 15. The QuickScribe Editor

[ LiB ]

Chapter 15. The QuickScribe Editor

What do some of the biggest music stars have in common? It's sad to say, but many of your favorite performers, who create great music, don't know how to read or write notes. Digital Performer can be your cheat sheet when it comes to scribing music. With the QuickScribe Editor, you play and record your MIDI files and Digital Performer will scribe them for you. You can also use the QuickScribe Editor to modify your music. In this chapter, you'll learn how to:

  • Automatically scribe your sequences

  • Navigate the QuickScribe Editor

  • Edit notes in the QuickScribe Editor

  • Adjust score options

[ LiB ]

Digital Performer 4 Ignite.
Digital Performer 4 Ignite!
ISBN: 1592003524
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 118 © 2008-2017.
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