A Login Example

Note that the Google Suggest application discussed earlier indicates a new use of Ajax: you can now check every key as it’s typed. You might not want to do that everywhere in your application; checking every key can be quite a bottleneck, but you might need it in special cases, as when users enter a password or username and you want to tell that what they’re typing has already been used.

Take a look at an example in the downloadable code for this book: username.html and username.php. The username.html document asks users to enter the username they want, as you see in Figure 4.8.

image from book
Figure 4.8: Checking a user’s suggested username

If users take a username that’s already taken, such as nancy, the application informs them immediately that their username is not available, as you see in Figure 4.9.

image from book
Figure 4.9: Rejecting a user’s suggested username

The username.php script is easy enough; all it does is echo no if the username is nancy, and yes otherwise:

 <?php     if ($_GET["qu"] == "nancy"){       echo "no";     }     else {       echo "yes";     } ?>

How does username.html work? It just watches as the user types keystrokes, calling a function named checkUsername for each keystroke:

 <body>   <H1>Select a username</H1>   Select your username <input id = "username" type = "text"     name = "username" onkeyup = "checkUsername(event)">   <div id = "targetDiv"><div></div></div> </body>

In the checkUsername function, the user’s entered username is passed on to the username.php function as the parameter named qu:

 function checkUsername(keyEvent) {   var targetDiv = document.getElementById("targetDiv");   targetDiv.innerHTML = "<div></div>";   var input = document.getElementById("username");   if (input.value) {     getData("username.php?qu=" + input.value);   } }

All that’s left is to handle the value returned from username.php, yes or no, which is done in the getData function:

 function getData(dataSource) {   var XMLHttpRequestObject = false;   if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {     XMLHttpRequestObject = new XMLHttpRequest();   } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {     XMLHttpRequestObject = new       ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");   }   if(XMLHttpRequestObject) {     XMLHttpRequestObject.open("GET", dataSource);     XMLHttpRequestObject.onreadystatechange = function()     {       if (XMLHttpRequestObject.readyState == 4 &&         XMLHttpRequestObject.status == 200) {           if(XMLHttpRequestObject.responseText == "no"){             var targetDiv =               document.getElementById("targetDiv");             targetDiv.innerHTML =               "<div>That username is not available.</div>";           }       }     }     XMLHttpRequestObject.send(null);   } } 

Ajax Bible
Ajax Bible
ISBN: 0470102632
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 169

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