background-attachment style, CSS, 411
background-color style, CSS, 411
background-image style, CSS, 411
background-position style, CSS, 411
background-repeat style, CSS, 411
backgrounds, styling using CSS, 411–415
bean methods, 660
bin2hex string function, PHP, 482
<block> element, 54
<body> element, 49, 173, 383, 388, 408
Boolean values, 88
bottom style, CSS, 416
Browse button, 549
browser events, 44–47
Browser object, 663
Browser.php application, 560
executing different code in, 68–73
sending text back to with PHP, 469–470
sending XML back to with PHP, 471–473
browsing Amazon, 12–13
Add to Cart button, 19
Browse button, 549
Calculate button, 277
Cart button, 19, 310
Display Message button, 604, 612, 668
Dramatic Style button, 423
Execute button, 272
Fetch the Message button, 34
Find Location button, 27
Google Search button, 3, 6
Message button, 34, 604, 612, 668
radio buttons, HTML, 531–533
Reset button, 45, 524
Save button, 274
Send button, 272
Submit button, 11, 45, 523, 525, 526, 530, 533, 537, 556, 559, 565, 566, 580, 581, 585
Universal Portal Scripting button, 211
Upload File button, 549