An option 5 entered at any of the WRKXXXJOB commands displays the job information. Option 5 runs the Display Job (DSPJOB) command. You can either press Enter or F4. If you press Enter, the system presents a menu with several options for you to choose from, as shown in Figure 3.6.
Figure 3.6: Example of the Display Job (DSPJOB) command.
If you press F4, you can select the option directly by entering a code in the option parameter.
The first few options in the menu are for "static" information, such as when the job began, the job's priority, and time slice. Other options display valuable information about the job you are working with. For example, you can examine the jobs program stack (what programs it is running), object locks (what objects it is using), open files (what files it is reading or updating), and the all-important job log. The job log is described in detail later.
The DSPJOB command shows a lot of information, and no danger of harming the job exists because you only are displaying data. The system will not let you change anything, no matter how much authority you have.