RC (Reporting Console) - Web, monitoring
Alerts tab, 304
alerts-based monitoring, 301-303
Custom Properties tab, 302
duplicate alerts, suppressing, 307-308
event-based monitoring, 303-305
Events tab, 302
History tab, 303
launching, 300-301
Parameters tab, 305
performance monitoring, 306-307
Product Knowledge tab, 303
Properties tab, 301-302, 303-304
service level agreements, meeting with, 308-309
task-based monitoring, 305-306
redundancy requirements, 38
Remote Assistance and Terminal Services, 184
Remote Connectivity Monitoring, SQL Server 2000, 249
Remote Connectivity script, SQL Server 2000, 251-252
remote database, WSUS, 128-129
remote MOM agent, 175
replicas, WSUS, 126
Replication Monitoring script
Active Directory, 222-223
SQL Server 2000, 252
Replication Op Master Consistency script, Active Directory, 224
Replication Partner Count script, Active Directory, 223-224
reporting. See also SMS reports
architecture, 370-372
console, 372-375
features, 19-20
prerequisites, 59-60
server, selecting, 60-62
Reporting Console (RC)-Web, monitoring. See RC - Web, monitoring
Reporting Point (RP) system, 72-73
ACLs, 352-355
security settings, applying, 352-355
WSUS, 140-141
rescheduling automated updates, 140
reset command, 143
resolution states
alerts, 156
custom, 308-309
responses, creating with script and managed code
applications, 274
described, 268-269
script, 269-273
RG (Rule Groups), 193-194
roadmap, System Center, 383
RP (Reporting Point) system, 72-73
RPC errors, 54
RRAS (Routing and Remote Access Service) 2003, 387
Computer Discovery, 47-48
Alert Rules, 195, 203-205
Computer Group, associating with Rule Group, 205-206
Event Rules, 194, 199-201
Performance Rules, 194, 201-203
Rule Group, creating, 198-199
Tasks, 195
scheduling, 172