

Web.config files, 328

Web references

discovery process and, 12, 125–127

proxies, 117–122

WSDL to find URLs, 108

Web Services

accessing, 194

ASP.NET consumers, 100–101, 111–117, 280–285

creating your own implementation, 338–349

defined and described, 4, 11

deployment phase, 293–295

design stage, 258–259

discovery process, 12, 123–128

documenting for users, 103–106

efficiency issues, 312–327

implemention of, 13–14, 338–349

object-oriented programming and, 4–10

SOAP and, 10–12

testing, 202–206

testing phase, 285–293

underlying XML technologies, 11–12

VisualBasic.NET to create, 359–362

Web addresses for, 12

WebServiceStudio for compatibility testing, 203–206

see also Apache SOAP 2.3; Axis™ (Apache); C#; Java; Microsoft .NET; Middle tiers

Web Services Description language (WSDL). See WSDL (Web Services Description Language)

Web Services Development Toolkit, description and download information, 354

WebServiceStudio, 203–206

Web site addresses

Apache and Tomcat configuration information, 236

Java downloads, 131

SOAP lite (library for PERL scripts), 365

SSL downloads, 239

Tomcat downloads, 131, 355

UDDI.NET SDK (Microsoft), 369–373

UDDI sites, 76–77

WebServiceStudio download source, 203

XML standards, 18

Windows-integrated authentication, 227–232

WSDL2Java tool, 181–190, 211, 271

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 12

Apache Axis and, 166, 181–190, 200–202

Apache SOAP Web Service and, 199–200

binding, 55–56, 60–61

command line options for WSDL Tool, 118

defined and described, 52–53, 55–58

described, 52–53

discovery process and, 127–128

document structure, 55–63

HTTPS and proxies, 244–246

implementations, writing your own, 340–342

import and XSD files, 63–65

Java2WDSL tool, 199–201

message, 55–56, 59

namespace definitions, 57–58

parent elements in documents, 55–56

portType, 55–56, 59–60

service and service definition, 55–56, 61

types, 55–56, 58

URLs for Web references, 108

WSDL2Java and proxy creation, 181–190, 211

Cross-Platform Web Services Using C# and Java
Cross-Platform Web Services Using C# & JAVA (Charles River Media Internet & Web Design)
ISBN: 1584502622
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 128 © 2008-2017.
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