Commands for Network Connection and Resource Access

The commands for network connection and resource access are as follows :




  • MAP

  • TREE

Each of these commands is covered in detail in the following sections.


ATTACH establishes a connection between a workstation and a NetWare server. If the server is not in the current tree, a bindery connection is made. This is mostly for NetWare 3 servers. NetWare 4 and higher servers no longer need to attach separately to multiple servers and do not need to use the ATTACH command. If users want to connect to multiple trees, use the TREE command. If users are trying to create persistent drive mappings, use the MAP command.


CONTEXT sets a user 's current context in the eDirectory tree.

 CONTEXT <  desired eDirectory context  > 

To change the current eDirectory context, replace context with the context you want the user to see after login. For example, to set the current context to the organizational unit Orem, under the organization Quills, add the following line to the login script:

 CONTEXT .Orem.Quills 

You can also type a single period instead of a container name to indicate that you want to move up one level. For example, if you are in the context SysTest.Testing.Provo.Quills and you want to move up one level to Testing.Provo.Quills , you type


You can use multiple periods to move up multiple levels in the tree.


DRIVE changes the default drive while the login script is executing. If this command is not included in the login script, the default drive will be set to the first network drive, which is often assigned to the user's home directory. If you don't want the default drive to be the first network drive, map a drive in the login script to the directory you want to be the default; then use the DRIVE command to change the default drive.

Instead of specifying a drive letter such as F: or G:, you can use an asterisk followed by a number n to represent the n th network drive (for example, *3 ). This allows drive letters to reorder themselves automatically if previous drive mappings are deleted or added.

 DRIVE [  drive letter  *  n  ] 

Replace drive letter with a local or network drive letter, or replace n with a drive number. The use of either is dependent on their already being assigned within the login script.


MAP assigns drive letters to network directories. Placing MAP statements in the login script eliminates the need to map drives every time a user logs in. If you do not want the result of each mapping to be displayed as it is executed, add the MAP DISPLAY OFF command at the beginning of the login script. When all drive map assignments have been completed, add the line MAP DISPLAY ON for a cleaner display for users as they log in.

Instead of specifying drive letters such as F: or G:, you can use an asterisk followed by a number n to represent the n th network drive. For example, if the first network drive is F:, using MAP *3:= would assign H: (1 2 3 = F G H). Or, if the first network drive is D:, using MAP *4:= would assign G: (1 2 3 4 = D E F G).

This allows drive letters to reorder themselves automatically when local drives are removed or added or when the first network drive is changed. This also allows users to log in from workstations with a different number of local drives than their regular workstation. Use the following syntax:

 MAP [[  options  ][  parameter  ][  drive  :=  path  ] 

Replace drive with any valid network drive letter, local drive letter, or search drive number.

Replace path with a drive letter, a full directory path, or a Directory Map object. When mapping a drive to a directory on an eDirectory server, begin the path with the volume object's name or < server name >\< volume name > . More than one command can be on the map line if a semicolon (;) separates the commands:


Replace options with DISPLAY ONOFF or ERRORS ONOFF . DISPLAY ONOFF determines whether drive mappings are displayed on the screen when the users log in. The default setting is ON . ERRORS ONOFF determines whether MAP error messages are displayed when the users log in. MAP ERROR OFF must be placed before MAP commands in the login script. The default setting is ON .

Replace parameter with one of the following:

  • INS : Inserts a drive mapping between existing search mappings.

  • DEL : Deletes a drive mapping, making that drive letter available for other mapping assignments.

  • ROOT or R : Maps a fake root. Some applications require their executable files to be located in a root directory. Because you might not want users to have rights at the root directory, you can map a fake root to a subdirectory instead. The Windows NT native environment forces a map root on all drives. To prevent a forced map root in a Windows NT environment, set the MAP ROOT OFF = 1 environment variable. All drives are then mapped as specified, and only explicit map root drives are rooted.

  • C ( CHANGE ): Changes a search drive mapping to a regular mapping, or a regular mapping to a search drive mapping.

  • P ( PHYSICAL ): Maps a drive to the physical volume of a server, rather than to the volume object's name. A Volume object's name might conflict with a physical volume name. (For example, object ACCT is an Accounting volume, but there is also an ACCT that is a physical volume.) Therefore, if you prefer to map a drive to the physical volume name, use MAP P .

  • N ( NEXT ): When used without specifying a drive number or letter, maps the next available drive.


Use the TREE command to attach to another eDirectory tree within the network and to access its resources. The TREE command changes the focus of the login script so that all eDirectory object references in subsequent script commands (for drive mappings, print captures, and so on) apply to the eDirectory tree specified in the TREE command. You can include multiple TREE commands within a login script, either to attach to additional trees or to switch the login script's focus back to a tree that the user is already attached to. Use the following syntax:

 TREE  tree_name  [/  complete_name  ] 

Replace tree_name with the name of the eDirectory tree that you want the user to attach to.

Replace complete_name with the user's Distinguished Name (DN) for the eDirectory tree that the user is attaching to. The DN establishes the user's context in the tree. If you do not include the complete name, the user will be prompted for a DN during login script execution.

The TREE command will always prompt the users for their eDirectory password.

Novell NetWare 6. 5 Administrator's Handbook
Novell NetWare 6.5 Administrators Handbook
ISBN: 0789729849
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 172 © 2008-2017.
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