By harnessing both iWork '06 and iLife '06, you can create a podcast from your Keynote presentationthat is, you can create a small audio file optimized for Internet delivery and synchronize your slides as embedded graphics. This is an innovative way to distribute your work. We are still working with 06Photo Portfolio.key from the Lesson 06 folder.
1. | With your presentation open, choose File > Export. Click Images.
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2. | Select All to export all images.
3. | Select "Export images into iPhoto."
4. | From the Format pop-up menu, choose JPEG.
5. | Click Next. Then name the album 06 Photo Portfolio and click OK.
 It will take a few minutes to export your slides.
6. | Launch GarageBand by clicking its icon in the Dock.
 To save a few steps, a GarageBand file has been created and filled with narration. You can explore the full features of GarageBand by picking up Apple Training Series: iLife '06 and Apple Training Series: GarageBand 3.
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7. | Open the file from the Lesson 06 folder.
This file contains narration for the podcast and a music bed using a jingle that is built into GarageBand.
8. | Arrange your window to look like the following image. Be sure the Media Browser (Command-R) and the Editor (Command-E) are both visible.
9. | Click Photos in the Media Browser and then select the 06Photo Portfolio album.
10. | Drag slide.001 into the podcast track. Position the slide so it starts at a time of 00:00:00.000.
 You are now going to add your second slide.
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11. | Click Play and listen to the podcast. When the first photo is mentioned, at approximately 00:00:19.000, press the spacebar to pause the podcast. Drag slide.002 into the podcast track.
This adds the second artwork piece to your Timeline.
12. | Continue to add the remaining slides and synchronize them with the narration. When the voice talks about each slide, be sure to switch graphics in the podcast track.
The final artwork track needs an Out point set. This Out point determines when the podcast ends.
13. | Position the playhead at approximately 00:03:50.000.
14. | Click the podcast track; then choose Edit > Split.
 You now need to select the unneeded artwork in the Timeline and remove it.
15. | Click an empty track to deselect both pieces of artwork; then select the artwork to the right of the playhead. Press the Delete key to remove it from your Timeline.
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16. | In the Editor, locate the Artwork column in the marker list and double-click the first thumbnail in the column to open the image in the Artwork Editor. Drag the slider to the left to scale the side to fit. Click Set.
17. | Repeat for the remaining artwork.
18. | Drag slide .001 from the Media Browser into the Episode Artwork well and double-click the image to open it in the Artwork Editor. Adjust its size to fit as you did with the other images.
It's now time to publish the podcast.
19. | Choose Share > Send Song to iTunes.
GarageBand processes the song and sends it to iTunes. In iTunes, click Library in the Source list to display all the items you have imported into iTunes. Find your exported podcast in the library; then select it and choose File > Show Song File (Command-R) to reveal the actual podcast file in the Finder. Once you know where the file is, you can e-mail the file to another person.
Be sure to explore the Send to iWeb command as well. You can modify the iWeb page and post to your .mac account. See the iWeb documentation for more details.
The following figure shows what your viewers will see when looking at the podcast in iTunes.