Anonymous Methods

Up to this point, a method must already exist in order for the delegate to work (that is, the delegate is defined with the same signature as the method(s) it will be used with). However there is another way to use delegates — with anonymous methods. An anonymous method is a block of code that is used as the parameter for the delegate.

The syntax for defining a delegate with an anonymous method doesn't change. It's when the delegate is instantiated that things change. The following is a very simple console app that shows how using an anonymous method can work:

 namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { delegate string delegateTest(string val); static void Main(string[] args) { string mid = ", middle part,"; delegateTest anonDel = delegate(string param) { param += mid; param += " and this was added to the string."; return param; }; Console.WriteLine(anonDel("Start of string")); } } } 

The delegate delegateTest is defined as a class-level variable. It takes a single string parameter. Where things become different is in the Main method. When anonDel is defined, instead of passing in a known method name, a simple block of code is used:

 { param += mid; param += " and this was added to the string."; return param; }; 

As you can see, the block of code uses a method-level string variable, mid, which is defined outside of the anonymous method and adds it to the parameter that was passed in. The code then returns the string value. When the delegate is called, a string is passed in as the parameter and the returned string is output to the console.

The benefit of anonymous methods is to reduce overhead. A method doesn't have to be defined just to be used by the delegate. This becomes very evident when defining the delegate for an event. (Events are discussed later in this chapter.) This can help reduce the complexity of code, especially where there are several events defined.

A couple of rules must be followed when using anonymous methods. You can't have a jump statement (break, goto, or continue) in an anonymous method that has a target outside of the anonymous method. The reverse is also true — a jump statement outside the anonymous method cannot have a target inside the anonymous method.

Unsafe code cannot be accessed inside an anonymous method. Also, ref and out parameters that are used outside of the anonymous method cannot be accessed. Other variables defined outside of the anonymous method can be used.

SimpleDelegate Example

This example defines a MathsOperations class that has a couple of static methods to perform two operations on doubles. Then you use delegates to call up these methods. The math class looks like this:

 class MathsOperations { public static double MultiplyByTwo(double value) { return value*2; } public static double Square(double value) { return value*value; } } 

You call up these methods like this:

 using System; namespace SimpleDelegate { delegate double DoubleOp(double x); class MainEntryPoint { static void Main() { DoubleOp [] operations = { new DoubleOp(MathsOperations.MultiplyByTwo), new DoubleOp(MathsOperations.Square) }; for (int i=0 ; i<operations.Length ; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Using operations[{0}]:", i); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 2.0); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 7.94); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 1.414); Console.WriteLine(); } } static void ProcessAndDisplayNumber(DoubleOp action, double value) { double result = action(value); Console.WriteLine( "Value is {0}, result of operation is {1}", value, result); } 

In this code, you instantiate an array of DoubleOp delegates (remember that once you have defined a delegate class, you can basically instantiate instances just like you can with normal classes, so putting some into an array is no problem). Each element of the array gets initialized to refer to a different operation implemented by the MathOperations class. Then, you loop through the array, applying each operation to three different values. This illustrates one way of using delegates — that you can group methods together into an array using them, so that you can call several methods in a loop.

The key lines in this code are the ones in which you actually pass each delegate to the ProcessAndDisplayNumber() method, for example:

         ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 2.0);

Here, you are passing in the name of a delegate but without any parameters. Given that operations[i] is a delegate, syntactically:

  • operations[i] means the delegate (that is, the method represented by the delegate).

  • operations[i](2.0) means actually call this method, passing in the value in parentheses.

The ProcessAndDisplayNumber() method is defined to take a delegate as its first parameter:

   static void ProcessAndDisplayNumber(DoubleOp action, double value)

Then, when in this method, you call:

     double result = action(value);

This actually causes the method that is wrapped up by the action delegate instance to be called and its return result stored in Result.

Running this example gives the following:

 SimpleDelegate Using operations[0]: Value is 2, result of operation is 4 Value is 7.94, result of operation is 15.88 Value is 1.414, result of operation is 2.828 Using operations[1]: Value is 2, result of operation is 4 Value is 7.94, result of operation is 63.0436 Value is 1.414, result of operation is 1.999396

If anonymous methods were used in this example, the first class, MathOperations, could be completely eliminated. The Main method would then look like this:

 static void Main() { DoubleOp multByTwo = delegate(double val) {return val * 2;} DoubleOp square = delegate(double val) {return val * val;} DoubleOp [] operations = {multByTwo, square}; for (int i=0 ; i<operations.Length ; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Using operations[{0}]:", i); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 2.0); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 7.94); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 1.414); Console.WriteLine(); } } 

Running this version will give the same results as the previous example. The advantage is that it eliminated a class.

BubbleSorter Example

You are now ready for an example that will show delegates working in a situation in which they are very useful. You are going to write a class called BubbleSorter. This class implements a static method, Sort(), which takes as its first parameter an array of objects, and rearranges this array into ascending order. For example, if you were to pass it this array of ints: {0, 5, 6, 2, 1}, it would rearrange this array into {0, 1, 2, 5, 6}.

The bubble-sorting algorithm is a well-known and very simple way of sorting numbers. It is best suited to small sets of numbers, because for larger sets of numbers (more than about 10) far more efficient algorithms are available). It works by repeatedly looping through the array, comparing each pair of numbers and, if necessary, swapping them, so that the largest numbers progressively move to the end of the array. For sorting ints, a method to do a bubble sort might look like this:

 for (int i = 0; i < sortArray.Length; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < sortArray.Length; j++) { if (sortArray[j] < sortArray[i])   // problem with this test { int temp = sortArray[i];   // swap ith and jth entries sortArray[i] = sortArray[j]; sortArray[j] = temp; } } } 

This is all very well for ints, but you want your Sort() method to be able to sort any object. In other words, if some client code hands you an array of Currency structs or any other class or struct that it may have defined, you need to be able to sort the array. This presents a problem with the lineif(sortArray[j] < sortArray[i]) in the preceding code, because that requires you to compare two objects on the array to see which one is greater. You can do that for ints, but how are you to do it for some new class that is unknown or undecided until runtime? The answer is the client code that knows about the class will have to pass in a delegate wrapping a method that will do the comparison.

You define the delegate like this:

 delegate bool CompareOp(object lhs, object rhs); 

And you give your Sort method this signature:

 static public void Sort(object [] sortArray, CompareOp gtMethod) 

The documentation for this method states that gtMethod must refer to a static method that takes two arguments, and returns true if the value of the second argument is greater than (that is, should come later in the array than) the first one.


Although you are using delegates here, it is possible to solve this problem alternatively by using interfaces..NET in fact makes the IComparer interface available for that purpose. However, delegates are used here because this is still the kind of problem that lends itself to delegates.

Now you are all set. Here is the definition for the BubbleSorter class:

 class BubbleSorter { static public void Sort(object [] sortArray, CompareOp gtMethod) { for (int i=0 ; i<sortArray.Length ; i++) { for (int j=i+1 ; j<sortArray.Length ; j++) { if (gtMethod(sortArray[j], sortArray[i])) { object temp = sortArray[i]; sortArray[i] = sortArray[j]; sortArray[j] = temp; } } } } } 

To use this class, you need to define some other class, which you can use to set up an array that needs sorting. For this example, assume that the Mortimer Phones mobile phone company has a list of employees and wants them sorted according to salary. The employees are each represented by an instance of a class, Employee, which looks like this:

 class Employee { private string name; private decimal salary; public Employee(string name, decimal salary) { = name; this.salary = salary; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format(name + ", {0:C}", salary); } public static bool RhsIsGreater(object lhs, object rhs) { Employee empLhs = (Employee) lhs; Employee empRhs = (Employee) rhs; return (empRhs.salary > empLhs.salary) ? true : false; } } 

Notice that in order to match the signature of the CompareOp delegate, you had to define RhsIsGreater in this class as taking two object references, rather than Employee references as parameters. This means that you had to cast the parameters into Employee references in order to perform the comparison.

Now you are ready to write some client code to request a sort:

 using System; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.AdvancedCSharp { delegate bool CompareOp(object lhs, object rhs); class MainEntryPoint { static void Main() { Employee [] employees = { new Employee("Bugs Bunny", 20000), new Employee("Elmer Fudd", 10000), new Employee("Daffy Duck", 25000), new Employee("Wiley Coyote", (decimal)1000000.38), new Employee("Foghorn Leghorn", 23000), new Employee("RoadRunner'", CompareOp employeeCompareOp = new CompareOp(Employee.RhsIsGreater); BubbleSorter.Sort(employees, employeeCompareOp); for (int i=0 ; i<employees.Length ; i++) Console.WriteLine(employees[i].ToString()); } } 

Running this code shows that the Employees are correctly sorted according to salary:

 BubbleSorter Elmer Fudd, $10,000.00 Bugs Bunny, $20,000.00 Foghorn Leghorn, $23,000.00 Daffy Duck, $25,000.00 RoadRunner, $50,000.00 Wiley Coyote, $1,000,000.38 

Multicast Delegates

So far, each of the delegates you have used wraps just one single method call. Calling the delegate amounts to calling that method. If you want to call more than one method, you need to make an explicit call through a delegate more than once. However, it is possible for a delegate to wrap more than one method. Such a delegate is known as a multicast delegate. If a multicast delegate is called, it will successively call each method in order. For this to make sense, the delegate signature must return a void (otherwise, where would all the return values go?), and in fact, if the compiler sees a delegate that returns a void, it automatically assumes you mean a multicast delegate. Consider the following code, which is adapted from the SimpleDelegate example. Although the syntax is the same as before, it is actually a multicast delegate, Operations, that gets instantiated:

 delegate void DoubleOp(double value); //   delegate double DoubleOp(double value);   // can't    class MainEntryPoint    {       static void Main()       { DoubleOp operations = new DoubleOp(MathOperations.MultiplyByTwo); operations += new DoubleOp(MathOperations.Square); 

In the earlier example, you wanted to store references to two methods so you instantiated an array of delegates. Here, you simply add both operations into the same multicast delegate. Multicast delegates recognize the operators + and +=. Alternatively, you can also expand the last two lines of the preceding code as in this snippet:

DoubleOp operation1 = new DoubleOp(MathOperations.MultiplyByTwo); DoubleOp operation2 = new DoubleOp(MathOperations.Square); DoubleOp operations = operation1 + operation2;

Multicast delegates also recognize the operators and -= to remove method calls from the delegate.


In terms of what's going on under the hood, a multicast delegate is a class derived from System. MulticastDelegate, which in turn is derived from System.Delegate. System.Multicast Delegate has additional members to allow chaining of method calls together into a list.

To illustrate the use of multicast delegates, the following code recasts the SimpleDelegate example into a new example, MulticastDelegate. Because you now need the delegate to refer to methods that return void, you have to rewrite the methods in the MathOperations class, so they display their results instead of returning them:

 class MathOperations { public static void MultiplyByTwo(double value) { double result = value*2; Console.WriteLine( "Multiplying by 2: {0} gives {1}", value, result); } public static void Square(double value) { double result = value*value; Console.WriteLine("Squaring: {0} gives {1}", value, result); } } 

To accommodate this change, you also have to rewrite ProcessAndDisplayNumber:

 static void ProcessAndDisplayNumber(DoubleOp action, double valueToProcess) { Console.WriteLine("\nProcessAndDisplayNumber called with value = " + valueToProcess); action(valueToProcess); } 

Now you can try out your multicast delegate like this:

 static void Main() { DoubleOp operations = new DoubleOp(MathOperations.MultiplyByTwo); operations += new DoubleOp(MathOperations.Square); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 2.0); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 7.94); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 1.414); Console.WriteLine(); } 

Now, each time ProcessAndDisplayNumber is called, it will display a message to say that it has been called. Then the following statement will cause each of the method calls in the action delegate instance to be called in succession:


Running this code gives this result:

 MulticastDelegate ProcessAndDisplayNumber called with value = 2 Multiplying by 2: 2 gives 4 Squaring: 2 gives 4 ProcessAndDisplayNumber called with value = 7.94 Multiplying by 2: 7.94 gives 15.88 Squaring: 7.94 gives 63.0436 ProcessAndDisplayNumber called with value = 1.414 Multiplying by 2: 1.414 gives 2.828 Squaring: 1.414 gives 1.999396 

If you are using multicast delegates, you should be aware that the order in which methods chained to the same delegate will be called is formally undefined. You should, therefore, avoid writing code that relies on such methods being called in any particular order.

Professional C# 2005
Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers
ISBN: 1590596080
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 351
Authors: Dean C. Wills © 2008-2017.
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