GAC. See global assembly cache

gacutil (Global Assembly Cache Utility), 441, 446, 449

garbage collection

closing forms and, 782

destructors and, 199

efficiency of, 193–194

fixed keyword for pointers and, 213–214

forcing, 199

managed heap and, 13, 198–199

not deterministic, 14

overview, 198–199

strong data typing in IL and, 13–14

System.GC class for, 199

GDI (graphical device interface), 842. See also GDI+

GDI+. See also graphics

color representation in, 863

described, 841

device contexts (DCs), 843–844

displaying images using, 870–873

GDI versus, 842

Graphics class and, 844

huge number of features provided by, 842

namespaces for, 843

responding to user input, 890–893

Generate() method (ResourceWriter class), 528

GenericCustomer class, 119–124


ArraySegment<T> struct, 303–304

binary code reuse by, 273–274

C++ templates compared to, 272

code bloat and, 274

collection classes and their functionality, 276–277

creating custom generic classes, 293–296

delegates, 299–301

displaying collections with DataGridView control, 811–813

EventHandler<TEventArgs> delegate, 302–303

interfaces and their functionality, 275–276

introduction of, 269, 271

LinkedList<T> class, 287–292

List<T> class, 272–273, 278–283

methods, 297–299

namespace for, 270

naming guidelines, 274

.NET base classes for, 277–278

Nullable<T> struct, 301–302

performance advantages of, 272–273

Queue<T> class, 283–286

strong typing provided by, 269

type safety of, 273

get accessor of properties, 93, 94

GetAssemblyFullName() method, 452

GetAttribute() method (XmlReader class), 668

GetChannel() method (ChannelServices class), 1026

GetCustomAttributes() method (Assembly class), 320, 323

GetDocument() method (DocumentManager class), 284, 294

GetEnumerator() method (IEnumerable interface), 246–247

GetFreeDate() method, 929–930, 933

GetHashCode() method, 107, 263–264

GetKeyList() method (SortedList class), 258

GetMembers() method, 319

GetMethods() method (Type class), 323

GetObject() method (Activator class), 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030

GetRandomQuoteOfTheDay() method (QuoteServer class library), 1277

GetRange() method (ArrayList class), 253

GetRowType() method (CustomerTable class), 836

GetType() method (Type class), 107, 108, 314

GetTypes() method (Assembly class), 319–320, 322

GetValue() method (RegistryKey class), 1231

GetValueList() method (SortedList class), 258

global assembly cache

adding publisher policy assembly to, 457

Assembly Cache Viewer for, 439–440

ClickOnce limitations and, 567

COM registration using, 1178

defined, 19, 413, 438

gacutil (Global Assembly Cache Utility), 441, 446, 449

Ngen.exe native image generator, 438–439

Global Assembly Cache Utility (gacutil), 441, 446, 449

globalization. See also localization

creating custom cultures, 549–550

CultureInfo class for, 515

CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture properties for, 516–517, 518, 519

date formatting, 519–520

defined, 513

localization versus, 513

namespace for, 513, 514

number formatting, 517–519

RegionInfo class for, 515

sorting and, 524–526

specific, neutral, and invariant cultures and, 515–516

Unicode issues, 514–515

Windows Forms culture demo application, 520–524

globally unique identifier (GUID) in Active Directory, 728

goto statement, 50, 55

graphical device interface (GDI), 842. See also GDI+

graphics. See also CapsEditorexample ; GDI+

clipping region and, 848–850

colors, 863–866

debugging and, 855–856

device coordinates for, 863

display modes, colors and, 865

displaying images, 870–873

drawing scrollable windows, 856–862

drawing shapes and lines, 868–870

drawing shapes, application for, 844–847

drawing text, 874–880

editing a text document, 880–893

enumerating font families, 878–880

fonts and font families, 876–880

hidden window parts and, 846–847

issues when manipulating images, 873–874

measuring coordinates and areas, 850–855

page coordinates for, 863

painting shapes, 847–848

pens and brushes for, 866–868

printing, 893–899

simple text example, 874–876

world coordinates for, 863

Graphics class

DrawImage() method, 874

DrawImageUnscaled() method, 873

DrawString() method, 874, 875–876

GDI+ and, 844

MeasureString() method, 874, 893

methods, 868–869

GregorianCalendar class, 522–523

grouping characters with regular expressions, 240–243

groups of objects. See also generics; specific functionalities

array lists, 250–253

collections, 246–250

dictionaries, 259–269

.NET functionality supporting, 245–246

queues, 256–257

SortedList collections, 257–259

stacks, 253–256

GUID (globally unique identifier) in Active Directory, 728

Professional C# 2005
Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers
ISBN: 1590596080
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 351
Authors: Dean C. Wills

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