IADsServiceOperations interface, 16051606

IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority), 1362

IChannel interface, 1412

IChannelReceiver interface, 1412, 1414

IChannelSender interface, 1412, 1414

ICollection interface, 145

ICollection<T> interface, 16991700

IComparable interface, 205, 261, 280

IComparer interface, 205, 261


defining for activity, 1555–1557

setting form, 1021

shield, 1656–1658

IContextAttribute interface, 1406

ID attributes, control names, 1221

identifiers, programming guidelines for, 7476

identity, configuring with Component Services Explorer, 1464

identity permissions

list of, 598

not included in permission sets, 599

IDictionary interface, 14131414

IDisposable interface, 327330

freeing unmanaged resources, 327–328

implementing in C#, Visual Basic and C++/CLI, 1642–1643

implementing with using clause, 855–856

summary, 899

using in conjunction with destructors, 328–330

IEnlistmentNotification, resource managers and, 697698

IEnumerable interface

arrays, 145

do...while loops and, 1638

generic version (IEnumerable<T>), 249

message queues and, 1497

IEnumerator interface, 147, 1498

IExtenderProviderService interface, 15631564

#if,, preprocessor directive, 7273

if statements, in C#, Visual Basic and C++/CLI, 16341635

if...else statement

conditional statements, 48–49

switch statements in C++, 1635–1636

ternary (?:) operator and, 159

IfElseActivity, 15441545, 1561

IFormatProvider, 641642

IFormattable interface

format strings and, 228

FormattableVector example, 231–233

ToString( ) method, 230–231

IIf function, in Visual Basic, 1635

IIS (Internet Information Server)

ASP.NET working with, 1214

hosting .NET Remoting servers, 1439–1440

installing ASP.NET Web sites, 1216

IL (intermediate language)

application domains in .NET, 14–16

attribute use, 17

CLS and, 12–13

exception handling, 16–17

features, 7–8

garbage collection, 13–14

ildasm utility as MSIL

disassembler, 479

language interoperability and, 5–7, 496

managed code and, 4–5

.NET security, 14

ngen for compiling IL code to native code, 497–498

object orientation and interface support, 8–9

strong data typing, 9–12

value and reference types and, 9

ildasm utility

regenerating assemblies, 653

symbols, 480

viewing assemblies, 479

ILease interface, 1427

IList interface

arrays, 146

DataGridView supporting, 1047

inserting elements into lists, 275

IList<T> interface, 275

IListSource interface, 1047

ILogicalThreadAffinative interface, 14501451

ImageList component, 1005


adding to custom controls, 1030

Button, 999

displaying in GDI+, 1103–1105

issues when manipulating, 1105–1106

setting ToolStrip, 1012

IMessage interface, 1420

IMessageFormatter interface, 14951496

IMessageSink interface, 1421

IMethodCallMessage interface, 1420

IMethodMessage interface, 1420

immediate notification, 1588

immutable data types, String class, 223

implementation inheritance

abstract classes and functions, 117

adding constructors to a hierarchy, 120–122

adding constructors with parameters to a hierarchy, 122–124

calling based versions of functions, 116–117

constructors of derived classes, 118–120

hiding methods, 115–116

implementation inheritance vs.

interface inheritance, 111–112

modifiers, 124–126

overview of, 113–114

sealed classes and methods, 117–118

virtual methods, 114–115

Implements keyword, 1626

implicit conversions, data types, 164165

implicit renewals, leases, 1426

ImportCatalogPart control, 1292

Imports keyword, 1622

IMyMessage interface, duplex communication, 1538

increment (++) operator, 158

index operators, 156, 180


accessing array elements, 135

accessing elements in lists, 275–277

DataRow indexer, 873–874

indexer class functions, 86

RGB color values, 1096

searching lists, 277–279

XML, 980

indirection operator (*), 156, 333

inference, delegate, 200201

inheritance, 111132.

See also implementation inheritance

AJAX Library OOP extensions, 1327–1328

in C#, Visual Basic and C++/CLI, 1640–1642

classes and, 112–113

generic classes, 255–256

implementation inheritance vs. interface inheritance, 111–112

multiple, 112

structs and, 103, 112–113

summary, 132

types of, 111

Init( ) method, creating user-defined aggregates, 966967


arrays, 134–135

custom controls, 1028–1030

objects and collections, 1699–1700

user controls, 1034

InitializeComponent( ) method

creating Windows Form application, 992–993

drawing scrollable windows, 1090

drawing shapes, 1076–1077

selecting data, 1062

InitializeLifetimeService( ) method, 14281429

inner product, multiplication of vectors, 176177

input strings, 235

Insert( ) method

inserting elements into lists, 275

OrderData component, 1474

INSERT statements, 859

inserting XML content, 979

Install( ) method, message

queues, 1510

installation packages

creating, 448

SimpleClientApp solution, 448–456

SimpleWebApp solution, 456–457

installation program, Windows Services, 726

Installer classes, Windows Services, 726730

overview of, 726–727

ServiceInstallerDialog, 730

ServiceProcessInstaller and ServiceInstaller, 727–730

installer packages, creating with Component Services Explorer, 14621463

installer projects, Visual Studio 2005, 446447

installutil.exe, 731, 1510


classes, 84

delegates, 197–198

forms, 1017–1020

images, 1103

integer types

casting pointers to, 334–335

enumerations compared with, 56

predefined value types, 41–42

Intellisense, predicting code entries, 1221

interactive services, Windows Services, 743744

interceptors, 1405

interface keyword, 1626


in C#, Visual Basic and C++/CLI, 1626

collection, 270–271

defining and implementing, 127–130

derived, 131–132

generic, 256–257

IL and, 8–9

implementation inheritance vs. interface inheritance, 111–112

.NET Remoting, 1440

overview of, 126–127

interfaces, COM, 749751

casting and querying, 751

custom, 749

dispatch, 749–750

dual, 750

overview of, 749–751

Interlocked class, thread safety, 571572

internal protected access

modifier, in C++/CLI, 1640

Internet access, 13391372

HTML and. See HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

IP addresses and DNS names, 1358–1361

lower-level protocols, 1361–1371

URIs, 1357–1358

WebClient class, 1340–1342

WebRequest and WebResponse classes, 1342–1345

Internet Assigned Number

Authority (IANA), 1362

Internet Explorer

adding more features to

application, 1349–1354

launching instances of, 1348–1349

running Windows Forms controls in, 782–783

Internet Information Server. See IIS (Internet Information Server)

Internet Zone, security zones, 461462, 630

Invalidate( ) method

adding user input in GDI+, 1126

calculating item and document sizes, 1119

Control class, 998

editing text document, 1116–1117

Invoke( ) method

accessing native ADSI objects, 1605

pluggability of proxies and, 1419

proxy objects and, 1419

receiving messages, 1504–1505

IOException class, 372

IP addresses, 13581361

comprising endpoints, 1362

DNS names and, 1359

DNSLookup example, 1360–1361

IPv4 and IPv6, 1358

.NET classes for, 1359–1360

IPAddress class, 1359

IPC channels

object activation, 1417–1419

overview of, 1411–1413

properties, 1413–1414

registering with ChannelServices, 1415–1416

security configuration, 1442–1444

IPHostEntry class, 13591360

IPrincipal interface, 632

IResourceReader, System.Resources, 657

IRoomService interface, 15151516, 1522

is operator, 160


interface, 14131414

IsHandCreated property, Control class, 997998

IsInAsyncPostBack property, 13171318

isolated storage, reading/writing to, 840845

isolation levels

ACID properties, 677

transactions, 695–697, 857

IsolationLevel enumeration, 695696

ISponsor interface, 1427

It just works, interoperability and, 1651

ItemsControl, WPF, 11511152

<ItemTemplate>, 1246

Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0
Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0
ISBN: 470124725
Year: 2007
Pages: 427

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