Code validation

 < Day Day Up > 

When opening a document in Code view, Dreamweaver automatically validates that the document is not using any tags, attributes, CSS properties, or CSS values that are not available in the target browsers that the user selected. Dreamweaver underlines errors with a wavy red line.

Dreamweaver stores browser profiles in the Browser Profile folder inside the Dreamweaver Configuration folder. Each browser profile is defined as a text file that is named for the browser. For example, the browser profile for Internet Explorer version 6.0 is Internet_Explorer_6.0.txt. To support target browser checking for CSS, Dreamweaver stores CSS profile information for a browser in an XML file whose name corresponds to the browser profile but with a suffix of _CSS.xml. For example, the CSS profile for Internet Explorer 6.0 is Internet_Explorer_6.0_CSS.xml. You might want to make changes to a CSS profile file if you find that Dreamweaver is reporting an error that you do not want.

The CSS profile file consists of three XML tags: css-support, property, and value. The following sections describe these tags.



This tag is the root node for a set of property and value tags that are supported by a particular browser.




The property and value tags.




 <css-support> . . . </css-support> 



Defines a supported CSS property for the browser profile.


 name, names, supportlevel, message 

  • name="property_name" The name of the property for which you are specifying support.

  • names="property_name, property_name, ..." A comma-separated list of property names for which you are specifying support.

    The names attribute is a kind of shorthand. For example, the following names attribute is a shorthand method of defining the name attribute that follows it:

     <property names="foo,bar">   <value type="named" name="top"/>   <value type="named" name="bottom"/> </property> <property name="foo">   <value type="named" name="top"/>   <value type="named" name="bottom"/> </property> <property name="bar">   <value type="named" name="top"/>   <value type="named" name="bottom"/> </property> 

  • supportlevel="error", "warning", "info", or "supported" Specifies the level of support for the property. If not specified, "supported" is assumed. If you specify a support level other than "supported" and omit the message attribute, Dreamweaver uses the default message, "CSS property name property_name is not supported."

  • message="message_string" The message attribute defines a message string that Dreamweaver displays when it finds the property in a document. The message string describes possible limitations or workarounds for the property value.






<property name="background-color" supportLevel="supported">



Defines a list of values supported by the current property.


 type, name, names, supportlevel, message, 

  • type="any", "named", "units", "color", "string", or "function" Specifies the type of value. If you specify "named", "units", or "color", then either the name or names attribute must specify the value IDs to match for this item. The "units" value matches a numeric value, followed by one of the units values specified in the names attribute.

  • name="value_name" A CSS value identifier. No spaces or punctuation allowed other than hyphen (-). The name of one of the values that are valid for the CSS property named in the parent property node. This can identify either a specific value or a units specifier.

  • names="name1, name2, . . ." Specifies a comma-separated list of value IDs.

  • supportlevel="error", "warning", "info", or "supported" Specifies the level of support for this value in the browser. If not specified, the value "supported" is assumed.

  • message="message_string" The message attribute defines a message string that Dreamweaver displays when it finds the property value in a document. If the message attribute is omitted, Dreamweaver displays a message string of "value_name is not supported."






 <property name="margin">   <value type="units" name="ex" supportLevel="warning"     message="The implementation of ex units is buggy in Safari 1.0."/>   <value type="units" names="%,em,px,in,cm,mm,pt,pc"/>   <value type="named" name="auto"/>   <value type="named" name="inherit"/> </property> 

     < Day Day Up > 

    Developing Extensions for Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
    Developing Extensions for Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
    ISBN: 0321395409
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 282 © 2008-2017.
    If you may any questions please contact us: