
Example 42.1. Stepwise Logistic Regression and Predicted Values

Consider a study on cancer remission (Lee 1974). The data, consisting of patient characteristics and whether or not cancer remission occurred, are saved in the data set Remission .

  data Remission;   input remiss cell smear infil li blast temp;   label remiss=Complete Remission;   datalines;   1   .8   .83  .66  1.9  1.1     .996   1   .9   .36  .32  1.4   .74    .992   0   .8   .88  .7    .8   .176   .982   0  1     .87  .87   .7  1.053   .986   1   .9   .75  .68  1.3   .519   .98   0  1     .65  .65   .6   .519   .982   1   .95  .97  .92  1    1.23    .992   0   .95  .87  .83  1.9  1.354  1.02   0  1     .45  .45   .8   .322   .999   0   .95  .36  .34   .5  0      1.038   0   .85  .39  .33   .7   .279   .988   0   .7   .76  .53  1.2   .146   .982   0   .8   .46  .37   .4   .38   1.006   0   .2   .39  .08   .8   .114   .99   0  1     .9   .9   1.1  1.037   .99   1  1     .84  .84  1.9  2.064  1.02   0   .65  .42  .27   .5   .114  1.014   0  1     .75  .75  1    1.322  1.004   0   .5   .44  .22   .6   .114   .99   1  1     .63  .63  1.1  1.072   .986   0  1     .33  .33   .4   .176  1.01   0   .9   .93  .84   .6  1.591  1.02   1  1     .58  .58  1     .531  1.002   0   .95  .32  .3   1.6   .886   .988   1  1     .6   .6   1.7   .964   .99   1  1     .69  .69   .9   .398   .986   0  1     .73  .73   .7   .398   .986   ;  

The data set Remission contains seven variables . The variable remiss is the cancer remission indicator variable with a value of 1 for remission and a value of 0 for nonremission. The other six variables are the risk factors thought to be related to cancer remission.

The following invocation of PROC LOGISTIC illustrates the use of stepwise selection to identify the prognostic factors for cancer remission. A significance level of 0.3 (SLENTRY=0.3) is required to allow a variable into the model, and a significance level of 0.35 (SLSTAY=0.35) is required for a variable to stay in the model. A detailed account of the variable selection process is requested by specifying the DETAILS option. The Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test for the final selected model is requested by specifying the LACKFIT option. The OUTEST= and COVOUT options in the PROC LOGISTIC statement create a data set that contains parameter estimates and their covariances for the final selected model. The response variable option EVENT= sets remiss =1 (remission) to be Ordered Value 1 so that the probability of remission is modeled . The OUTPUT statement creates a data set that contains the cumulative predicted probabilities and the corresponding confidence limits, and the individual and cross validated predicted probabilities for each observation.

  title Stepwise Regression on Cancer Remission Data;   proc logistic data=Remission outest=betas covout;   model remiss(event=1)=cell smear infil li blast temp   / selection=stepwise   slentry=0.3   slstay=0.35   details   lackfit;   output out=pred p=phat lower=lcl upper=ucl   predprob=(individual crossvalidate);   run;   proc print data=betas;   title2 Parameter Estimates and Covariance Matrix;   run;   proc print data=pred;   title2 Predicted Probabilities and 95% Confidence Limits;   run;  

In stepwise selection, an attempt is made to remove any insignificant variables from the model before adding a significant variable to the model. Each addition or deletion of a variable to or from a model is listed as a separate step in the displayed output, and at each step a new model is fitted. Details of the model selection steps are shown in Output 42.1.1 “Output 42.1.5.

Output 42.1.1: Startup Model
start example
  Stepwise Regression on Cancer Remission Data   The LOGISTIC Procedure   Model Information   Data Set                      WORK.REMISSION   Response Variable             remiss               Complete Remission   Number of Response Levels     2   Model                         binary logit   Optimization Technique        Fishers scoring   Number of Observations Read          27   Number of Observations Used          27   Response Profile   Ordered                      Total   Value       remiss     Frequency   1            0            18   2            1             9   Probability modeled is remiss=1.   Stepwise Selection Procedure   Step 0. Intercept entered:   Model Convergence Status   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept     1     -0.6931      0.4082        2.8827        0.0895   Residual Chi-Square Test   Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   9.4609        6         0.1493   Analysis of Effects Eligible for Entry   Score   Effect      DF    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   cell         1        1.8893        0.1693   smear        1        1.0745        0.2999   infil        1        1.8817        0.1701   li           1        7.9311        0.0049   blast        1        3.5258        0.0604   temp         1        0.6591        0.4169  
end example
Output 42.1.2: Step 1 of the Stepwise Analysis
start example
  Step 1. Effect li entered:   Model Convergence Status   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.   Model Fit Statistics   Intercept   Intercept            and   Criterion          Only     Covariates   AIC              36.372         30.073   SC               37.668         32.665   -2 Log L         34.372         26.073   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio         8.2988        1         0.0040   Score                    7.9311        1         0.0049   Wald                     5.9594        1         0.0146   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept     1     -3.7771      1.3786        7.5064        0.0061   li            1      2.8973      1.1868        5.9594        0.0146   Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses   Percent Concordant     84.0    Somers D    0.710   Percent Discordant     13.0    Gamma        0.732   Percent Tied            3.1    Tau-a        0.328   Pairs                   162    c            0.855   Residual Chi-Square Test   Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   3.1174        5         0.6819   NOTE: No effects for the model in Step 1 are removed.   Analysis of Effects Eligible for Entry   Score   Effect      DF    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   cell         1        1.1183        0.2903   smear        1        0.1369        0.7114   infil        1        0.5715        0.4497   blast        1        0.0932        0.7601   temp         1        1.2591        0.2618  
end example
Output 42.1.3: Step 2 of the Stepwise Analysis
start example
  Step 2. Effect temp entered:   Model Convergence Status   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.   Model Fit Statistics   Intercept   Intercept            and   Criterion          Only     Covariates   AIC              36.372         30.648   SC               37.668         34.535   -2 Log L         34.372         24.648   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio         9.7239        2         0.0077   Score                    8.3648        2         0.0153   Wald                     5.9052        2         0.0522   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept     1     47.8448     46.4381        1.0615        0.3029   li            1      3.3017      1.3593        5.9002        0.0151   temp          1    -52.4214     47.4897        1.2185        0.2697   Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses   Percent Concordant     87.0    Somers D    0.747   Percent Discordant     12.3    Gamma        0.752   Percent Tied            0.6    Tau-a        0.345   Pairs                   162    c            0.873   Residual Chi-Square Test   Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   2.1429        4         0.7095   NOTE: No effects for the model in Step 2 are removed.   Analysis of Effects Eligible for Entry   Score   Effect      DF    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   cell         1        1.4700        0.2254   smear        1        0.1730        0.6775   infil        1        0.8274        0.3630   blast        1        1.1013        0.2940  
end example
Output 42.1.4: Step 3 of the Stepwise Analysis
start example
  Step 3. Effect cell entered:   Model Convergence Status   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.   Model Fit Statistics   Intercept   Intercept            and   Criterion          Only     Covariates   AIC              36.372         29.953   SC               37.668         35.137   -2 Log L         34.372         21.953   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio        12.4184        3         0.0061   Score                    9.2502        3         0.0261   Wald                     4.8281        3         0.1848   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept     1     67.6339     56.8875        1.4135        0.2345   cell          1      9.6521      7.7511        1.5507        0.2130   li            1      3.8671      1.7783        4.7290        0.0297   temp          1    -82.0737     61.7124        1.7687        0.1835   Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses   Percent Concordant     88.9    Somers D    0.778   Percent Discordant     11.1    Gamma        0.778   Percent Tied            0.0    Tau-a        0.359   Pairs                   162    c            0.889   Residual Chi-Square Test   Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   0.1831        3         0.9803   NOTE: No effects for the model in Step 3 are removed.   Analysis of Effects Eligible for Entry   Score   Effect      DF    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   smear        1        0.0956        0.7572   infil        1        0.0844        0.7714   blast        1        0.0208        0.8852   NOTE: No (additional) effects met the 0.3 significance level for entry into the   model.  
end example
Output 42.1.5: Summary of the Stepwise Selection
start example
  Summary of Stepwise Selection   Effect               Number       Score        Wald   Step  Entered  Removed    DF        In  Chi-Square  Chi-Square  Pr > ChiSq   1  li                   1         1      7.9311                  0.0049   2  temp                 1         2      1.2591                  0.2618   3  cell                 1         3      1.4700                  0.2254  
end example

Prior to the first step, the intercept-only model is fitted and individual score statistics for the potential variables are evaluated (Output 42.1.1). In Step 1 (Output 42.1.2), variable li is selected into the model since it is the most significant variable among those to be chosen ( p =0 . 0049 < 0 . 3). The intermediate model that contains an intercept and li is then fitted. li remains significant ( p =0 . 0146 < 0 . 35) and is not removed. In Step 2 (Output 42.1.3), variable temp is added to the model. The model then contains an intercept and variables li and temp . Both li and temp remain significant at 0.035 level; therefore, neither li nor temp is removed from the model. In Step 4 (Output 42.1.4), variable cell is added to the model. The model then contains an intercept and variables li , temp , and cell . None of these variables are removed from the model since all are significant at the 0.35 level. Finally, none of the remaining variables outside the model meet the entry criterion, and the stepwise selection is terminated . A summary of the stepwise selection is displayed in Output 42.1.5.

Output 42.1.6: Display of the LACKFIT Option
start example
  Partition for the Hosmer and Lemeshow Test   remiss = 1              remiss = 0   Group       Total    Observed    Expected    Observed    Expected   1           3           0        0.00           3        3.00   2           3           0        0.01           3        2.99   3           3           0        0.19           3        2.81   4           3           0        0.56           3        2.44   5           4           1        1.09           3        2.91   6           3           2        1.35           1        1.65   7           3           2        1.84           1        1.16   8           3           3        2.15           0        0.85   9           2           1        1.80           1        0.20   Hosmer and Lemeshow Goodness-of-Fit Test   Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   6.2983        7         0.5054  
end example

Results of the Hosmer and Lemeshow test are shown in Output 42.1.6. There is no evidence of a lack of fit in the selected model ( p =0 . 5054).

Output 42.1.7: Data Set of Estimates and Covariances
start example
  Stepwise Regression on Cancer Remission Data   Parameter Estimates and Covariance Matrix   Obs    _LINK_    _TYPE_     _STATUS_      _NAME_       Intercept        cell   1     LOGIT     PARMS     0 Converged    remiss           67.63       9.652   2     LOGIT     COV       0 Converged    Intercept      3236.19     157.097   3     LOGIT     COV       0 Converged    cell            157.10      60.079   4     LOGIT     COV       0 Converged    smear              .          .   5     LOGIT     COV       0 Converged    infil              .          .   6     LOGIT     COV       0 Converged    li               64.57       6.945   7     LOGIT     COV       0 Converged    blast              .          .   8     LOGIT     COV       0 Converged    temp   3483.23   223.669   Obs    smear    infil       li       blast        temp    _LNLIKE_   1       .        .        3.8671      .   82.07   10.9767   2       .        .       64.5726      .   3483.23   10.9767   3       .        .        6.9454      .   223.67   10.9767   4       .        .         .          .           .   10.9767   5       .        .         .          .           .   10.9767   6       .        .        3.1623      .   75.35   10.9767   7       .        .         .          .           .   10.9767   8       .        .   75.3513      .       3808.42   10.9767  
end example

The data set betas created by the OUTEST= and COVOUT options is displayed in Output 42.1.7. The data set contains parameter estimates and the covariance matrix for the final selected model. Note that all explanatory variables listed in the MODEL statement are included in this data set; however, variables that are not included in the final model have all missing values.

Output 42.1.8: Predicted Probabilities and Confidence Intervals
start example
  Stepwise Regression on Cancer Remission Data   Predicted Probabilities and 95% Confidence Limits  _  r                                       _  _                                      L   e          s     i          b           F  I                                      E   m    c     m     n          l      t    R  N     I        I        X        X     V     p   O  i    e     e     f          a      e    O  T     P        P        P        P     E     h        l        u   b  s    l     a     i    l     s      m    M  O     _        _        _        _     L     a        c        c   s  s    l     r     l    i     t      p    _  _     0        1        0        1     _     t        l        l   1  1  0.80  0.83  0.66  1.9  1.100  0.996  1  1  0.27735  0.72265  0.43873  0.56127  1  0.72265  0.16892  0.97093   2  1  0.90  0.36  0.32  1.4  0.740  0.992  1  1  0.42126  0.57874  0.47461  0.52539  1  0.57874  0.26788  0.83762   3  0  0.80  0.88  0.70  0.8  0.176  0.982  0  0  0.89540  0.10460  0.87060  0.12940  1  0.10460  0.00781  0.63419   4  0  1.00  0.87  0.87  0.7  1.053  0.986  0  0  0.71742  0.28258  0.67259  0.32741  1  0.28258  0.07498  0.65683   5  1  0.90  0.75  0.68  1.3  0.519  0.980  1  1  0.28582  0.71418  0.36901  0.63099  1  0.71418  0.25218  0.94876   6  0  1.00  0.65  0.65  0.6  0.519  0.982  0  0  0.72911  0.27089  0.67269  0.32731  1  0.27089  0.05852  0.68951   7  1  0.95  0.97  0.92  1.0  1.230  0.992  1  0  0.67844  0.32156  0.72923  0.27077  1  0.32156  0.13255  0.59516   8  0  0.95  0.87  0.83  1.9  1.354  1.020  0  1  0.39277  0.60723  0.09906  0.90094  1  0.60723  0.10572  0.95287   9  0  1.00  0.45  0.45  0.8  0.322  0.999  0  0  0.83368  0.16632  0.80864  0.19136  1  0.16632  0.03018  0.56123   10  0  0.95  0.36  0.34  0.5  0.000  1.038  0  0  0.99843  0.00157  0.99840  0.00160  1  0.00157  0.00000  0.68962   11  0  0.85  0.39  0.33  0.7  0.279  0.988  0  0  0.92715  0.07285  0.91723  0.08277  1  0.07285  0.00614  0.49982   12  0  0.70  0.76  0.53  1.2  0.146  0.982  0  0  0.82714  0.17286  0.63838  0.36162  1  0.17286  0.00637  0.87206   13  0  0.80  0.46  0.37  0.4  0.380  1.006  0  0  0.99654  0.00346  0.99644  0.00356  1  0.00346  0.00001  0.46530   14  0  0.20  0.39  0.08  0.8  0.114  0.990  0  0  0.99982  0.00018  0.99981  0.00019  1  0.00018  0.00000  0.96482   15  0  1.00  0.90  0.90  1.1  1.037  0.990  0  1  0.42878  0.57122  0.35354  0.64646  1  0.57122  0.25303  0.83973   16  1  1.00  0.84  0.84  1.9  2.064  1.020  1  1  0.28530  0.71470  0.47213  0.52787  1  0.71470  0.15362  0.97189   17  0  0.65  0.42  0.27  0.5  0.114  1.014  0  0  0.99938  0.00062  0.99937  0.00063  1  0.00062  0.00000  0.62665   18  0  1.00  0.75  0.75  1.0  1.322  1.004  0  0  0.77711  0.22289  0.73612  0.26388  1  0.22289  0.04483  0.63670   19  0  0.50  0.44  0.22  0.6  0.114  0.990  0  0  0.99846  0.00154  0.99842  0.00158  1  0.00154  0.00000  0.79644   20  1  1.00  0.63  0.63  1.1  1.072  0.986  1  1  0.35089  0.64911  0.42053  0.57947  1  0.64911  0.26305  0.90555   21  0  1.00  0.33  0.33  0.4  0.176  1.010  0  0  0.98307  0.01693  0.98170  0.01830  1  0.01693  0.00029  0.50475   22  0  0.90  0.93  0.84  0.6  1.591  1.020  0  0  0.99378  0.00622  0.99348  0.00652  1  0.00622  0.00003  0.56062   23  1  1.00  0.58  0.58  1.0  0.531  1.002  1  0  0.74739  0.25261  0.84423  0.15577  1  0.25261  0.06137  0.63597   24  0  0.95  0.32  0.30  1.6  0.886  0.988  0  1  0.12989  0.87011  0.03637  0.96363  1  0.87011  0.40910  0.98481   25  1  1.00  0.60  0.60  1.7  0.964  0.990  1  1  0.06868  0.93132  0.08017  0.91983  1  0.93132  0.44114  0.99573   26  1  1.00  0.69  0.69  0.9  0.398  0.986  1  0  0.53949  0.46051  0.62312  0.37688  1  0.46051  0.16612  0.78529   27  0  1.00  0.73  0.73  0.7  0.398  0.986  0  0  0.71742  0.28258  0.67259  0.32741  1  0.28258  0.07498  0.65683  
end example

The data set pred created by the OUTPUT statement is displayed in Output 42.1.8.It contains all the variables in the input data set, the variable phat for the (cumulative) predicted probability, the variables lcl and ucl for the lower and upper confidence limits for the probability, and four other variables (viz., IP_1 , IP_0 , XP_1 , and XP_0 ) for the PREDPROBS= option. The data set also contains the variable _LEVEL_ , indicating the response value to which phat , lcl , and ucl refer. For instance, for the first row of the OUTPUT data set, the values of _LEVEL_ and phat , lcl , and ucl are 1, 0.72265, 0.16892 and 0.97093, respectively; this means that the estimated probability that remiss 1 is 0.723 for the given explanatory variable values, and the corresponding 95% confidence interval is (0.16892, 0.97093). The variables IP_1 and IP_0 contain the predicted probabilities that remiss =1 and remiss =0, respectively. Note that values of phat and IP_1 are identical since they both contain the probabilities that remiss =1. The variables XP_1 and XP_0 contain the cross validated predicted probabilities that remiss =1 and remiss =0, respectively.

Next , a different variable selection method is used to select prognostic factors for cancer remission, and an efficient algorithm is employed to eliminate insignificant variables from a model. The following SAS statements invoke PROC LOGISTIC to perform the backward elimination analysis.

  title Backward Elimination on Cancer Remission Data;   proc logistic data=Remission;   model remiss(event=1)=temp cell li smear blast   / selection=backward fast slstay=0.2 ctable;   run;  

The backward elimination analysis (SELECTION=BACKWARD) starts with a model that contains all explanatory variables given in the MODEL statement. By specifying the FAST option, PROC LOGISTIC eliminates insignificant variables without refitting the model repeatedly. This analysis uses a significance level of 0.2 (SLSTAY=0.2) to retain variables in the model, which is different from the previous stepwise analysis where SLSTAY=.35. The CTABLE option is specified to produce classifications of input observations based on the final selected model.

Output 42.1.9: Initial Step in Backward Elimination
start example
  Backward Elimination on Cancer Remission Data   The LOGISTIC Procedure   Model Information   Data Set                      WORK.REMISSION   Response Variable             remiss               Complete Remission   Number of Response Levels     2   Model                         binary logit   Optimization Technique        Fishers scoring   Number of Observations Read          27   Number of Observations Used          27   Response Profile   Ordered                      Total   Value       remiss     Frequency   1            0            18   2            1             9   Probability modeled is remiss=1.   Backward Elimination Procedure   Step  0. The following effects were entered:   Intercept  temp  cell  li  smear  blast   Model Convergence Status   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.   Model Fit Statistics   Intercept   Intercept            and   Criterion          Only     Covariates   AIC              36.372         33.857   SC               37.668         41.632   -2 Log L         34.372         21.857   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio        12.5146        5         0.0284   Score                    9.3295        5         0.0966   Wald                     4.7284        5         0.4499  
end example
Output 42.1.10: Fast Elimination Step
start example
  Step 1. Fast Backward Elimination:   Analysis of Effects Removed by Fast Backward Elimination   Pr >   Effect                                           Residual            Residual   Removed    Chi-Square      DF    Pr > ChiSq    Chi-Square      DF       ChiSq   blast          0.0008       1        0.9768        0.0008       1      0.9768   smear          0.0951       1        0.7578        0.0959       2      0.9532   cell           1.5134       1        0.2186        1.6094       3      0.6573   temp           0.6535       1        0.4189        2.2628       4      0.6875   Model Convergence Status   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.   Model Fit Statistics   Intercept   Intercept            and   Criterion          Only     Covariates   AIC              36.372         30.073   SC               37.668         32.665   -2 Log L         34.372         26.073   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio         8.2988        1         0.0040   Score                    7.9311        1         0.0049   Wald                     5.9594        1         0.0146   Residual Chi-Square Test   Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   2.8530        4         0.5827   Summary of Backward Elimination   Effect               Number          Wald   Step    Removed      DF          In    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   1    blast         1           4        0.0008        0.9768   1    smear         1           3        0.0951        0.7578   1    cell          1           2        1.5134        0.2186   1    temp          1           1        0.6535        0.4189   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept     1     -3.7771      1.3786        7.5064        0.0061   li            1      2.8973      1.1868        5.9594        0.0146   Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses   Percent Concordant     84.0    Somers D    0.710   Percent Discordant     13.0    Gamma        0.732   Percent Tied            3.1    Tau-a        0.328   Pairs                   162    c            0.855  
end example

Results of the fast elimination analysis are shown in Output 42.1.9 and Output 42.1.10. Initially, a full model containing all six risk factors is fit to the data (Output 42.1.9). In the next step (Output 42.1.10), PROC LOGISTIC removes blast , smear , cell , and temp from the model all at once. This leaves li and the intercept as the only variables in the final model. Note that in this analysis, only parameter estimates for the final model are displayed because the DETAILS option has not been specified.

Note that you can also use the FAST option when SELECTION=STEPWISE. However, the FAST option operates only on backward elimination steps. In this example, the stepwise process only adds variables, so the FAST option would not be useful.

Output 42.1.11: Classifying Input Observations
start example
  Classification Table   Correct    Incorrect             Percentages   Prob         Non-        Non-        Sensi-  Speci-  False  False   Level Event Event Event Event Correct tivity  ficity   POS    NEG   0.060     9     0    18     0    33.3  100.0     0.0   66.7     .   0.080     9     2    16     0    40.7  100.0    11.1   64.0    0.0   0.100     9     4    14     0    48.1  100.0    22.2   60.9    0.0   0.120     9     4    14     0    48.1  100.0    22.2   60.9    0.0   0.140     9     7    11     0    59.3  100.0    38.9   55.0    0.0   0.160     9    10     8     0    70.4  100.0    55.6   47.1    0.0   0.180     9    10     8     0    70.4  100.0    55.6   47.1    0.0   0.200     8    13     5     1    77.8   88.9    72.2   38.5    7.1   0.220     8    13     5     1    77.8   88.9    72.2   38.5    7.1   0.240     8    13     5     1    77.8   88.9    72.2   38.5    7.1   0.260     6    13     5     3    70.4   66.7    72.2   45.5   18.8   0.280     6    13     5     3    70.4   66.7    72.2   45.5   18.8   0.300     6    13     5     3    70.4   66.7    72.2   45.5   18.8   0.320     6    14     4     3    74.1   66.7    77.8   40.0   17.6   0.340     5    14     4     4    70.4   55.6    77.8   44.4   22.2   0.360     5    14     4     4    70.4   55.6    77.8   44.4   22.2   0.380     5    15     3     4    74.1   55.6    83.3   37.5   21.1   0.400     5    15     3     4    74.1   55.6    83.3   37.5   21.1   0.420     5    15     3     4    74.1   55.6    83.3   37.5   21.1   0.440     5    15     3     4    74.1   55.6    83.3   37.5   21.1   0.460     4    16     2     5    74.1   44.4    88.9   33.3   23.8   0.480     4    16     2     5    74.1   44.4    88.9   33.3   23.8   0.500     4    16     2     5    74.1   44.4    88.9   33.3   23.8   0.520     4    16     2     5    74.1   44.4    88.9   33.3   23.8   0.540     3    16     2     6    70.4   33.3    88.9   40.0   27.3   0.560     3    16     2     6    70.4   33.3    88.9   40.0   27.3   0.580     3    16     2     6    70.4   33.3    88.9   40.0   27.3   0.600     3    16     2     6    70.4   33.3    88.9   40.0   27.3   0.620     3    16     2     6    70.4   33.3    88.9   40.0   27.3   0.640     3    16     2     6    70.4   33.3    88.9   40.0   27.3   0.660     3    16     2     6    70.4   33.3    88.9   40.0   27.3   0.680     3    16     2     6    70.4   33.3    88.9   40.0   27.3   0.700     3    16     2     6    70.4   33.3    88.9   40.0   27.3   0.720     2    16     2     7    66.7   22.2    88.9   50.0   30.4   0.740     2    16     2     7    66.7   22.2    88.9   50.0   30.4   0.760     2    16     2     7    66.7   22.2    88.9   50.0   30.4   0.780     2    16     2     7    66.7   22.2    88.9   50.0   30.4   0.800     2    17     1     7    70.4   22.2    94.4   33.3   29.2   0.820     2    17     1     7    70.4   22.2    94.4   33.3   29.2   0.840     0    17     1     9    63.0    0.0    94.4  100.0   34.6   0.860     0    17     1     9    63.0    0.0    94.4  100.0   34.6   0.880     0    17     1     9    63.0    0.0    94.4  100.0   34.6   0.900     0    17     1     9    63.0    0.0    94.4  100.0   34.6   0.920     0    17     1     9    63.0    0.0    94.4  100.0   34.6   0.940     0    17     1     9    63.0    0.0    94.4  100.0   34.6   0.960     0    18     0     9    66.7    0.0   100.0     .    33.3  
end example

Results of the CTABLE option are shown in Output 42.1.11. Each row of the Classification Table corresponds to a cutpoint applied to the predicted probabilities, which is given in the Prob Level column. The 2 — 2 frequency tables of observed and predicted responses are given by the next four columns . For example, with a cutpoint of 0.5, 4 events and 16 nonevents were classified correctly. On the other hand, 2 nonevents were incorrectly classified as events and 5 events were incorrectly classified as nonevents. For this cutpoint, the correct classification rate is 20/27 (=74.1%), which is given in the sixth column. Accuracy of the classification is summarized by the sensitivity, specificity, and false positive and negative rates, which are displayed in the last four columns. You can control the number of cutpoints used, and their values,byusingthePPROB= option.

Example 42.2. Logistic Modeling with Categorical Predictors

Consider a study of the analgesic effects of treatments on elderly patients with neuralgia. Two test treatments and a placebo are compared. The response variable is whether the patient reported pain or not. Researchers recorded age and gender of the patients and the duration of complaint before the treatment began . The data, consisting of 60 patients, are contained in the data set Neuralgia .

  Data Neuralgia;   input Treatment $ Sex $ Age Duration Pain $ @@;   datalines;   P  F  68   1  No   B  M  74  16  No  P  F  67  30  No   P  M  66  26  Yes  B  F  67  28  No  B  F  77  16  No   A  F  71  12  No   B  F  72  50  No  B  F  76   9  Yes   A  M  71  17  Yes  A  F  63  27  No  A  F  69  18  Yes   B  F  66  12  No   A  M  62  42  No  P  F  64   1  Yes   A  F  64  17  No   P  M  74   4  No  A  F  72  25  No   P  M  70   1  Yes  B  M  66  19  No  B  M  59  29  No   A  F  64  30  No   A  M  70  28  No  A  M  69   1  No   B  F  78   1  No   P  M  83   1  Yes B  F  69  42  No   B  M  75  30  Yes  P  M  77  29  Yes P  F  79  20  Yes   A  M  70  12  No   A  F  69  12  No  B  F  65  14  No   B  M  70   1  No   B  M  67  23  No  A  M  76  25  Yes   P  M  78  12  Yes  B  M  77   1  Yes B  F  69  24  No   P  M  66   4  Yes  P  F  65  29  No  P  M  60  26  Yes   A  M  78  15  Yes  B  M  75  21  Yes A  F  67  11  No   P  F  72  27  No   P  F  70  13  Yes A  M  75   6  Yes   B  F  65   7  No   P  F  68  27  Yes P  M  68  11  Yes   P  M  67  17  Yes  B  M  70  22  No  A  M  65  15  No   P  F  67   1  Yes  A  M  67  10  No  P  F  72  11  Yes   A  F  74   1  No   B  M  80  21  Yes A  F  69   3  No   ;  

The data set Neuralgia contains five variables: Treatment , Sex , Age , Duration ,and Pain . The last variable, Pain , is the response variable. A specification of Pain =Yes indicates there was pain, and Pain =No indicates no pain. The variable Treatment is a categorical variable with three levels: A and B represent the two test treatments, and P represents the placebo treatment. The gender of the patients is given by the categorical variable Sex . The variable Age is the age of the patients, in years , when treatment began. The duration of complaint, in months, before the treatment began is given by the variable Duration . The following statements use the LOGISTIC procedure to fit a two-way logit with interaction model for the effect of Treatment and Sex , with Age and Duration as covariates. The categorical variables Treatment and Sex are declared in the CLASS statement.

  proc logistic data=Neuralgia;   class Treatment Sex;   model Pain= Treatment Sex Treatment*Sex Age Duration / expb;   run;  

In this analysis, PROC LOGISTIC models the probability of no pain ( Pain =No). By default, effect coding is used to represent the CLASS variables. Two design variables are created for Treatment and one for Sex , as shown in Output 42.2.1.

Output 42.2.1: Effect Coding of CLASS Variables
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Class Level Information   Design   Class         Value     Variables   Treatment     A          1      0   B          0      1   P         -1     -1   Sex           F          1   M         -1  
end example

PROC LOGISTIC displays a table of the Type 3 analysis of effects based on the Wald test (Output 42.2.2). Note that the Treatment*Sex interaction and the duration of complaint are not statistically significant ( p =0.9318 and p =0.8752, respectively). This indicates that there is no evidence that the treatments affect pain differently in men and women, and no evidence that the pain outcome is related to the duration of pain.

Output 42.2.2: Wald Tests of Individual Effects
start example
  Type 3 Analysis of Effects   Wald   Effect             DF    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Treatment           2       11.9886        0.0025   Sex                 1        5.3104        0.0212   Treatment*Sex       2        0.1412        0.9318   Age                 1        7.2744        0.0070   Duration            1        0.0247        0.8752  
end example

Parameter estimates are displayed in Output 42.2.3. The Exp(Est) column contains the exponentiated parameter estimates requested with the EXPB option. These values may, but do not necessarily , represent odds ratios for the corresponding variables. For continuous explanatory variables, the Exp(Est) value corresponds to the odds ratio for a unit increase of the corresponding variable. For CLASS variables using the effect coding, the Exp(Est) values have no direct interpretation as a comparison of levels. However, when the reference coding is used, the Exp(Est) values represent the odds ratio between the corresponding level and the last level. Following the parameter estimates table, PROC LOGISTIC displays the odds ratio estimates for those variables that are not involved in any interaction terms. If the variable is a CLASS variable, the odds ratio estimate comparing each level with the last level is computed regardless of the coding scheme. In this analysis, since the model contains the Treatment * Sex interaction term , the odds ratios for Treatment and Sex were not computed. The odds ratio estimates for Age and Duration are precisely the values given in the Exp(Est) column in the parameter estimates table.

Output 42.2.3: Parameter Estimates with Effect Coding
start example
  Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard        Wald   Parameter          DF  Estimate     Error  Chi-Square  Pr > ChiSq  Exp(Est)   Intercept           1   19.2236    7.1315      7.2661      0.0070   2.232E8   Treatment     A     1    0.8483    0.5502      2.3773      0.1231     2.336   Treatment     B     1    1.4949    0.6622      5.0956      0.0240     4.459   Sex           F     1    0.9173    0.3981      5.3104      0.0212     2.503   Treatment*Sex A F   1   -0.2010    0.5568      0.1304      0.7180     0.818   Treatment*Sex B F   1    0.0487    0.5563      0.0077      0.9302     1.050   Age                 1   -0.2688    0.0996      7.2744      0.0070     0.764   Duration            1   0.00523    0.0333      0.0247      0.8752     1.005   Odds Ratio Estimates   Point          95% Wald   Effect              Estimate      Confidence Limits   Age                    0.764       0.629       0.929   Duration               1.005       0.942       1.073  
end example

The following PROC LOGISTIC statements illustrate the use of forward selection on the data set Neuralgia to identify the effects that differentiate the two Pain responses. The option SELECTION=FORWARD is specified to carry out the forward selection. The term TreatmentSex@2 illustrates another way to specify main effects and two-way interaction as is available in other procedures such as PROC GLM. (Note that, in this case, the @2 is unnecessary because no interactions besides the two-way interaction are possible).

  proc logistic data=Neuralgia;   class Treatment Sex;   model Pain=TreatmentSex@2 Age Duration   /selection=forward expb;   run;  

Results of the forward selection process are summarized in Output 42.2.4. The variable Treatment is selected first, followed by Age and then Sex . The results are consistent with the previous analysis (Output 42.2.2) in which the Treatment * Sex interaction and Duration are not statistically significant.

Output 42.2.4: Effects Selected into the Model
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Summary of Forward Selection   Effect                        Number         Score   Step    Entered               DF          In    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   1    Treatment              2           1       13.7143        0.0011   2    Age                    1           2       10.6038        0.0011   3    Sex                    1           3        5.9959        0.0143  
end example

Output 42.2.5 shows the Type 3 analysis of effects, the parameter estimates, and the odds ratio estimates for the selected model. All three variables, Treatment , Age , and Sex , are statistically significant at the 0.05 level ( p =0.0011, p =0.0011, and p =0.0143, respectively). Since the selected model does not contain the Treatment * Sex interaction, odds ratios for Treatment and Sex are computed. The estimated odds ratio is 24.022 for treatment A versus placebo, 41.528 for Treatment B versus placebo, and 6.194 for female patients versus male patients. Note that these odds ratio estimates are not the same as the corresponding values in the Exp(Est) column in the parameter estimates table because effect coding was used. From Output 42.2.5, it is evident that both Treatment A and Treatment B are better than the placebo in reducing pain; females tend to have better improvement than males; and younger patients are faring better than older patients.

Output 42.2.5: Type 3 Effects and Parameter Estimates with Effect Coding
start example
  Type 3 Analysis of Effects   Wald   Effect             DF    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Treatment           2       12.6928        0.0018   Sex                 1        5.3013        0.0213   Age                 1        7.6314        0.0057   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard         Wald   Parameter         DF   Estimate      Error   Chi-Square   Pr > ChiSq   Exp(Est)   Intercept          1    19.0804     6.7882       7.9007       0.0049   1.9343E8   Treatment     A    1     0.8772     0.5274       2.7662       0.0963      2.404   Treatment     B    1     1.4246     0.6036       5.5711       0.0183      4.156   Sex           F    1     0.9118     0.3960       5.3013       0.0213      2.489   Age                1    -0.2650     0.0959       7.6314       0.0057      0.767   Odds Ratio Estimates   Point          95% Wald   Effect              Estimate      Confidence Limits   Treatment A vs P      24.022       3.295     175.121   Treatment B vs P      41.528       4.500     383.262   Sex       F vs M       6.194       1.312      29.248   Age                    0.767       0.636       0.926  
end example

Finally, PROC LOGISTIC is invoked to refit the previously selected model using reference coding for the CLASS variables. Two CONTRAST statements are specified. The one labeled Pairwise specifies three rows in the contrast matrix, L, for all the pairwise comparisons between the three levels of Treatment . The contrast labeled Female vs Male compares female to male patients. The option ESTIMATE=EXP is specified in both CONTRAST statements to exponentiate the estimates of L ² ² . With the given specification of contrast coefficients, the first row of the Pairwise CONTRAST statement corresponds to the odds ratio of A versus P, the second row corresponds to B versus P, and the third row corresponds to A versus B. There is only one row in the Female vs Male CONTRAST statement, and it corresponds to the odds ratio comparing female to male patients.

  proc logistic data=Neuralgia;   class Treatment Sex /param=ref;   model Pain= Treatment Sex age;   contrast Pairwise Treatment 1  0,   Treatment 0  1,   Treatment 1 -1 / estimate=exp;   contrast Female vs Male Sex 1 / estimate=exp;   run;  
Output 42.2.6: Reference Coding of CLASS Variables
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Class Level Information   Design   Class         Value     Variables   Treatment     A          1      0   B          0      1   P          0      0   Sex           F          1   M          0  
end example

The reference coding is shown in Output 42.2.6. The Type 3 analysis of effects, the parameter estimates for the reference coding, and the odds ratio estimates are displayed in Output 42.2.7. Although the parameter estimates are different (because of the different parameterizations), the Type 3 Analysis of Effects table and the Odds Ratio table remain the same as in Output 42.2.5. With effect coding, the treatment A parameter estimate (0.8772) estimates the effect of treatment A compared to the average effect of treatments A, B, and placebo. The treatment A estimate (3.1790) under the reference coding estimates the difference in effect of treatment A and the placebo treatment.

Output 42.2.7: Type 3 Effects and Parameter Estimates with Reference Coding
start example
  Type 3 Analysis of Effects   Wald   Effect         DF    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Treatment       2       12.6928        0.0018   Sex             1        5.3013        0.0213   Age             1        7.6314        0.0057   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter      DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept       1     15.8669      6.4056        6.1357        0.0132   Treatment A     1      3.1790      1.0135        9.8375        0.0017   Treatment B     1      3.7264      1.1339       10.8006        0.0010   Sex       F     1      1.8235      0.7920        5.3013        0.0213   Age             1     -0.2650      0.0959        7.6314        0.0057   Odds Ratio Estimates   Point          95% Wald   Effect              Estimate      Confidence Limits   Treatment A vs P      24.022       3.295     175.121   Treatment B vs P      41.528       4.500     383.262   Sex       F vs M       6.194       1.312      29.248   Age                    0.767       0.636       0.926  
end example

Output 42.2.8 contains two tables: the Contrast Test Results table and the Contrast Rows Estimation and Testing Results table. The former contains the overall Wald test for each CONTRAST statement. Although three rows are specified in the Pairwise CONTRAST statement, there are only two degrees of freedom, and the Wald test result is identical to the Type 3 analysis of Treatment in Output 42.2.7. The latter table contains estimates and tests of individual contrast rows. The estimates for the first two rows of the Pairwise CONTRAST statement are the same as those given in the Odds Ratio Estimates table (in Output 42.2.7). Both treatments A and B are highly effective over placebo in reducing pain. The third row estimates the odds ratio comparing A to B. The 95% confidence interval for this odds ratio is (0.0932, 3.5889), indicating that the pain reduction effects of these two test treatments are not that different. Again, the Female vs Male contrast shows that female patients fared better in obtaining relief from pain than male patients.

Output 42.2.8: Results of CONTRAST Statements
start example
  Contrast Test Results   Wald   Contrast            DF    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Pairwise             2       12.6928        0.0018   Female vs Male       1        5.3013        0.0213   Contrast Rows Estimation and Testing Results   Standard   Contrast        Type       Row  Estimate     Error   Alpha   Confidence Limits   Pairwise        EXP          1   24.0218   24.3473    0.05    3.2951     175.1   Pairwise        EXP          2   41.5284   47.0877    0.05    4.4998     383.3   Pairwise        EXP          3    0.5784    0.5387    0.05    0.0932    3.5889   Female vs Male  EXP          1    6.1937    4.9053    0.05    1.3116   29.2476   Contrast Rows Estimation and Testing Results   Wald   Contrast        Type       Row  Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Pairwise        EXP          1      9.8375        0.0017   Pairwise        EXP          2     10.8006        0.0010   Pairwise        EXP          3      0.3455        0.5567   Female vs Male  EXP          1      5.3013        0.0213  
end example

Example 42.3. Ordinal Logistic Regression

Consider a study of the effects on taste of various cheese additives. Researchers tested four cheese additives and obtained 52 response ratings for each additive. Each response was measured on a scale of nine categories ranging from strong dislike (1) to excellent taste (9). The data, given in McCullagh and Nelder (1989, p. 175) in the form of a two-way frequency table of additive by rating, are saved in the data set Cheese .

  data Cheese;   do Additive = 1 to 4;   do y = 1 to 9;   input freq @@;   output;   end;   end;   label y=Taste Rating;   datalines;   0  0  1  7  8  8 19  8  1   6  9 12 11  7  6  1  0  0   1  1  6  8 23  7  5  1  0   0  0  0  1  3  7 14 16 11   ;  

The data set Cheese contains the variables y , Additive , and freq . The variable y contains the response rating. The variable Additive specifies the cheese additive (1, 2, 3, or 4). The variable freq gives the frequency with which each additive received each rating.

The response variable y is ordinally scaled. A cumulative logit model is used to investigate the effects of the cheese additives on taste. The following SAS statements invoke PROC LOGISTIC to fit this model with y as the response variable and three indicator variables as explanatory variables, with the fourth additive as the reference level. With this parameterization, each Additive parameter compares an additive to the fourth additive. The COVB option produces the estimated covariance matrix.

  Proc logistic data=Cheese;   freq freq;   class Additive (param=ref ref=4);   model y=Additive / covb;   title1 Multiple Response Cheese Tasting Experiment;   run;  

Results of the analysis are shown in Output 42.3.1, and the estimated covariance matrix is displayed in Output 42.3.2.

Output 42.3.1: Proportional Odds Model Regression Analysis
start example
  Multiple Response Cheese Tasting Experiment   The LOGISTIC Procedure   Model Information   Data Set                      WORK.CHEESE   Response Variable             y                    Taste Rating   Number of Response Levels     9   Frequency Variable            freq   Model                         cumulative logit   Optimization Technique        Fishers scoring   Number of Observations Read          36   Number of Observations Used          28   Sum of Frequencies Read             208   Sum of Frequencies Used             208   Response Profile   Ordered                      Total   Value            y     Frequency   1            1             7   2            2            10   3            3            19   4            4            27   5            5            41   6            6            28   7            7            39   8            8            25   9            9            12   Probabilities modeled are cumulated over the lower Ordered Values.   Model Convergence Status   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.   Score Test for the Proportional Odds Assumption   Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   17.2866       21         0.6936   Multiple Response Cheese Tasting Experiment   Model Fit Statistics   Intercept   Intercept            and   Criterion          Only     Covariates   AIC             875.802        733.348   SC              902.502        770.061   -2 Log L        859.802        711.348   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio       148.4539        3         <.0001   Score                  111.2670        3         <.0001   Wald                   115.1504        3         <.0001   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter      DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept 1     1     -7.0801      0.5624      158.4851        <.0001   Intercept 2     1     -6.0249      0.4755      160.5500        <.0001   Intercept 3     1     -4.9254      0.4272      132.9484        <.0001   Intercept 4     1     -3.8568      0.3902       97.7087        <.0001   Intercept 5     1     -2.5205      0.3431       53.9704        <.0001   Intercept 6     1     -1.5685      0.3086       25.8374        <.0001   Intercept 7     1     -0.0669      0.2658        0.0633        0.8013   Intercept 8     1      1.4930      0.3310       20.3439        <.0001   Additive 1      1      1.6128      0.3778       18.2265        <.0001   Additive 2      1      4.9645      0.4741      109.6427        <.0001   Additive 3      1      3.3227      0.4251       61.0931        <.0001   Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses   Percent Concordant     67.6    Somers D    0.578   Percent Discordant      9.8    Gamma        0.746   Percent Tied           22.6    Tau-a        0.500   Pairs                 18635    c            0.789  
end example
Output 42.3.2: Estimated Covariance Matrix
start example
  Multiple Response Cheese Tasting Experiment   Estimated Covariance Matrix   Intercept_   Intercept_   Intercept_   Intercept_   Intercept_   Parameter             1            2            3            4            5   Intercept_1    0.316291     0.219581     0.176278     0.147694     0.114024   Intercept_2    0.219581     0.226095     0.177806     0.147933      0.11403   Intercept_3    0.176278     0.177806     0.182473     0.148844     0.114092   Intercept_4    0.147694     0.147933     0.148844     0.152235     0.114512   Intercept_5    0.114024      0.11403     0.114092     0.114512     0.117713   Intercept_6    0.091085     0.091081     0.091074     0.091109     0.091821   Intercept_7    0.057814     0.057813     0.057807      0.05778     0.057721   Intercept_8    0.041304     0.041304       0.0413     0.041277     0.041162   Additive1      -0.09419     -0.09421     -0.09427     -0.09428     -0.09246   Additive2      -0.18686     -0.18161      -0.1687     -0.14717     -0.11415   Additive3      -0.13565     -0.13569      -0.1352     -0.13118     -0.11207   Estimated Covariance Matrix   Intercept_  Intercept_  Intercept_   Parameter             6           7           8  Additive1  Additive2  Additive3   Intercept_1    0.091085    0.057814    0.041304   -0.09419   -0.18686   -0.13565   Intercept_2    0.091081    0.057813    0.041304   -0.09421   -0.18161   -0.13569   Intercept_3    0.091074    0.057807      0.0413   -0.09427    -0.1687    -0.1352   Intercept_4    0.091109     0.05778    0.041277   -0.09428   -0.14717   -0.13118   Intercept_5    0.091821    0.057721    0.041162   -0.09246   -0.11415   -0.11207   Intercept_6     0.09522    0.058312    0.041324   -0.08521   -0.09113   -0.09122   Intercept_7    0.058312     0.07064     0.04878   -0.06041   -0.05781   -0.05802   Intercept_8    0.041324     0.04878    0.109562   -0.04436    -0.0413   -0.04143   Additive1      -0.08521    -0.06041    -0.04436   0.142715   0.094072   0.092128   Additive2      -0.09113    -0.05781     -0.0413   0.094072    0.22479   0.132877   Additive3      -0.09122    -0.05802    -0.04143   0.092128   0.132877   0.180709  
end example

Since the strong dislike ( y =1) end of the rating scale is associated with lower Ordered Values in the Response Profile table, the probability of disliking the additives is modeled.

The score chi-square for testing the proportional odds assumption is 17.287, which is not significant with respect to a chi-square distribution with 21 degrees of freedom ( p =0 . 694). This indicates that the proportional odds model adequately fits the data. The positive value (1.6128) for the parameter estimate for Additive1 indicates a tendency towards the lower-numbered categories of the first cheese additive relative to the fourth. In other words, the fourth additive is better in taste than the first additive. Each of the second and the third additives is less favorable than the fourth additive. The relative magnitudes of these slope estimates imply the preference ordering: fourth, first, third, second.

Example 42.4. Nominal Response Data: Generalized Logits Model

Over the course of one school year, third graders from three different schools are exposed to three different styles of mathematics instruction: a self-paced computer-learning style, a team approach, and a traditional class approach. The students are asked which style they prefer and their responses, classified by the type of program they are in (a regular school day versus a regular day supplemented with an afternoon school program) are displayed in Table 42.4. The data set is from Stokes, Davis, and Koch (2000), and is also analyzed in the Generalized Logits Model section on page 824 of Chapter 22, The CATMOD Procedure.

Table 42.4: School Program Data

Learning Style Preference




































The levels of the response variable (self, team, and class) have no essential ordering, so a logistic regression is performed on the generalized logits. The model to be fit is

click to expand

where hij is the probability that a student in school h and program i prefers teaching style j , j ‰  r , and style r is the baseline style (in this case, class). There are separate sets of intercept parameters ± j and regression parameters ² j for each logit, and the matrix x hi is the set of explanatory variables for the hi th population. Thus, two logits are modeled for each school and program combination: the logit comparing self to class and the logit comparing team to class.

The following statements create the data set school and request the analysis. The LINK=GLOGIT option forms the generalized logits. The response variable option ORDER=DATA means that the response variable levels are ordered as they exist in the data set: self, team, and class; thus, the logits are formed by comparing self to class and by comparing team to class. The ODS statement suppresses the display of the maximum likelihood estimates. The results of this analysis are shown in Output 42.4.1 through Output 42.4.4.

Output 42.4.1: Analysis of Saturated Model
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Model Information   Data Set                      WORK.SCHOOL   Response Variable             Style   Number of Response Levels     3   Frequency Variable            Count   Model                         generalized logit   Optimization Technique        Fishers scoring   Number of Observations Read          18   Number of Observations Used          18   Sum of Frequencies Read             338   Sum of Frequencies Used             338   Response Profile   Ordered                      Total   Value     Style        Frequency   1     self                79   2     team                85   3     class              174   Logits modeled use Style=class as the reference category.   Class Level Information   Design   Class       Value         Variables   School      1              1      0   2              0      1   3             -1     -1   Program     afternoon     -1   regular        1  
end example
  data school;   length Program $ 9;   input School Program $ Style $ Count @@;   datalines;   1 regular   self 10  1 regular   team 17  1 regular   class 26   1 afternoon self  5  1 afternoon team 12  1 afternoon class 50   2 regular   self 21  2 regular   team 17  2 regular   class 26   2 afternoon self 16  2 afternoon team 12  2 afternoon class 36   3 regular   self 15  3 regular   team 15  3 regular   class 16   3 afternoon self 12  3 afternoon team 12  3 afternoon class 20   ;   proc logistic data=school;   freq Count;   class School Program(ref=first);   model Style(order=data)=School Program School*Program   / link=glogit;   run;  
Output 42.4.2: Fit Statistics
start example
  Model Convergence Status   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.   Model Fit Statistics   Intercept   Intercept            and   Criterion          Only     Covariates   AIC             699.404        689.156   SC              707.050        735.033   -2 Log L        695.404        665.156  
end example
Output 42.4.3: Tests
start example
  Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio        30.2480       10         0.0008   Score                   28.3738       10         0.0016   Wald                    25.6828       10         0.0042   Type 3 Analysis of Effects   Wald   Effect              DF    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   School               4       14.5522        0.0057   Program              2       10.4815        0.0053   School*Program       4        1.7439        0.7827  
end example
Output 42.4.4: Estimates
start example
  Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard         Wald   Parameter                            Style   DF   Estimate      Error   Chi-Square  Pr > ChiSq   Intercept                            self     1    -0.8097     0.1488      29.5989      <.0001   Intercept                            team     1    -0.6585     0.1366      23.2449      <.0001   School         1                     self     1    -0.8194     0.2281      12.9066      0.0003   School         1                     team     1    -0.2675     0.1881       2.0233      0.1549   School         2                     self     1     0.2974     0.1919       2.4007      0.1213   School         2                     team     1    -0.1033     0.1898       0.2961      0.5863   Program        regular               self     1     0.3985     0.1488       7.1684      0.0074   Program        regular               team     1     0.3537     0.1366       6.7071      0.0096   School*Program 1         regular     self     1     0.2751     0.2281       1.4547      0.2278   School*Program 1         regular     team     1     0.1474     0.1881       0.6143      0.4332   School*Program 2         regular     self     1    -0.0998     0.1919       0.2702      0.6032   School*Program 2         regular     team     1    -0.0168     0.1898       0.0079      0.9293  
end example

The Type 3 Analysis of Effects table in Output 42.4.3 shows that the interaction effect is clearly nonsignificant, so a main effects model is fit with the following statements.

  proc logistic data=school;   freq Count;   class School Program(ref=first);   model Style(order=data)=School Program / link=glogit;   run;  
Output 42.4.5: Analysis of Main Effects Model
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Model Convergence Status   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.   Model Fit Statistics   Intercept   Intercept            and   Criterion          Only     Covariates   AIC             699.404        682.934   SC              707.050        713.518   -2 Log L        695.404        666.934   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio        28.4704        6         <.0001   Score                   27.1190        6         0.0001   Wald                    25.5881        6         0.0003   Type 3 Analysis of Effects   Wald   Effect       DF    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   School        4       14.8424        0.0050   Program       2       10.9160        0.0043  
end example

All of the global fit tests in Output 42.4.5 suggest the model is significant, and the Type 3 tests show that the school and program effects are also significant.

Output 42.4.6: Estimates
start example
  Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter              Style    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept              self      1     -0.7978      0.1465       29.6502        <.0001   Intercept              team      1     -0.6589      0.1367       23.2300        <.0001   School    1            self      1     -0.7992      0.2198       13.2241        0.0003   School    1            team      1     -0.2786      0.1867        2.2269        0.1356   School    2            self      1      0.2836      0.1899        2.2316        0.1352   School    2            team      1     -0.0985      0.1892        0.2708        0.6028   Program   regular      self      1      0.3737      0.1410        7.0272        0.0080   Program   regular      team      1      0.3713      0.1353        7.5332        0.0061   Odds Ratio Estimates   Point          95% Wald   Effect                            Style    Estimate      Confidence Limits   School  1 vs 3                    self        0.269       0.127       0.570   School  1 vs 3                    team        0.519       0.267       1.010   School  2 vs 3                    self        0.793       0.413       1.522   School  2 vs 3                    team        0.622       0.317       1.219   Program regular   vs afternoon    self        2.112       1.215       3.670   Program regular   vs afternoon    team        2.101       1.237       3.571  
end example

The parameter estimates, tests for individual parameters, and odds ratios are displayed in Output 42.4.6. The Program variable has nearly the same effect on both logits, while School =1 has the largest effect of the schools.

Example 42.5. Stratified Sampling

Consider the hypothetical example in Fleiss (1981, pp. 6 “7) in which a test is applied to a sample of 1,000 people known to have a disease and to another sample of 1,000 people known not to have the same disease. In the diseased sample, 950 test positive; in the nondiseased sample, only 10 test positive. If the true disease rate in the population is 1 in 100, specifying PEVENT=0.01 results in the correct false positive and negative rates for the stratified sampling scheme. Omitting the PEVENT= option is equivalent to using the overall sample disease rate (1000/2000 = 0.5) as the value of the PEVENT= option, which would ignore the stratified sampling.

The SAS code is as follows :

  data Screen;   do Disease=Present,Absent;   do Test=1,0;   input Count @@;   output;   end;   end;   datalines;   950  50   10 990   ;   proc logistic data=Screen;   freq Count;   model Disease(event=Present)=Test   / pevent=.5 .01 ctable pprob=.5;   run;  

The response variable option EVENT= indicates that Disease = Present is the event. The CTABLE option is specified to produce a classification table. Specifying PPROB=0.5 indicates a cutoff probability of 0.5. A list of two probabilities, 0.5 and 0.01, is specified for the PEVENT= option; 0.5 corresponds to the overall sample disease rate, and 0.01 corresponds to a true disease rate of 1 in 100.

The classification table is shown in Output 42.5.1.

Output 42.5.1: False Positive and False Negative Rates
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Classification Table   Correct      Incorrect                Percentages   Prob   Prob          Non-          Non-           Sensi- Speci- False False   Event  Level  Event  Event  Event  Event  Correct  tivity ficity  POS   NEG   0.500  0.500    950    990     10     50     97.0    95.0   99.0   1.0   4.8   0.010  0.500    950    990     10     50     99.0    95.0   99.0  51.0   0.1  
end example

In the classification table, the column Prob Level represents the cutoff values (the settings of the PPROB= option) for predicting whether an observation is an event. The Correct columns list the numbers of subjects that are correctly predicted as events and nonevents, respectively, and the Incorrect columns list the number of nonevents incorrectly predicted as events and the number of events incorrectly predicted as nonevents, respectively. For PEVENT=0.5, the false positive rate is 1% and the false negative rate is 4.8%. These results ignore the fact that the samples were stratified and incorrectly assume that the overall sample proportion of disease (which is 0.5) estimates the true disease rate. For a true disease rate of 0.01, the false positive rate and the false negative rate are 51% and 0.1%, respectively, as shown on the second line of the classification table.

Example 42.6. Logistic Regression Diagnostics

In a controlled experiment to study the effect of the rate and volume of air inspired on a transient reflex vaso-constriction in the skin of the digits, 39 tests under various combinations of rate and volume of air inspired were obtained (Finney 1947). The end point of each test is whether or not vaso-constriction occurred. Pregibon (1981) uses this set of data to illustrate the diagnostic measures he proposes for detecting influential observations and to quantify their effects on various aspects of the maximum likelihood fit.

The vaso-constriction data are saved in the data set vaso :

  data vaso;   length Response ;   input Volume Rate Response @@;   LogVolume=log(Volume);   LogRate=log(Rate);   datalines;   3.70  0.825  constrict       3.50  1.09   constrict   1.25  2.50   constrict       0.75  1.50   constrict   0.80  3.20   constrict       0.70  3.50   constrict   0.60  0.75   no_constrict    1.10  1.70   no_constrict   0.90  0.75   no_constrict    0.90  0.45   no_constrict   0.80  0.57   no_constrict    0.55  2.75   no_constrict   0.60  3.00   no_constrict    1.40  2.33   constrict   0.75  3.75   constrict       2.30  1.64   constrict   3.20  1.60   constrict       0.85  1.415  constrict   1.70  1.06   no_constrict    1.80  1.80   constrict   0.40  2.00   no_constrict    0.95  1.36   no_constrict   1.35  1.35   no_constrict    1.50  1.36   no_constrict   1.60  1.78   constrict       0.60  1.50   no_constrict   1.80  1.50   constrict       0.95  1.90   no_constrict   1.90  0.95   constrict       1.60  0.40   no_constrict   2.70  0.75   constrict       2.35  0.03   no_constrict   1.10  1.83   no_constrict    1.10  2.20   constrict   1.20  2.00   constrict       0.80  3.33   constrict   0.95  1.90   no_constrict    0.75  1.90   no_constrict   1.30  1.625  constrict   ;  

In the data set vaso , the variable Response represents the outcome of a test. The variable LogVolume represents the log of the volume of air intake, and the variable LogRate represents the log of the rate of air intake.

The following SAS statements invoke PROC LOGISTIC to fit a logistic regression model to the vaso-constriction data, where Response is the response variable, and LogRate and LogVolume are the explanatory variables. The INFLUENCE option and the IPLOTS option are specified to display the regression diagnostics and the index plots.

  ods html;   ods graphics on;   title Occurrence of Vaso-Constriction;   proc logistic data=vaso;   model Response=LogRate LogVolume/influence iplots;   run;   ods graphics off;   ods html close;  

Results of the model fit are shown in Output 42.6.1. Both LogRate and LogVolume are statistically significant to the occurrence of vaso-constriction ( p =0 . 0131 and p =0 . 0055, respectively). Their positive parameter estimates indicate that a higher inspiration rate or a larger volume of air intake is likely to increase the probability of vaso-constriction.

Output 42.6.1: Logistic Regression Analysis for Vaso-Constriction Data
start example
  Occurrence of Vaso-Constriction   The LOGISTIC Procedure   Model Information   Data Set                      WORK.VASO   Response Variable             Response   Number of Response Levels     2   Model                         binary logit   Optimization Technique        Fishers scoring   Number of Observations Read          39   Number of Observations Used          39   Response Profile   Ordered                          Total   Value     Response         Frequency   1     constrict               20   2     no_constrict            19   Probability modeled is Response=constrict.   Model Convergence Status   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.   Occurrence of Vaso-Constriction   Model Fit Statistics   Intercept   Intercept            and   Criterion          Only     Covariates   AIC              56.040         35.227   SC               57.703         40.218   -2 Log L         54.040         29.227   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio        24.8125        2         <.0001   Score                   16.6324        2         0.0002   Wald                     7.8876        2         0.0194   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept     1     -2.8754      1.3208        4.7395        0.0295   LogRate       1      4.5617      1.8380        6.1597        0.0131   LogVolume     1      5.1793      1.8648        7.7136        0.0055   Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses   Percent Concordant     93.7    Somers D    0.874   Percent Discordant      6.3    Gamma        0.874   Percent Tied            0.0    Tau-a        0.448   Pairs                   380    c            0.937  
end example

The INFLUENCE option displays the values of the explanatory variables ( LogRate and LogVolume ) for each observation, a column for each diagnostic produced, and the case number which represents the sequence number of the observation (Output 42.6.2). Also produced (but not shown here) is a lineprinter plot where the vertical axis represents the case number and the horizontal axis represents the value of the diagnostic statistic.

The index plots produced by the IPLOTS option are essentially the same lineprinter plots as those produced by the INFLUENCE option with a 90-degree rotation and perhaps on a more refined scale. This version of the plots are not displayed here. The vertical axis of an index plot represents the value of the diagnostic and the horizontal axis represents the sequence (case number) of the observation. The index plots are useful for identification of extreme values.

Since the experimental ODS GRAPHICS statement is also specified, the lineprinter plots from the INFLUENCE and IPLOTS options are suppressed and graphical displays are produced as shown in Output 42.6.3 through Output 42.6.5. For general information about ODS graphics, see Chapter 15, Statistical Graphics Using ODS. For specific information about the graphics available in the LOGISTIC procedure, see the ODS Graphics section on page 2388.

Output 42.6.2: Regression Diagnostics from the INFLUENCE Option (Experimental)
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Regression Diagnostics   Covariates   Hat   Case                 Log   Pearson  Deviance   Matrix   Intercept   LogRate   Number  LogRate    Volume  Residual  Residual  Diagonal     DfBeta    DfBeta   1   -0.1924    1.3083    0.2205    0.3082    0.0927    -0.0165    0.0193   2    0.0862    1.2528    0.1349    0.1899    0.0429    -0.0134    0.0151   3    0.9163    0.2231    0.2923    0.4049    0.0612    -0.0492    0.0660   4    0.4055   -0.2877    3.5181    2.2775    0.0867     1.0734   -0.9302   5    1.1632   -0.2231    0.5287    0.7021    0.1158    -0.0832    0.1411   6    1.2528   -0.3567    0.6090    0.7943    0.1524    -0.0922    0.1710   7   -0.2877   -0.5108   -0.0328   -0.0464   0.00761   -0.00280   0.00274   8    0.5306    0.0953   -1.0196   -1.1939    0.0559    -0.1444    0.0613   9   -0.2877   -0.1054   -0.0938   -0.1323    0.0342    -0.0178    0.0173   10   -0.7985   -0.1054   -0.0293   -0.0414   0.00721   -0.00245   0.00246   11   -0.5621   -0.2231   -0.0370   -0.0523   0.00969   -0.00361   0.00358   12    1.0116   -0.5978   -0.5073   -0.6768    0.1481    -0.1173    0.0647   13    1.0986   -0.5108   -0.7751   -0.9700    0.1628    -0.0931  -0.00946   14    0.8459    0.3365    0.2559    0.3562    0.0551    -0.0414    0.0538   15    1.3218   -0.2877    0.4352    0.5890    0.1336    -0.0940    0.1408   16    0.4947    0.8329    0.1576    0.2215    0.0402    -0.0198    0.0234   17    0.4700    1.1632    0.0709    0.1001    0.0172   -0.00630   0.00701   18    0.3471   -0.1625    2.9062    2.1192    0.0954     0.9595   -0.8279   19    0.0583    0.5306   -1.0718   -1.2368    0.1315    -0.2591    0.2024   20    0.5878    0.5878    0.2405    0.3353    0.0525    -0.0331    0.0421   21    0.6931   -0.9163   -0.1076   -0.1517    0.0373    -0.0180    0.0158   22    0.3075   -0.0513   -0.4193   -0.5691    0.1015    -0.1449    0.1237   23    0.3001    0.3001   -1.0242   -1.1978    0.0761    -0.1961    0.1275   24    0.3075    0.4055   -1.3684   -1.4527    0.0717    -0.1281    0.0410   25    0.5766    0.4700    0.3347    0.4608    0.0587    -0.0403    0.0570   26    0.4055   -0.5108   -0.1595   -0.2241    0.0548    -0.0366    0.0329   27    0.4055    0.5878    0.3645    0.4995    0.0661    -0.0327    0.0496   28    0.6419   -0.0513   -0.8989   -1.0883    0.0647    -0.1423    0.0617   29   -0.0513    0.6419    0.8981    1.0876    0.1682     0.2367   -0.1950   30   -0.9163    0.4700   -0.0992   -0.1400    0.0507    -0.0224    0.0227   31   -0.2877    0.9933    0.6198    0.8064    0.2459     0.1165   -0.0996   32   -3.5066    0.8544  -0.00073  -0.00103  0.000022   -3.22E-6  3.405E-6   33    0.6043    0.0953   -1.2062   -1.3402    0.0510    -0.0882   -0.0137   34    0.7885    0.0953    0.5447    0.7209    0.0601    -0.0425    0.0877   35    0.6931    0.1823    0.5404    0.7159    0.0552    -0.0340    0.0755   36    1.2030   -0.2231    0.4828    0.6473    0.1177    -0.0867    0.1381   37    0.6419   -0.0513   -0.8989   -1.0883    0.0647    -0.1423    0.0617   38    0.6419   -0.2877   -0.4874   -0.6529    0.1000    -0.1395    0.1032   39    0.4855    0.2624    0.7053    0.8987    0.0531     0.0326    0.0190   The LOGISTIC Procedure   Regression Diagnostics   Confidence      Confidence   Log      Interval        Interval   Case    Volume    Displacement    Displacement      Delta        Delta   Number    DfBeta          C             CBar        Deviance    Chi-Square   1    0.0556         0.00548         0.00497      0.1000        0.0536   2    0.0261        0.000853        0.000816      0.0369        0.0190   3    0.0589         0.00593         0.00557      0.1695        0.0910   4   -1.0180          1.2873          1.1756      6.3626       13.5523   5    0.0583          0.0414          0.0366      0.5296        0.3161   6    0.0381          0.0787          0.0667      0.6976        0.4376   7   0.00265        8.321E-6        8.258E-6     0.00216       0.00109   8    0.0570          0.0652          0.0616      1.4870        1.1011   9    0.0153        0.000322        0.000311      0.0178       0.00911   10   0.00211        6.256E-6        6.211E-6     0.00172      0.000862   11   0.00319        0.000014        0.000013     0.00274       0.00138   12    0.1651          0.0525          0.0447      0.5028        0.3021   13    0.1775          0.1395          0.1168      1.0577        0.7175   14    0.0527         0.00404         0.00382      0.1307        0.0693   15    0.0643          0.0337          0.0292      0.3761        0.2186   16    0.0307         0.00108         0.00104      0.0501        0.0259   17   0.00914        0.000089        0.000088      0.0101       0.00511   18   -0.8477          0.9845          0.8906      5.3817        9.3363   19  -0.00488          0.2003          0.1740      1.7037        1.3227   20    0.0518         0.00338         0.00320      0.1156        0.0610   21    0.0208        0.000465        0.000448      0.0235        0.0120   22    0.1179          0.0221          0.0199      0.3437        0.1956   23    0.0357          0.0935          0.0864      1.5212        1.1355   24   -0.1004          0.1558          0.1447      2.2550        2.0171   25    0.0708         0.00741         0.00698      0.2193        0.1190   26    0.0373         0.00156         0.00147      0.0517        0.0269   27    0.0788          0.0101         0.00941      0.2589        0.1423   28    0.1025          0.0597          0.0559      1.2404        0.8639   29    0.0286          0.1961          0.1631      1.3460        0.9697   30    0.0159        0.000554        0.000526      0.0201        0.0104   31    0.1322          0.1661          0.1253      0.7755        0.5095   32   2.48E-6        1.18E-11        1.18E-11    1.065E-6      5.324E-7   33  -0.00216          0.0824          0.0782      1.8744        1.5331   34    0.0671          0.0202          0.0190      0.5387        0.3157   35    0.0711          0.0180          0.0170      0.5295        0.3091   36    0.0631          0.0352          0.0311      0.4501        0.2641   37    0.1025          0.0597          0.0559      1.2404        0.8639   38    0.1397          0.0293          0.0264      0.4526        0.2639   39    0.0489          0.0295          0.0279      0.8355        0.5254  
end example
Output 42.6.4: CI Displacement CBar, Change in Deviance and Pearson 2, and DFBETAS for the Intercept (Experimental)
start example
click to expand
end example
Output 42.6.5: DFBETAS for LogRate and LogVolume (Experimental)
start example
click to expand
end example

The index plots of the Pearson residuals and the deviance residuals (Output 42.6.3) indicate that case 4 and case 18 are poorly accounted for by the model. The index plot of the diagonal elements of the hat matrix (Output 42.6.3) suggests that case 31 is an extreme point in the design space. The index plots of DFBETAS (Output 42.6.4 and Output 42.6.5) indicate that case 4 and case 18 are causing instability in all three parameter estimates. The other four index plots in Output 42.6.3 and Output 42.6.4 also point to these two cases as having a large impact on the coefficients and goodness of fit.

Example 42.7. ROC Curve, Customized Odds Ratios, Goodness-of-Fit Statistics, R-Square, and Confidence Limits

This example plots an ROC curve, estimates a customized odds ratio, produces the traditional goodness-of-fit analysis, displays the generalized R 2 measures for the fitted model, calculates the normal confidence intervals for the regression parameters, and produces an experimental display of the probability function and prediction curves for the fitted model. The data consist of three variables: n (number of subjects in a sample), disease (number of diseased subjects in the sample), and age (age for the sample). A linear logistic regression model is used to study the effect of age on the probability of contracting the disease.

The SAS statements are as follows:

  data Data1;   input disease n age;   datalines;   0 14 25   0 20 35   0 19 45   7 18 55   6 12 65   17 17 75   ;   ods html;   ods graphics on;   proc logistic data=Data1;   model disease/n=age / scale=none   clparm=wald   clodds=pl   rsquare   outroc=roc1;   units age=10;   run;   ods graphics off;   ods html close;  

The option SCALE=NONE is specified to produce the deviance and Pearson goodness-of-fit analysis without adjusting for overdispersion. The RSQUARE option is specified to produce generalized R 2 measures of the fitted model. The CLPARM=WALD option is specified to produce the Wald confidence intervals for the regression parameters. The UNITS statement is specified to produce customized odds ratio estimates for a change of 10 years in the age variable, and the CLODDS=PL option is specified to produce profile likelihood confidence limits for the odds ratio. The OUTROC= option outputs the data for the ROC curve to the SAS data set, roc1 .

Results are shown in Output 42.7.1 and Output 42.7.2.

Output 42.7.2: R-Square, Confidence Intervals, and Customized Odds Ratio
start example
  Model Fit Statistics   Intercept   Intercept            and   Criterion          Only     Covariates   AIC             124.173         52.468   SC              126.778         57.678   -2 Log L        122.173         48.468   R-Square    0.5215    Max-rescaled R-Square    0.7394   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio        73.7048        1         <.0001   Score                   55.3274        1         <.0001   Wald                    23.3475        1         <.0001   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept     1    -12.5016      2.5555       23.9317        <.0001   age           1      0.2066      0.0428       23.3475        <.0001   Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses   Percent Concordant     92.6    Somers D    0.906   Percent Discordant      2.0    Gamma        0.958   Percent Tied            5.4    Tau-a        0.384   Pairs                  2100    c            0.953   Wald Confidence Interval for Parameters   Parameter     Estimate     95% Confidence Limits   Intercept     -12.5016     -17.5104      -7.4929   age             0.2066       0.1228       0.2904   Profile Likelihood Confidence Interval for Adjusted Odds Ratios   Effect         Unit     Estimate     95% Confidence Limits   age         10.0000        7.892        3.881       21.406  
end example
Output 42.7.1: Deviance and Pearson Goodness-of-Fit Analysis
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Deviance and Pearson Goodness-of-Fit Statistics   Criterion          Value       DF     Value/DF     Pr > ChiSq   Deviance          7.7756        4       1.9439         0.1002   Pearson           6.6020        4       1.6505         0.1585   Number of events/trials observations: 6  
end example

Since the experimental ODS GRAPHICS statement is specified, a graphical display of the ROC curve is produced as shown in Output 42.7.3. For general information about ODS graphics, see Chapter 15, Statistical Graphics Using ODS. For specific information about the graphics available in the LOGISTIC procedure, see the ODS Graphics section on page 2388.

Output 42.7.3: Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (Experimental)
start example
click to expand
end example

Note that the area under the ROC curve is given by the statistic c in the Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses table. In this example, the area under the ROC curve is 0.953.

The ROC curve may also be displayed with the GPLOT procedure by using the following code.

  symbol1 i=join v=none c=black;   proc gplot data=roc1;   title ROC Curve;   plot _sensit_*_1mspec_=1 / vaxis=0 to 1 by .1 cframe=white;   run;  

Because there is only one continuous covariate, if the experimental ODS GRAPHICS statement and the experimental GRAPHICS option ESTPROB are specified, then a graphical display of the estimated probability curve with bounding 95% prediction limits is displayed as shown in Output 42.7.4.

Output 42.7.4: Estimated Probability and 95% Prediction Limits (Experimental)
start example
click to expand
end example
  ods html;   ods graphics on;   proc logistic data=Data1;   model disease/n=age / scale=none   clparm=wald   clodds=pl   rsquare   outroc=roc1;   units age=10;   graphics estprob;   run;   ods graphics off;   ods html close;  

Example 42.8. Goodness-of-Fit Tests and Subpopulations

A study is done to investigate the effects of two binary factors, A and B , on a binary response, Y . Subjects are randomly selected from subpopulations defined by the four possible combinations of levels of A and B . The number of subjects responding with each level of Y is recorded and entered into data set A .

  data a;   do A=0,1;   do B=0,1;   do Y=1,2;   input F @@;   output;   end;   end;   end;   datalines;   23 63 31 70 67 100 70 104   ;  

A full model is fit to examine the main effects of A and B as well as the interaction effect of A and B .

  proc logistic data=a;   freq F;   model Y=A B A*B;   run;  
Output 42.8.1: Full Model Fit
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Model Information   Data Set                      WORK.A   Response Variable             Y   Number of Response Levels     2   Frequency Variable            F   Model                         binary logit   Optimization Technique        Fishers scoring   Number of Observations Read           8   Number of Observations Used           8   Sum of Frequencies Read             528   Sum of Frequencies Used             528   Response Profile   Ordered                      Total   Value            Y     Frequency   1            1           191   2            2           337   Probability modeled is Y=1.   Model Convergence Status   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.   Model Fit Statistics   Intercept   Intercept            and   Criterion          Only     Covariates   AIC             693.061        691.914   SC              697.330        708.990   -2 Log L        691.061        683.914   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio         7.1478        3         0.0673   Score                    6.9921        3         0.0721   Wald                     6.9118        3         0.0748   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept     1     -1.0074      0.2436       17.1015        <.0001   A             1      0.6069      0.2903        4.3714        0.0365   B             1      0.1929      0.3254        0.3515        0.5533   A*B           1     -0.1883      0.3933        0.2293        0.6321   Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses   Percent Concordant     42.2    Somers D    0.118   Percent Discordant     30.4    Gamma        0.162   Percent Tied           27.3    Tau-a        0.054   Pairs                 64367    c            0.559  
end example

Pearson and Deviance goodness-of-fit tests cannot be obtained for this model since a full model containing four parameters is fit, leaving no residual degrees of freedom. For a binary response model, the goodness-of-fittestshave m ˆ’ q degrees of freedom, where m is the number of subpopulations and q is the number of model parameters. In the preceding model, m = q =4, resulting in zero degrees of freedom for the tests.

Results of the model fit are shown in Output 42.8.1. Notice that neither the A * B interaction nor the B main effect is significant. If a reduced model containing only the A effect is fit, two degrees of freedom become available for testing goodness of fit. Specifying the SCALE=NONE option requests the Pearson and deviance statistics. With single-trial syntax, the AGGREGATE= option is needed to define the subpopulations in the study. Specifying AGGREGATE=(A B) creates subpopulations of the four combinations of levels of A and B . Although the B effect is being dropped from the model, it is still needed to define the original subpopulations in the study. If AGGREGATE=(A) were specified, only two subpopulations would be created from the levels of A , resulting in m = q = 2 and zero degrees of freedom for the tests.

  proc logistic data=a;   freq F;   model Y=A / scale=none aggregate=(A B);   run;  
Output 42.8.2: Reduced Model Fit
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Model Information   Data Set                      WORK.A   Response Variable             Y   Number of Response Levels     2   Frequency Variable            F   Model                         binary logit   Optimization Technique        Fishers scoring   Number of Observations Read           8   Number of Observations Used           8   Sum of Frequencies Read             528   Sum of Frequencies Used             528   Response Profile   Ordered                      Total   Value            Y     Frequency   1            1           191   2            2           337   Probability modeled is Y=1.   Model Convergence Status   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.   Deviance and Pearson Goodness-of-Fit Statistics   Criterion          Value       DF     Value/DF     Pr > ChiSq   Deviance          0.3541        2       0.1770         0.8377   Pearson           0.3531        2       0.1765         0.8382   Number of unique profiles: 4   Model Fit Statistics   Intercept   Intercept            and   Criterion          Only     Covariates   AIC             693.061        688.268   SC              697.330        696.806   -2 Log L        691.061        684.268   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio         6.7937        1         0.0091   Score                    6.6779        1         0.0098   Wald                     6.6210        1         0.0101   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept     1     -0.9013      0.1614       31.2001        <.0001   A             1      0.5032      0.1955        6.6210        0.0101   Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses   Percent Concordant     28.3    Somers D    0.112   Percent Discordant     17.1    Gamma        0.246   Percent Tied           54.6    Tau-a        0.052   Pairs                 64367    c            0.556  
end example

The goodness-of-fittests(Output 42.8.2) show that dropping the B main effect and the A * B interaction simultaneously does not result in significant lack of fitofthe model. The tests large p -values indicate insufficient evidence for rejecting the null hypothesis that the model fits.

Example 42.9. Overdispersion

In a seed germination test, seeds of two cultivars were planted in pots of two soil conditions. The following SAS statements create the data set seeds , which contains the observed proportion of seeds that germinated for various combinations of cultivar and soil condition. Variable n represents the number of seeds planted in a pot, and variable r represents the number germinated. The indicator variables cult and soil represent the cultivar and soil condition, respectively.

  data seeds;   input pot n r cult soil;   datalines;   1 16     8      0       0   2 51    26      0       0   3 45    23      0       0   4 39    10      0       0   5 36     9      0       0   6 81    23      1       0   7 30    10      1       0   8 39    17      1       0   9 28     8      1       0   10 62    23      1       0   11 51    32      0       1   12 72    55      0       1   13 41    22      0       1   14 12     3      0       1   15 13    10      0       1   16 79    46      1       1   17 30    15      1       1   18 51    32      1       1   19 74    53      1       1   20 56    12      1       1   ;  

PROC LOGISTIC is used to fit a logit model to the data, with cult , soil , and cult soil interaction as explanatory variables. The option SCALE=NONE is specified to display goodness-of-fit statistics.

  proc logistic data=seeds;   model r/n=cult soil cult*soil/scale=none;   title 'Full Model With SCALE=NONE';   run;  
Output 42.9.1: Results of the Model Fit for the Two-Way Layout
start example
  Full Model With SCALE=NONE   The LOGISTIC Procedure   Deviance and Pearson Goodness-of-Fit Statistics   Criterion          Value       DF     Value/DF     Pr > ChiSq   Deviance         68.3465       16       4.2717         <.0001   Pearson          66.7617       16       4.1726         <.0001   Number of events/trials observations: 20   Model Fit Statistics   Intercept   Intercept            and   Criterion          Only     Covariates   AIC            1256.852       1213.003   SC             1261.661       1232.240     2 Log L       1254.852       1205.003   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio        49.8488        3         <.0001   Score                   49.1682        3         <.0001   Wald                    47.7623        3         <.0001   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept     1   0.3788      0.1489        6.4730        0.0110   cult          1   0.2956      0.2020        2.1412        0.1434   soil          1      0.9781      0.2128       21.1234        <.0001   cult*soil     1   0.1239      0.2790        0.1973        0.6569  
end example

Results of fitting the full factorial model are shown in Output 42.9.1. Both Pearson 2 and deviance are highly significant ( p < 0.0001), suggesting that the model does not fit well. If the link function and the model specification are correct and if there are no outliers, then the lack of fit may be due to overdispersion. Without adjusting for the overdispersion, the standard errors are likely to be underestimated, causing the Wald tests to be too sensitive. In PROC LOGISTIC, there are three SCALE= options to accommodate overdispersion. With unequal sample sizes for the observations, SCALE=WILLIAMS is preferred. The Williams model estimates a scale parameter by equating the value of Pearson 2 for the full model to its approximate expected value. The full model considered here is the model with cultivar, soil condition, and their interaction. Using a full model reduces the risk of contaminating with lack of fit due to incorrect model specification.

  proc logistic data=seeds;   model r/n=cult soil cult*soil / scale=williams;   title 'Full Model With SCALE=WILLIAMS';   run;  

Results using Williams method are shown in Output 42.9.2. The estimate of is 0.075941 and is given in the formula for the Weight Variable at the beginning of the displayed output. Since neither cult nor cult soil is statistically significant ( p = 0.5290 and p = 0.9274, respectively), a reduced model that contains only the soil condition factor is fitted, with the observations weighted by 1 / (1+0 . 075941( N ˆ’ 1)). This can be done conveniently in PROC LOGISTIC by including the scale estimate in the SCALE=WILLIAMS option as follows:

Output 42.9.2: Williams Model for Overdispersion
start example
  Full Model With SCALE=WILLIAMS   The LOGISTIC Procedure   Model Information   Data Set                       WORK.SEEDS   Response Variable (Events)     r   Response Variable (Trials)     n   Weight Variable                1 / (1 + 0.075941 * (n   1))   Model                          binary logit   Optimization Technique         Fishers scoring   Number of Observations Read          20   Number of Observations Used          20   Sum of Frequencies Read             906   Sum of Frequencies Used             906   Sum of Weights Read            198.3216   Sum of Weights Used            198.3216   Response Profile   Ordered     Binary           Total            Total   Value     Outcome      Frequency           Weight   1     Event              437         92.95346   2     Nonevent           469        105.36819   Model Convergence Status   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E   8) satisfied.   Deviance and Pearson Goodness-of-Fit Statistics   Criterion          Value       DF     Value/DF     Pr > ChiSq   Deviance         16.4402       16       1.0275         0.4227   Pearson          16.0000       16       1.0000         0.4530   Number of events/trials observations: 20   NOTE: Since the Williams method was used to accommodate overdispersion, the   Pearson chi-squared statistic and the deviance can no longer be used to   assess the goodness of fit of the model.   Model Fit Statistics   Intercept   Intercept            and   Criterion          Only     Covariates   AIC             276.155        273.586   SC              280.964        292.822     2 Log L        274.155        265.586   Full Model With SCALE=WILLIAMS   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio         8.5687        3         0.0356   Score                    8.4856        3         0.0370   Wald                     8.3069        3         0.0401   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept     1   0.3926      0.2932        1.7932        0.1805   cult          1   0.2618      0.4160        0.3963        0.5290   soil          1      0.8309      0.4223        3.8704        0.0491   cult*soil     1   0.0532      0.5835        0.0083        0.9274   Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses   Percent Concordant      50.6    Somers' D    0.258   Percent Discordant      24.8    Gamma        0.343   Percent Tied            24.6    Tau-a        0.129   Pairs                 204953    c            0.629  
end example
  proc logistic data=seeds;   model r/n=soil / scale=williams(0.075941);   title 'Reduced Model With SCALE=WILLIAMS(0.075941)';   run;  

Results of the reduced model fit are shown in Output 42.9.3. Soil condition remains a significant factor ( p = 0 . 0064) for the seed germination.

Output 42.9.3: Reduced Model with Overdispersion Controlled
start example
  Reduced Model With SCALE=WILLIAMS(0.075941)   The LOGISTIC Procedure   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept     1   0.5249      0.2076        6.3949        0.0114   soil          1      0.7910      0.2902        7.4284        0.0064  
end example

Example 42.10. Conditional Logistic Regression for Matched Pairs Data

In matched pairs, or case-control , studies, conditional logistic regression is used to investigate the relationship between an outcome of being an event (case) or a nonevent (control) and a set of prognostic factors.

The data in this example are a subset of the data from the Los Angeles Study of the Endometrial Cancer Data in Breslow and Day (1980). There are 63 matched pairs, each consisting of a case of endometrial cancer ( Outcome =1) and a control ( Outcome =0). The case and corresponding control have the same ID . Two prognostic factors are included: Gall (an indicator variable for gall bladder disease) and Hyper (an indicator variable for hypertension). The goal of the case-control analysis is to determine the relative risk for gall bladder disease, controlling for the effect of hypertension.

  data Data1;   do ID=1 to 63;   do Outcome = 1 to 0 by -1;   input Gall Hyper @@;   output;   end;   end;   datalines;   0 0  0 0    0 0  0 0    0 1  0 1    0 0  1 0    1 0  0 1   0 1  0 0    1 0  0 0    1 1  0 1    0 0  0 0    0 0  0 0   1 0  0 0    0 0  0 1    1 0  0 1    1 0  1 0    1 0  0 1   0 1  0 0    0 0  1 1    0 0  1 1    0 0  0 1    0 1  0 0   0 0  1 1    0 1  0 1    0 1  0 0    0 0  0 0    0 0  0 0   0 0  0 1    1 0  0 1    0 0  0 1    1 0  0 0    0 1  0 0   0 1  0 0    0 1  0 0    0 1  0 0    0 0  0 0    1 1  1 1   0 0  0 1    0 1  0 0    0 1  0 1    0 1  0 1    0 1  0 0   0 0  0 0    0 1  1 0    0 0  0 1    0 0  0 0    1 0  0 0   0 0  0 0    1 1  0 0    0 1  0 0    0 0  0 0    0 1  0 1   0 0  0 0    0 1  0 1    0 1  0 0    0 1  0 0    1 0  0 0   0 0  0 0    1 1  1 0    0 0  0 0     0 0  0 0   1 1  0 0   1 0  1 0    0 1  0 0    1 0  0 0   ;  

There are several ways to approach this problem with PROC LOGISTIC.

  • Specify the STRATA statement to perform a conditional logistic regression.

  • Specify EXACT and STRATA statements to perform an exact conditional logistic regression on the original data set, if you believe the data set is too small or too sparse for the usual asymptotics to hold.

  • Transform each matched pair into a single observation then specify a PROC LOGISTIC statement on this transformed data without a STRATA statement; this also performs a conditional logistic regression and produces essentially the same results.

  • Specify an EXACT statement on the transformed data.

SAS statements and selected results for these four approaches are given in the remainder of this example.

Conditional Analysis Using the STRATA Statement

In the following SAS statements, PROC LOGISTIC is invoked with the ID variable declared in the STRATA statement to obtain the conditional logistic model estimates. Two models are fitted. The first model contains Gall as the only predictor variable, and the second model contains both Gall and Hyper as predictor variables. Because the option CLODDS=Wald is specified, PROC LOGISTIC computes a 95% Wald confidence interval for the odds ratio for each predictor variable.

  proc logistic data=Data1;   strata ID;   model outcome(event='1')=Gall / clodds=Wald;   run;   proc logistic data=Data1;   strata ID;   model outcome(event='1')=Gall Hyper /clodds=Wald;   run;  

Results from the two conditional logistic analyses are shown in Output 42.10.1 and Output 42.10.2. Note that there is only one response level listed in the Response Profile tables, and there is no intercept term in the Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates tables.

Output 42.10.1: Conditional Logistic Regression (Gall as Risk Factor)
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Conditional Analysis   Model Information   Data Set                      WORK.DATA1   Response Variable             Outcome   Number of Response Levels     2   Number of Strata              63   Model                         binary logit   Optimization Technique        Newton-Raphson ridge   Number of Observations Read         126   Number of Observations Used         126   Response Profile   Ordered                      Total   Value      Outcome     Frequency   1            0            63   2            1            63   Probability modeled is Outcome=1.   Strata Summary   Outcome   Response    -------    Number of   Pattern    0     1       Strata    Frequency   1    1     1           63          126   Conditional Analysis   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.   Model Fit Statistics   Without           With   Criterion     Covariates     Covariates   AIC               87.337         85.654   SC                87.337         88.490     2 Log L          87.337         83.654   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio         3.6830        1         0.0550   Score                    3.5556        1         0.0593   Wald                     3.2970        1         0.0694   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Gall          1      0.9555      0.5262        3.2970        0.0694   Wald Confidence Interval for Adjusted Odds Ratios   Effect         Unit     Estimate     95% Confidence Limits   Gall         1.0000        2.600        0.927        7.293  
end example
Output 42.10.2: Conditional Logistic Regression (Gall and Hyper as Risk Factors)
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Conditional Analysis   Model Information   Data Set                      WORK.DATA1   Response Variable             Outcome   Number of Response Levels     2   Number of Strata              63   Model                         binary logit   Optimization Technique        Newton-Raphson ridge   Number of Observations Read         126   Number of Observations Used         126   Response Profile   Ordered                      Total   Value      Outcome     Frequency   1            0            63   2            1            63   Probability modeled is Outcome=1.   Strata Summary   Outcome   Response    -------    Number of   Pattern    0     1       Strata    Frequency   1    1     1           63          126   Conditional Analysis   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E   8) satisfied.   Model Fit Statistics   Without           With   Criterion     Covariates     Covariates   AIC               87.337         86.788   SC                87.337         92.460     2 Log L          87.337         82.788   Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0   Test                 Chi-Square       DF     Pr > ChiSq   Likelihood Ratio         4.5487        2         0.1029   Score                    4.3620        2         0.1129   Wald                     4.0060        2         0.1349   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Gall          1      0.9704      0.5307        3.3432        0.0675   Hyper         1      0.3481      0.3770        0.8526        0.3558   Wald Confidence Interval for Adjusted Odds Ratios   Effect         Unit     Estimate     95% Confidence Limits   Gall         1.0000        2.639        0.933        7.468   Hyper        1.0000        1.416        0.677        2.965  
end example

In the first model, where Gall is the only predictor variable (Output 42.10.1), the odds ratio estimate for Gall is 2.60, which is marginally significant ( p =0.0694) and which is an estimate of the relative risk for gall bladder disease. A 95% confidence interval for this relative risk is (0.927, 7.293).

In the second model, where both Gall and Hyper are present (Output 42.10.2), the odds ratio estimate for Gall is 2.639, which is an estimate of the relative risk for gall bladder disease adjusted for the effects of hypertension. A 95% confidence interval for this adjusted relative risk is (0.933, 7.468). Note that the adjusted values (accounting for hypertension) for gall bladder disease are not very different from the unadjusted values (ignoring hypertension). This is not surprising since the prognostic factor Hyper is highly statistically insignificant. The 95% Wald confidence interval for the odds ratio for Hyper is (0.677, 2.965), which contains unity with a p -value greater than 0 . 3.

Exact Analysis Using the STRATA Statement

When you believe there is not enough data or that the data are too sparse, you can perform a stratified exact conditional logistic regression. The following statements perform stratified exact conditional logistic regressions on the original data set by specifying both the STRATA and EXACT statements.

  proc logistic data=Data1 exactonly;   strata ID;   model outcome(event='1')=Gall;   exact Gall / estimate=both;   run;   proc logistic data=Data1 exactonly;   strata ID;   model outcome(event='1')=Gall Hyper;   exact Gall Hyper / jointonly estimate=both;   run;  

Note that the score statistics in the Conditional Exact Tests tables in Output 42.10.3 and Output 42.10.4 are identical to the score statistics in the conditional analyses in Output 42.10.1 and Output 42.10.2, respectively. The exact odds ratio confidence intervals are much wider than their conditional analysis counterparts, but the parameter estimates are similar. The exact analyses confirm the marginal significance of Gall and the insignificance of Hyper as predictor variables.

Output 42.10.3: Exact Conditional Logistic Regression (Gall as Risk Factor)
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Exact Conditional Analysis   Conditional Exact Tests   --- p-Value --   Effect   Test          Statistic    Exact      Mid   Gall     Score            3.5556   0.0963   0.0799   Probability      0.0327   0.0963   0.0799   Exact Parameter Estimates   95% Confidence   Parameter    Estimate           Limits           p-Value   Gall           0.9555   0.1394      2.2316     0.0963   Exact Odds Ratios   95% Confidence   Parameter   Estimate          Limits          p-Value   Gall           2.600      0.870      9.315     0.0963  
end example
Output 42.10.4: Exact Conditional Logistic Regression (Gall and Hyper as Risk Factors)
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Exact Conditional Analysis   Conditional Exact Tests   --- p-Value ---   Effect   Test          Statistic    Exact      Mid   Joint    Score            4.3620   0.1150   0.1134   Probability     0.00316   0.1150   0.1134   Exact Parameter Estimates   95% Confidence   Parameter    Estimate           Limits           p-Value   Gall           0.9530   0.1407      2.2292     0.0969   Hyper          0.3425   0.4486      1.1657     0.4622   Exact Odds Ratios   95% Confidence   Parameter   Estimate          Limits          p-Value   Gall           2.593      0.869      9.293     0.0969   Hyper          1.408      0.639      3.208     0.4622  
end example

Conditional Analysis Using Transformed Data

When each matched set consists of one event and one nonevent, the conditional likelihood is given by

click to expand

where x i 1 and x i are vectors representing the prognostic factors for the event and nonevent, respectively, of the i th matched set. This likelihood is identical to the likelihood of fitting a logistic regression model to a set of data with constant response, where the model contains no intercept term and has explanatory variables given by d i = x i 1 ˆ’ x i (Breslow 1982).

To apply this method, each matched pair is transformed into a single observation, where the variables Gall and Hyper contain the differences between the corresponding values for the case and the control (case ˆ’ control). The variable Outcome , which will be used as the response variable in the logistic regression model, is given a constant value of 0 (which is the Outcome value for the control, although any constant, numeric or character, will do).

  data Data2;   set Data1;   drop id1 gall1 hyper1;   retain id1 gall1 hyper1 0;   if (ID = id1) then do;   Gall=gall1-Gall; Hyper=hyper1-Hyper;   output;   end;   else do;   id1=ID; gall1=Gall; hyper1=Hyper;   end;   run;  

Note that there are 63 observations in the data set, one for each matched pair. The variable Outcome has a constant value of 0.

In the following SAS statements, PROC LOGISTIC is invoked with the NOINT option to obtain the conditional logistic model estimates. Because the option CLODDS=PL is specified, PROC LOGISTIC computes a 95% profile likelihood confidence interval for the odds ratio for each predictor variable; note that profile likelihood confidence intervals are not currently available when a STRATA statement is specified.

  proc logistic data=Data2;   model outcome=Gall / noint clodds=PL;   run;   proc logistic data=Data2;   model outcome=Gall Hyper / noint clodds=PL;   run;  

The results are not displayed here.

Exact Analysis Using Transformed Data

Sometimes the original data set in a matched-pairs study may be too large for the exact methods to handle. In such cases it may be possible to use the transformed data set. The following code performs exact conditional logistic regressions on the transformed data set. The results are not displayed here.

  proc logistic data=Data2 exactonly;   model outcome=Gall / noint;   exact Gall / estimate=both;   run;   proc logistic data=Data2 exactonly;   model outcome=Gall Hyper / noint;   exact Gall Hyper / jointonly estimate=both;   run;  

Example 42.11. Complementary Log-Log Model for Infection Rates

Antibodies produced in response to an infectious disease like malaria remain in the body after the individual has recovered from the disease. A serological test detects the presence or absence of such antibodies. An individual with such antibodies is termed seropositive. In areas where the disease is endemic, the inhabitants are at fairly constant risk of infection. The probability of an individual never having been infected in Y years is exp( ˆ’ ¼ Y ), where ¼ is the mean number of infections per year (refer to the appendix of Draper, Voller, and Carpenter 1972). Rather than estimating the unknown ¼ , it is of interest to epidemiologists to estimate the probability of a person living in the area being infected in one year. This infection rate ³ is given by

The following statements create the data set sero , which contains the results of a serological survey of malarial infection. Individuals of nine age groups ( Group ) were tested. Variable A represents the midpoint of the age range for each age group. Variable N represents the number of individuals tested in each age group, and variable R represents the number of individuals that are seropositive.

  data sero;   input Group A N R;   X=log(A);   label X='Log of Midpoint of Age Range';   datalines;   1  1.5  123  8   2  4.0  132  6   3  7.5  182 18   4 12.5  140 14   5 17.5  138 20   6 25.0  161 39   7 35.0  133 19   8 47.0   92 25   9 60.0   74 44   ;  

For the i th group with age midpoint A i , the probability of being seropositive is p i = 1 ˆ’ exp( ˆ’ ¼ A i ). It follows that

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By fitting a binomial model with a complementary log-log link function and by using X=log(A) as an offset term, you can estimate ² = log( ¼ ) as an intercept parameter. The following SAS statements invoke PROC LOGISTIC to compute the maximum likelihood estimate of ² . The LINK=CLOGLOG option is specified to request the complementary log-log link function. Also specified is the CLPARM=PL option, which requests the profile likelihood confidence limits for ² .

  proc logistic data=sero;   model R/N= / offset=X   link=cloglog   clparm=pl   scale=none;   title 'Constant Risk of Infection';   run;  

Results of fitting this constant risk model are shown in Output 42.11.1. The maximum likelihood estimate of ² = log( ¼ ) and its estimated standard error are = ˆ’ 4.6605 and , respectively. The infection rate is estimated as

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Output 42.11.1: Modeling Constant Risk of Infection
start example
  Constant Risk of Infection   The LOGISTIC Procedure   Model Information   Data Set                       WORK.SERO   Response Variable (Events)     R   Response Variable (Trials)     N   Offset Variable                X                    Log of Midpoint of Age Range   Model                          binary cloglog   Optimization Technique         Fishers scoring   Number of Observations Read           9   Number of Observations Used           9   Sum of Frequencies Read            1175   Sum of Frequencies Used            1175   Response Profile   Ordered     Binary           Total   Value     Outcome      Frequency   1     Event              193   2     Nonevent           982   Intercept-Only Model Convergence Status   Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied.     2 Log L = 967.1158   Deviance and Pearson Goodness-of-Fit Statistics   Criterion          Value       DF     Value/DF     Pr > ChiSq   Deviance         41.5032        8       5.1879         <.0001   Pearson          50.6883        8       6.3360         <.0001   Number of events/trials observations: 9   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi-Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercept     1   4.6605      0.0725     4133.5626        <.0001   X             1      1.0000           0         .             .   Profile Likelihood Confidence   Interval for Parameters   Parameter     Estimate     95% Confidence Limits   Intercept   4.6605   4.8057   4.5219  
end example

The 95% confidence interval for ³ , obtained by back-transforming the 95% confidence interval for ² , is (0.0082, 0.0108); that is, there is a 95% chance that, in repeated sampling, the interval of 8 to 11 infections per thousand individuals contains the true infection rate.

The goodness of fit statistics for the constant risk model are statistically significant ( p < 0 . 0001), indicating that the assumption of constant risk of infection is not correct. You can fit a more extensive model by allowing a separate risk of infection for each age group. Suppose ¼ i is the mean number of infections per year for the i th age group. The probability of seropositive for the i th group with age midpoint A i is p i = 1 ˆ’ exp( ˆ’ µ i A i ), so that

click to expand

In the following statements, a complementary log-log model is fit containing Group as an explanatory classification variable with the GLM coding (so that a dummy variable is created for each age group), no intercept term, and X=log(A) as an offset term. The ODS OUTPUT statement saves the estimates and their 95% profile likelihood confidence limits to ClparmPL data set. Note that log( ¼ i ) is the regression parameter associated with Group = i .

  proc logistic data=sero;   ods output ClparmPL=ClparmPL;   class Group / param=glm;   model R/N=Group / noint   offset=X   link=cloglog   clparm=pl;   title 'Infectious Rates and 95% Confidence Intervals';   run;  

Results of fitting the model with a separate risk of infection are shown in Output 42.11.2. For the first age group ( Group =1), the point estimate of log( ¼ 1 ) is ˆ’ 3 . 1048, which transforms into an infection rate of 1 ˆ’ exp( ˆ’ exp( ˆ’ 3.1048)) = 0 . 0438. A 95% confidence interval for this infection rate is obtained by transforming the 95% confidence interval for log( ¼ 1 ). For the first age group, the lower and upper confidence limits are 1 ˆ’ exp( ˆ’ exp( ˆ’ 3 . 8880) = 0.0203 and 1 ˆ’ exp( ˆ’ exp( ˆ’ 2 . 4833)) = 0 . 0801, respectively; that is, there is a 95% chance that, in repeated sampling, the interval of 20 to 80 infections per thousand individuals contains the true infection rate.

Output 42.11.2: Modeling Separate Risk of Infection
start example
  Infectious Rates and 95% Confidence Intervals   The LOGISTIC Procedure   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter      DF    Estimate       Error    Chi   Square    Pr > ChiSq   Group     1     1   3.1048      0.3536       77.0877        <.0001   Group     2     1   4.4542      0.4083      119.0164        <.0001   Group     3     1   4.2769      0.2358      328.9593        <.0001   Group     4     1   4.7761      0.2674      319.0600        <.0001   Group     5     1   4.7165      0.2238      443.9920        <.0001   Group     6     1   4.5012      0.1606      785.1350        <.0001   Group     7     1   5.4252      0.2296      558.1114        <.0001   Group     8     1   4.9987      0.2008      619.4666        <.0001   Group     9     1   4.1965      0.1559      724.3157        <.0001   X               1      1.0000           0         .             .   Profile Likelihood Confidence   Interval for Parameters   Parameter       Estimate     95% Confidence Limits   Group     1   3.1048   3.8880   2.4833   Group     2   4.4542   5.3769   3.7478   Group     3   4.2769   4.7775   3.8477   Group     4   4.7761   5.3501   4.2940   Group     5   4.7165   5.1896   4.3075   Group     6   4.5012   4.8333   4.2019   Group     7   5.4252   5.9116   5.0063   Group     8   4.9987   5.4195   4.6289   Group     9   4.1965   4.5164   3.9037  
end example

The following statements perform this transformation on the estimates and confidence limits saved in the ClparmPL data set; the resulting estimated infection rates in one year s time for each age group are displayed in Table 42.5. Note that the infection rate for the first age group is high compared to the other age groups.

  data ClparmPL;   set ClparmPL;   Estimate=round(1000*(1-exp(-exp(Estimate))));   LowerCL =round(1000*(1-exp(-exp(LowerCL))));   UpperCL =round(1000*(1-exp(-exp(UpperCL))));   run;  
Table 42.5: Infection Rate in One Year

Number Infected per 1,000 People

Age Group

Estimate Point

95% Confidence Limits







































Example 42.12. Complementary Log-Log Model for Interval-Censored Survival Times

Often survival times are not observed more precisely than the interval (for instance, a day) within which the event occurred. Survival data of this form are known as grouped or interval-censored data. A discrete analogue of the continuous proportional hazards model (Prentice and Gloeckler 1978; Allison 1982) is used to investigate the relationship between these survival times and a set of explanatory variables.

Suppose T i is the discrete survival time variable of the i th subject with covariates x i . The discrete-time hazard rate » it is defined as

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Using elementary properties of conditional probabilities, it can be shown that

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Suppose t i is the observed survival time of the i th subject. Suppose i = 1 if T i = t i is an event time and 0 otherwise . The likelihood for the grouped survival data is given by

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where y ij = 1 if the i th subject experienced an event at time T i = j and 0 otherwise.

Note that the likelihood L for the grouped survival data is the same as the likelihood of a binary response model with event probabilities » ij . If the data are generated by a continuous-time proportional hazards model, Prentice and Gloeckler (1978) have shown that

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where the coefficient vector ² is identical to that of the continuous-time proportional hazards model, and ± j is a constant related to the conditional survival probability in the interval defined by T i = j at x i = . The grouped data survival model is therefore equivalent to the binary response model with complementary log-log link function. To fit the grouped survival model using PROC LOGISTIC, you must treat each discrete time unit for each subject as a separate observation. For each of these observations, the response is dichotomous, corresponding to whether or not the subject died in the time unit.

Consider a study of the effect of insecticide on flour-beetles. Four different concentrations of an insecticide were sprayed on separate groups of flour-beetles. The numbers of male and female flour-beetles dying in successive intervals were saved in the data set beetles .

  data beetles(keep=time sex conc freq);   input time m20 f20 m32 f32 m50 f50 m80 f80;   conc=.20;   freq= m20; sex=1; output;   freq= f20; sex=2; output;   conc=.32;   freq= m32; sex=1; output;   freq= f32; sex=2; output;   conc=.50;   freq= m50; sex=1; output;   freq= f50; sex=2; output;   conc=.80;   freq= m80; sex=1; output;   freq= f80; sex=2; output;   datalines;   1   3   0  7  1  5  0  4  2   2  11   2 10  5  8  4 10  7   3  10   4 11 11 11  6  8 15   4   7   8 16 10 15  6 14  9   5   4   9  3  5  4  3  8  3   6   3   3  2  1  2  1  2  4   7   2   0  1  0  1  1  1  1   8   1   0  0  1  1  4  0  1   9   0   0  1  1  0  0  0  0   10   0   0  0  0  0  0  1  1   11   0   0  0  0  1  1  0  0   12   1   0  0  0  0  1  0  0   13   1   0  0  0  0  1  0  0   14 101 126 19 47  7 17  2  4   ;  

The data set beetles contains four variables: time , sex , conc , and freq . time represents the interval death time; for example, time =2 is the interval between day 1 and day 2. Insects surviving the duration (13 days) of the experiment are given a time value of 14. The variable sex represents the sex of the insects (1=male, 2=female), conc represents the concentration of the insecticide (mg/cm 2 ), and freq represents the frequency of the observations.

To use PROC LOGISTIC with the grouped survival data, you must expand the data so that each beetle has a separate record for each day of survival. A beetle that died in the third day ( time =3) would contribute three observations to the analysis, one for each day it was alive at the beginning of the day. A beetle that survives the 13-day duration of the experiment ( time =14) would contribute 13 observations.

A new data set days that contains the beetle-day observations is created from the data set beetles . In addition to the variables sex , conc and freq , the data set contains an outcome variable y and 13 indicator variables day1 , day2 , , day13 . y has a value of 1 if the observation corresponds to the day that the beetle died and has a value of 0 otherwise. An observation for the first day will have a value of 1 for day1 and a value of 0 for day2 day13 ; an observation for the second day will have a value of 1 for day2 and a value of 0 for day1 and day2 day13 . For instance, Output 42.12.1 shows an observation in the beetles data set with time =3, and Output 42.12.2 shows the corresponding beetle-day observations in the data set days .

Output 42.12.1: An Observation with Time=3 in Data Set Beetles
start example
  Obs   time    conc    freq    sex   17     3      0.2     10      1  
end example
Output 42.12.2: Corresponding Beetle-day Observations in Days
start example
  d d d  d   t   c    f       d d d d d d d d d a a a a   O   i   o    r s d   a a a a a a a a a y y y y   b   m   n    e e a   y y y y y y y y y 1 1 1 1   s   e   c    q x y y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3   25  3  0.2  10 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   26  3  0.2  10 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   27  3  0.2  10 1 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  
end example
  data days;   retain day1-day13 0;   array dd[13] day1-day13;   set beetles;   if time = 14 then do day=1 to 13;   y=0; dd[day]=1;   output;   dd[day]=0;   end;   else do day=1 to time;   if day=time then y=1;   else y=0;   dd[day]=1;   output;   dd[day]=0;   end;  

The following SAS statements invoke PROC LOGISTIC to fit a complementary log-log model for binary data with response variable Y and explanatory variables day1 day13 , sex , and conc . Specifying the EVENT= option ensures that the event ( y =1) probability is modeled. The coefficients of day1 day13 can be used to estimate the baseline survival function. The NOINT option is specified to prevent any redundancy in estimating the coefficients of day1 day13 . The Newton-Raphson algorithm is used for the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters.

  proc logistic data=days outest=est1;   model y(event='1')= day1-day13 sex conc   / noint link=cloglog technique=newton;   freq freq;   run;  

Results of the model fit are given in Output 42.12.3. Both sex and conc are statistically significant for the survival of beetles sprayed by the insecticide. Female beetles are more resilient to the chemical than male beetles, and increased concentration increases the effectiveness of the insecticide.

Output 42.12.3: Parameter Estimates for the Grouped Proportional Hazards Model
start example
  The LOGISTIC Procedure   Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates   Standard          Wald   Parameter    DF    Estimate       Error    Chi   Square    Pr > ChiSq   day1          1   3.9314      0.2934      179.5602        <.0001   day2          1   2.8751      0.2412      142.0596        <.0001   day3          1   2.3985      0.2299      108.8833        <.0001   day4          1   1.9953      0.2239       79.3960        <.0001   day5          1   2.4920      0.2515       98.1470        <.0001   day6          1   3.1060      0.3037      104.5799        <.0001   day7          1   3.9704      0.4230       88.1107        <.0001   day8          1   3.7917      0.4007       89.5233        <.0001   day9          1   5.1540      0.7316       49.6329        <.0001   day10         1   5.1350      0.7315       49.2805        <.0001   day11         1   5.1131      0.7313       48.8834        <.0001   day12         1   5.1029      0.7313       48.6920        <.0001   day13         1   5.0951      0.7313       48.5467        <.0001   sex           1   0.5651      0.1141       24.5477        <.0001   conc          1      3.0918      0.2288      182.5665        <.0001  
end example

The coefficients of day1 day13 are the maximum likelihood estimates of ± 1 , , ± 13 , respectively. The baseline survivor function S ( t ) is estimated by

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and the survivor function for a given covariate pattern ( sex = x 1 and conc = x 2 )is estimated by

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The following statements compute the survivor curves for male and female flour-beetles exposed to the insecticide of concentrations 0.20 mg/cm 2 and 0.80 mg/cm 2 . The GPLOT procedure in SAS/GRAPH software is used to plot the survival curves. Instead of plotting them as step functions, the SPLINE option is used to smooth the curves. These smoothed survival curves are displayed in Output 42.12.4.

Output 42.12.4: Predicted Survival at Concentrations of 0.20 and 0.80 mg/cm 2
start example
click to expand
end example
  legend1 label=none frame cframe=white cborder=black position=center   value=(justify=center);   run;   axis1 label=(angle=90 'Survival Function');   proc gplot data=one;   plot (s_m20 s_f20 s_m80 s_f80) * day   / overlay legend=legend1 vaxis=axis1;   symbol1 v=circle   i=spline c=black height=.8;   symbol2 v=diamond  i=spline c=black height=.8;   symbol3 v=triangle i=spline c=black height=.8;   symbol4 v=square   i=spline c=black height=.8;   run;  

The probability of survival is displayed on the vertical axis. Notice that most of the insecticide effect occurs by day 6 for both the high and low concentrations.

Example 42.13. Scoring Data Sets with the SCORE Statement

This example first illustrates the syntax used for scoring data sets, then uses a previously scored data set to score a new data set. A generalized logit model is fitto the remote-sensing data set used in Example 25.4 on page 1231 of Chapter 25, The DISCRIM Procedure, to illustrate discrimination and classification methods. The response variable is Crop and the prognostic factors are x1 through x4 .

  data Crops;   length Crop $ 10;   infile datalines truncover;   input Crop $ @@;   do i=1 to 3;   input x1-x4 @@;   if (x1 ^= .) then output;   end;   input;   datalines;   Corn       16 27 31 33 15 23 30 30   16 27 27 26   Corn       18 20 25 23 15 15 31 32   15 32 32 15   Corn       12 15 16 73   Soybeans   20 23 23 25 24 24 25 32   21 25 23 24   Soybeans   27 45 24 12 12 13 15 42   22 32 31 43   Cotton     31 32 33 34 29 24 26 28   34 32 28 45   Cotton     26 25 23 24 53 48 75 26   34 35 25 78   Sugarbeets 22 23 25 42 25 25 24 26   34 25 16 52   Sugarbeets 54 23 21 54 25 43 32 15 26 54    2 54   Clover     12 45 32 54 24 58 25 34   87 54 61 21   Clover     51 31 31 16 96 48 54 62   31 31 11 11   Clover     56 13 13 71 32 13 27 32   36 26 54 32   Clover     53 08 06 54 32 32 62 16   ;  

You can specify a SCORE statement to score the Crops data using the fitted model. The data together with the predicted values are saved into the data set Score1 .

  proc logistic data=Crops;   model Crop=x1-x4 / link=glogit;   score out=Score1;   run;  

The OUTMODEL= option saves the fitted model information in a data set. In the following statements, the model is again fit, the data and the predicted values are saved into the data set Score2 , and the model information is saved in the permanent SAS data set sasuser.CropModel .

  proc logistic data=Crops outmodel=sasuser.CropModel;   model Crop=x1-x4 / link=glogit;   score data=Crops out=Score2;   run;  

To score data without refitting the model, specify the INMODEL= option to identify a previously saved SAS data set of model information. In the following statements, the model is read from the sasuser.CropModel data set, and the data and the predicted values are saved into the data set Score3 .

  proc logistic inmodel=sasuser.CropModel;   score data=Crops out=Score3;   run;  

To set prior probabilities on the responses, specify the PRIOR= option to identify a SAS data set containing the response levels and their priors . In the following statements, the Prior data set contains the values of the response variable (because this example uses single-trial MODEL syntax) and a _PRIOR_ variable containing values proportional to the default priors. The model is fit, then the data and the predicted values are saved into the data set Score4 .

  data Prior;   input Crop $ 1-10 _PRIOR_;   datalines;   Clover     11   Corn        7   Cotton      6   Soybeans    6   Sugarbeets  6   ;   proc logistic inmodel=sasuser.CropModel;   score data=Crops prior=prior out=Score4;   run;  

The data sets Score1 , Score2 , Score3 , and Score4 are identical.

The following statements display the results of scoring the Crops data set in Output 42.13.1.

Output 42.13.1: Classification of Data used for Scoring
start example
  The FREQ Procedure   Table of F_Crop by I_Crop   F_Crop(From: Crop)     I_Crop(Into: Crop)   Frequency   Row Pct    Clover  Corn    Cotton Soybeans Sugarbee  Total   ts   -----------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+   Clover           6       0       2       2       1      11   54.55    0.00   18.18   18.18    9.09   -----------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+   Corn             0       7       0       0       0       7   0.00  100.00    0.00    0.00    0.00   -----------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+   Cotton           4       0       1       1       0       6   66.67    0.00   16.67   16.67    0.00   -----------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+   Soybeans         1       1       1       3       0       6   16.67   16.67   16.67   50.00    0.00   -----------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+   Sugarbeets       2       0       0       2       2       6   33.33    0.00    0.00   33.33   33.33   -----------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+   Total            13        8        4        8        3       36  
end example
  proc freq data=Score1;   table F_Crop*I_Crop / nocol nocum nopercent;   run;  

Now the previously fit data set sasuser.CropModel is used to score the new observations in the Test data set. The following statements save the results of scoring the test data in the ScoredTest data set and produces Output 42.13.2.

Output 42.13.2: Classification of Test Data
start example
  Predicted       Predicted   Into:       Probability:    Probability:   From: Crop    Crop         Crop=Clover      Crop=Corn   Corn          Corn           0.00342         0.90067   Soybeans      Soybeans       0.04801         0.03157   Cotton        Clover         0.43180         0.00015   Sugarbeets    Clover         0.66681         0.00000   Clover        Cotton         0.41301         0.13386   Predicted       Predicted         Predicted   Probability:     Probability:      Probability:   Crop=Cotton    Crop=Soybeans    Crop=Sugarbeets   0.00500         0.08675           0.00416   0.02865         0.82933           0.06243   0.21267         0.07623           0.27914   0.17364         0.00000           0.15955   0.43649         0.00033           0.01631  
end example
  data Test;   input Crop $ 1-10 x1-x4;   datalines;   Corn       16 27 31 33   Soybeans   21 25 23 24   Cotton     29 24 26 28   Sugarbeets 54 23 21 54   Clover     32 32 62 16   ;   proc logistic noprint inmodel=sasuser.CropModel;   score data=Test out=ScoredTest;   proc print data=ScoredTest label noobs;   var F_Crop I_Crop P_Clover P_Corn P_Cotton P_Soybeans P_Sugarbeets;   run;  

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 4)
SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 4)
Year: 2004
Pages: 91

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