
The GAREABAR procedure produces a chart based on the values of a category variable . A category variable can be either character or numeric. The GAREABAR procedure treats all values of a numeric category variable as DISCRETE (such as quarters 1,2,3,4) even if the values are apparently continuous (such as 1.234 and 4.002). PROC GAREABAR does not calculate a midpoint .

Also, PROC GCHART, by default, sorts the values of the category variable either alphabetically or numerically . PROC GAREABAR displays the category variable in data order (the order in which its values occur in the data set).

For each category variable, PROC GAREABAR graphs the dimensions of two numeric variables . For the VBAR statement, the SUMVAR variable (response variable) is graphed along the vertical axis, and the width variable is graphed along the horizontal axis. Conversely, for the HBAR statement, the SUMVAR variable (response variable) determines the length of the bar on the horizontal axis, and the width variable determines the thickness of the bar on the vertical axis.

Both the width variable and the response variable can be displayed as either percentage or sum. Specify WSTAT=PERCENT or WSTAT=SUM for the width variable, and specify RSTAT=PERCENT or RSTAT=SUM for the response variable. The default for both is SUM.

In addition, you can use the SUBGROUP option to subgroup the response variable either by percentage or by sum. Examples of subgrouping are shown in Example 3 on page 733 and Example 4 on page 735.

SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
Year: 2004
Pages: 342 © 2008-2017.
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