

DACCDB function 474
DACCDBSL function 475
DACCSL function 476
DACCSYD function 477
DACCTAB function 478
DAIRY function 479
damaged data sets 16
damaged data sets or catalogs 1509
data conversion
formats and 77
data files
encryption 18
data libraries
associating librefs with 1288
concatenating 1288
concatenating, logically 1290
disassociating librefs from 1288
transporting 1198
verifying existence of members 514
writing attributes to log 1288
data lines
as card images 1487
including 1216
length of sequence field 1597
reading 1118, 1133
data representation
output data sets 40
Data Set Data Vector (DDV), reading observations into 523, 525
data set names , returning 509
data set options 6
by category 7
input data sets and 6
MODIFY statement with 1314
output data sets and 6
syntax 6
system option interactions 7
system options and 1446
data set pointer, positioning at start of data set 787
data sets
buffer number for processing 11
buffer page size 12
buffer size 1482
combining 1401
compressing 14
concatenating 1401, 1402
contributing to current observation 28
converting to CSV files 1691
damaged 16
defining indexes at creation 29
dropping variables 17
extracting zip codes from 745
generations for 22, 23
importing transport data sets 1197
input/output processing information 1462
interleaving 1401, 1402
keeping variables 30
labels for 31
number of buffers 1480
numeric attribute for 325
one-to-one reading 1401, 1403
permanently storing, one-level names 1291
reading observations 1397, 1402
reading observations, more than once 1402
replacing like-named 49
replacing when empty 48
reusing free space 49
shared access levels 13
sorting 51
special structures 61
verifying existence of 515
DATA statement 1125
arguments 1125
DEBUG option 1664
examples 1129
keywords allowed in 1503
stored compiled DATA step programs 1128
syntax 1125
DATA step 393, 403
assigning data to macro variables 403
creating component objects 1325
declaring component objects 1134
instantiating component objects 1134
linking SAS data set variables 393, 403
MODIFY statement in 1312
starting 1125
stopping 1386, 1405
stored compiled programs 1128
terminating 1098
DATA step component object interface 1633
DATA step component objects 1633
dot notation 1634
DATA step debugger 1660
assigning commands to ENTER key 1680
assigning commands to function keys 1662
assigning new variable values 1686
commands by category 1674
continuous record of DATA step exceution 1688
customizing commands with macros 1662
DATA step generated by macros 1663
DEBUG option 1664
debugger sessions 1661
debugging, defined 1660
debugging DO loops 1673
deleting breakpoints 1678
deleting watch status 1678
description of 1660
displaying variable attributes 1680
displaying variable values 1681
entering commands 1661
evaluating expressions 1678
examples 1663
executing statements one at a time 1687
expressions and 1662
formats and 1668
formatted variable values 1673
help on commands 1683
jumping to program line 1684
list of commands 1674
listing items 1685
macro facility with 1662
macros as debugging tools 1662
quitting 1686
restarting suspended programs 1684
resuming DATA step execution 1682
starting DATA step execution 1682
suspending execution 1675, 1689
switching window control 1688
windows 1661
DATA step functions, within macro functions 256
DATA step programs
stored compiled, executing 1155
DATA step programs, retrieving source code from 1139
DATA step statements 1088
declarative 1088
executable 1088
global, by category 1094
global, definition 1093
DATA step views
creating 1128
describing 1128
non-sequential processing 53
retrieving source code from 1139
spill file for 53
view buffer size 38
data type, returning 910
data values, reading 930
data views
verifying existence of 515
DATALINES argument
INFILE statement 1222, 1234
DATALINES statement 1131
compared to DATALINES4 statement 1133
length of data on lines following 1593
DATALINES4 statement 1133
DATASTMTCHK= system option 1503
DATDIF function 480
date and time values
SHR records 1032
date calculations
days between dates 480
years between dates 917
DATE function 481
date stamp 1504
DATE system option 1504
date/time functions
date values, returning 644
dates, extracting from datetime value 482
dates, returning current 481, 483
datetime value, creating 496
day of the month, returning 483
day of week, returning 914
hour value, extracting 579
Julian dates, converting to SAS values 481
Julian dates, from SAS date values 614
minute values, returning 647
month values, returning 656
seconds value, returning 820
time, extracting from datetime values 855
time, returning current 483
time intervals, extracting integer values of 599
time values, creating 578
year quarter, returning 760
year quarter, returning date value from 918
year value, returning 915
date/time values
year 2000 accommodation 1629
year cutoff 1629
date/time values, reading
date, yymm 1044
date, yymmn 1044
date values, dddmmmyy 977
date values, dddmmmyy 979
date values, dddmmmyyyy 977
date values, dddmmmyyyy 979
date values, ddmmyy 980
date values, ddmmyyyy 980
dates, mmddyy 992
dates, mmddyyyy 992
dates, yymmmdd 1042
dates, yyyymmmdd 1042
IBM mainframes 1005
IBM mainframes, RMF records 1014
IBM mainframes, SMF records 1033
Julian dates 990
month and year values 993
RMF records 1005
SMF records 1005
time, 1035
TIME MIC values 995
time-of-day stamp 1037
time values, IBM mainframe 995
timer units 1039
year quarter 1045
date/time values, writing
month abbreviation 233
Roman numerals, year and quarter 238
year and month, with separator character 228
year and quarter, Roman numerals with separator character 238
year and quarter, with separator character 236
date values
aligning output 606
as day of month 123
as day-of-week name 130
day of week 220
day of week and date 217, 219
dd month-name yyyy 223
ddmmmyy 119
ddmmmyyyy 119
ddmmyy 124, 125
extracting from informat values 966
incrementing 603
Julian dates 162
Julian day of the year 161
mmddyy 164, 165
mmmyy 173
mmmyyyy 173
mmyy 168, 170
month-name dd, yyyy 222
month of the year 172
name of month 171
quarter of the year 191, 192
year format 226
yymm 227
yymmdd 230
yyq 234
yyq, roman numerals 237
DATEAMPMw.d format 120
DATEJUL function 481
DATEPART function 482
dates, Julian 614
dates, writing
yymmdd 232
yyyymmdd 232
DATESTYLE= system option 1504
DATETIME function 483
datetime value
date as mmmyy 132
date as mmmyyyy 132
datetime values
date as day of week 133
date as year 135
date as year and quarter 136
ddmmmyy 131 120, 121
extracting from informat values 968
incrementing 603
time as 213
DATETIMEw. informat 979
DATETIMEw.d format 121
DATEw. format 119
DATEw. informat 977
DAY function 483
DAYw. format 123
DCLOSE function 484
DCOM/CORBA server mode 1571
DDMMYYw. format 124
DDMMYYw. informat 980
DDMMYYxw. format 125
DDV (Data Set Data Vector) , reading observations into 525
DDV (Data Set Data Vector), reading observations into 523
DEBUG option
DATA statement 1664
FILENAME statement, FTP access method 1192
DEBUGGER LOG window 1661
See DATA step debugger
DEC format
integer binary values in 159
positive integer binary values in 188
reading integer binary values in 987
reading positive integer binary values in 1008
decimal points
aligned 117
replacing with commas 179
decimal points, reading as commas 998
declarative DATA step statements 1088
declarative statements 1088
DECLARE statement 1134
DEFAULT= argument
INFORMAT statement 1243
LENGTH statement 1282
DEFINEDATA method 1639
DEFINEDONE method 1641
DEFINEKEY method 1642
DELETE argument, DISPLAY statement 1140
DELETE command
DATA step debugger 1678
DELETE method 1643
DELETE statement 1138
compared to DROP statement 1151
compared to IF statement, subsetting 1212
delimited data 1272
reading 1231
DELIMITER = option
FILE statement 1157
INFILE statement 1223, 1234
delimiter sensitive data
FILE statement 1157
INFILE statement 1234
DEPDB function 486
DEPDBSL function 487
depreciation 474
accumulated declining balance 474, 475
accumulated from tables 478
accumulated straight-line 476
accumulated straight-line, converting from declining balance 475
accumulated sum-of-years 477
declining balance 486
from tables 490
straight-line 476, 488
straight-line, converting from declining balance 487
sum-of-years-digits 489
depreciation functions 256
DEPSL function 488
DEPSYD function 489
DEPTAB function 490
DEQUOTE function 491
DESC= argument
FILENAME statement, CATALOG access 1176
DESCENDING argument, BY statement 1112
DESCRIBE command
DATA step debugger 1680
DESCRIBE statement 1139
descriptive statistic functions 255
DETAILS system option 1506
deviance , computing
Bernoulli distribution 493
binomial distribution 494
Gamma distribution 494
inverse Gaussian (Wald) distribution 495
normal distribution 495
overview 493
Poisson distribution 496
DEVIANCE function 493
DEVICE= system option 1506
DHMS function 496
DIF function 498
difference between nthlag 498
DIGAMMA function 499
searching strings for 303
DIM function 499, 577
compared to HBOUND function 577
DINFO function 501
DIR option
FILENAME statement, FTP access method 1192
direct access
by indexed values 1311
by observation number 1311
directories 484
assigning/deassigning filerefs 529
closing 484, 520
opening 504
reading from 1198
retrieving listings 1196
writing from 1198
directories, returning
attribute information 505
information about 501
number of information items 506
number of members in 502
directory members 507
closing 520
name of, returning 507
%DISPLAY macro
compared to WINDOW statement 1432
DISPLAY= option, WINDOW statement 1430
DISPLAY statement 1140
compared to WINDOW statement 1432
DKRICOND= system option 1507
DKROCOND= system option 1508
DLDMGACTION= data set option 16
DLDMGACTION= system option 1509
DM statement 1141
DMLOGSIZE= system option 1512
DMR system option 1510
DMS system option 1510
DMSEXP system option 1511
DMSOUTSIZE= system option 1513
DMSSYNCHK system option 1514
DNUM function 502
DO-loop processing
termination value 1403
DO loops
debugging 1673
DO statement 1143
DO statement, iterative 1144
DO UNTIL statement 1148
DO WHILE statement 1149
ending 1152
GO TO statement 1211
resuming 1123, 1280
stopping 1123, 1280
DO statement 1143
compared to DO UNTIL statement 1148
compared to DO WHILE statement 1149
DO statement, iterative 1144
compared to DO statement 1143
compared to DO UNTIL statement 1148
compared to DO WHILE statement 1149
DO UNTIL statement 1148
compared to DO statement 1143
compared to DO statement, iterative 1146
compared to DO WHILE statement 1149
DO WHILE statement 1149
compared to DO statement 1143
compared to DO statement, iterative 1146
compared to DO UNTIL statement 1148
dollar sign ($) argument
INPUT statement 1246
INPUT statement, column input 1261
INPUT statement, named input 1273
LENGTH statement 1282
DOLLARw.d format 127
DOLLARXw.d format 129
domain suffix
associating with authentication provider 1475
DOPEN function 504
DOPTNAME function 505
DOPTNUM function 506
dot notation 1634
syntax 1634
double-precision number constants
largest 462
smallest 463
double quotation marks
data values in 101
double trailing @
INPUT statement, list 1268
DOWNAMEw. format 130
DREAD function 507
DROP= data set option 17
compared to DROP statement 1151
error detection for input data sets 1507
DROP= data step option
error detection for output data sets 1508
DROP statement 1150
compared to DELETE statement 1138
compared to KEEP statement 1276
error detection for output data sets 1508
DROPNOTE function 508
FILE statement 1157
%DS2CSV macro 1691
DSD option
FILE statement 1157
INFILE statement 1223, 1234
DSNAME function 509
DSNFERR system option 1515
DTDATEw. format 131
DTMONYYw. format 132
DTRESET system option 1516
DTWKDATXw. format 133
DTYEARw. format 135
DTYYQCw. format 136
Dunnett s one-sided test 726
Dunnett s two-sided test 727
duplex printing 1517
DUPLEX system option 1517
DUR function 510
DURP function 511
Dw. format 117

SAS 9.1 Language Reference Dictionary, Volumes 1, 2 and 3
SAS 9.1 Language Reference Dictionary, Volumes 1, 2 and 3
Year: 2004
Pages: 704 © 2008-2017.
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