

P keywords 1359
p-values 1386
page dimension 1229
page dimension text 1200
page ejects 733
page layout 736
column headings 738
column width 738
customizing 776
observations 736
plots 1311
with many variables 769
page numbering 791
PAGE option
BREAK statement (REPORT) 902
DEFINE statement (REPORT) 918
PROC FORMAT statement 434
RBREAK statement (REPORT) 925
PAGEBY statement
PRINT procedure 733
in reports 983
PANELS= option
PROC REPORT statement 895
parameters 1363
partitioned data sets
multi-threaded sorting 1027
password-protected data sets
appending 312
copying files 328
transporting 290
passwords 347
assigning 347
changing 347
DATASETS procedure with 355
encoding 823, 825
integrity constraints and 323
removing 348
pattern matching 1105, 1172
PC files
importing 506
PCTLDEF= option
PROC MEANS statement 532
PROC REPORT statement 898
PROC TABULATE statement 1207
PCTN statistic 1231
denominator for 1231
PCTSUM statistic 1231
denominator for 1232
PDF files
style elements 1004
TABULATE procedure 1293
PDF output
sample 37
PDF reports 745
peakedness 1370
penalties 642
changing 643, 676
index values for 642
PLOT statement (PLOT) 635
percent coefficient of variation 1356
percent difference 242
PERCENT option
CHART procedure 193
PROC RANK statement 834
percentage bar charts 199
displaying with denominator definitions 1283
in reports 989
TABULATE procedure 1230, 1280, 1283
percentiles 1364
keywords and formulas 1359
permanent data sets 16
permanent formats/informats 456
accessing 457
retrieving 478
picture formats 438
creating 464
digit selectors 442
directives 442
filling 482
message characters 442
steps for building 443
picture- name formats 447
PICTURE statement
FORMAT procedure 438
pie charts 180, 187
PIE statement
CHART procedure 187
PLOT statement (PLOT) 635
PLOT 625
PLOT procedure 625
combinations of variables 631
computational resources 644
concepts 640
examples 647
generating data with program statements 641
hidden observations 646
labeling plot points 641
missing values 646, 668
ODS table names 645
overview 622
portability of ODS output 646
printed output 645
results 645
RUN groups 640
scale of axes 645
syntax 625
task tables 625, 629
variable lists in plot requests 631
PLOT statement
PLOT procedure 629
TIMEPLOT procedure 1307
collision states 643
contour plots 631, 658
customizing axes 1315
customizing plotting symbols 1315
data on logarithmic scale 655
data values on axis 656
hidden label characters 644
horizontal axis 648
multiple observations, on one line 1322
multiple plots per page 652
overlaying 644, 650
page layout 1311
penalties 642
plotting a single variable 1313
plotting BY groups 662
pointer symbols 641
reference lines 644, 648
specifying in TIMEPLOT 1307
superimposing 1320
plotting symbols 647
customizing 1315
variables for 1317
PMENU catalog entries
naming 690
steps for building and using 696
storing 683
PMENU command 681
PMENU procedure 683
concepts 695
ending 696
examples 698
execution of 695
initiating 695
overview 681
PMENU catalog entries 696
syntax 683
task tables 683, 687
templates for 697
pointer symbols 641
populations 1362
PORT= statement
EXPORT procedure 408
IMPORT procedure 508, 512
POS= option
PLOT statement (TIMEPLOT) 1310
PostScript files 766
PostScript output
previewing 813
sample 35
power of statistical tests 1385
PREFIX= option
PICTURE statement (FORMAT) 441
PROC TRANSPOSE statement 1329
preloaded formats 919, 1213
class variables with 571, 1251
CLASS statement (MEANS) 538
CLASS statement (TABULATE) 1213
DEFINE statement (REPORT) 919
PRINT option
PROC MEANS statement 531
PROC SQL statement 1051
PROC STANDARD statement 1181
PROC PRINTTO statement 790
PRINT procedure 722
examples 739
HTML reports 741
listing reports 739, 743
overview 719
page layout 736, 769, 776
PDF reports 745
PostScript files 766
procedure output 736
results 736
RTF reports 750
style definitions with 49
style elements 727
syntax 722
task tables 722
XML files 756
PROC COMPARE statement 234
PROC MEANS statement 532
printer attributes
extracting from registry 819
writing to data sets 822
writing to log 821
printer definitions 805
adding 815
available to all users 814
creating 821
deleting 806, 815, 816
exporting 806
for Ghostview printer 813
in SASHELP library 806
modifying 815, 821
multiple 812
replicating 821
PRINTER destination 46
definition 40
list of 806
routing log or output to 791, 801
PROC MEANS statement 532
See also printing reports
all data sets in library 782
data set contents 273
formatted values 25
grouping observations 747
informat/format descriptions 476
page ejects 733
page layout 736, 769, 776
selecting variables for 735, 739
template for printing numbers 438
printing reports 882
batch mode 883
from Output window 883
from REPORT window 882
interactive line mode 883
noninteractive mode 883
PRINTTO procedure 883
with forms 883
with ODS 882
TABLE statement (TABULATE) 1220
PRINTTO procedure 788
concepts 791
examples 792
overview 787
printing reports 883
syntax 788
task table 788
probability function 1363
probability values 1386
PROBT keyword 1361
PROC CALENDAR statement 85
PROC CATALOG statement 155
options 156
PROC CHART statement 183
PROC CIMPORT statement 214
PROC COMPARE statement 228
PROC CONTENTS statement 274
PROC CPORT statement 282
PROC DATASETS statement 304
restricting member types 356
PROC DISPLAY statement 394
PROC EXPORT statement 402
PROC FONTREG statement 420
PROC FORMAT statement 432
PROC FSLIST statement 490
PROC IMPORT statement 502
PROC MEANS statement 527
PROC OPTIONS statement 611
PROC OPTLOAD statement 618
PROC OPTSAVE statement 620
PROC PLOT statement 625
PROC PMENU statement 683
PROC PRINT statement 722
PROC PRINTTO statement 788
PROC PRTDEF statement 806
PROC PRTEXP statement 820
PROC PWENCODE statement 823
PROC RANK statement 832
PROC REGISTRY statement 848
PROC REPORT statement 885
PROC SORT statement 1019
PROC SQL statement 1048
PROC SQL tables 1043
adding rows 1069
aliases 1077, 1097
altering columns 1053
altering integrity constraints 1053
changing column attributes 1056
combining 1148
counting rows 1122
creating 1059, 1139
creating, from query expressions 1062
creating, from query results 1141
deleting 1068
deleting rows 1065
indexes on columns 1056
initial values of columns 1055
inserting data 1139
inserting values 1070
integrity constraints 1056, 1062
joining 1096, 1145, 1166
joining a table with itself 1096, 1097
joining more than two tables 1103
joining three tables 1159
ordering rows 1081
recursive table references 1062
renaming columns 1056
retrieving data from 1107
selecting columns 1072
selecting rows 1072
source tables 1077
table definitions 1066
table expressions 1108, 1127
updating 1083, 1143
without rows 1062
PROC SQL views
adding rows 1069
creating, from query expressions 1063
creating, from query results 1157
deleting 1068
deleting rows 1065
embedding LIBNAME statements in 1064
inserting rows 1070
librefs and stored views 1064
selecting columns 1072
selecting rows 1072
sorting data retrieved by 1063
source views 1077
SQL procedure 1044
storing DBMS connection information 1064
updating 1064, 1135
updating column values 1083
updating tables through 1083
view definitions 1066, 1137
PROC STANDARD statement 1180
PROC SUMMARY statement 1192
PROC TABULATE statement 1201
PROC TIMEPLOT statement 1304
PROC TRANSPOSE statement 1328
procedure concepts 19
formatted values 25
input data sets 19
operating environment-specific procedures 30
processing all data sets in a library 30
RUN- group processing 19
shortcut notations for variable names 24
statistics, computational requirements 32
statistics, descriptions of 31
titles containing BY-group information 20
procedure output
as input file 798
default destinations 787
destinations for 787
page numbering 791
routing to catalog entries 795
routing to external files 792
routing to printer 791, 801
descriptions of 10
ending 63
functional categories 3
host-specific 1389
raw data for examples 1391
report-writing procedures 3, 4
statistical procedures 3, 6
style definitions with 49
utility procedures 4, 7
PROFILE= option
PROC REPORT statement 896
PROFILE window
REPORT procedure 941
project management 83
PROMPT option
PROC REPORT statement 896
PROC SQL statement 1051
REPORT procedure 942
PROTO procedure 805
PRTDEF procedure 805
examples 812
input data set 807
optional variables 809
overview 805
required variables 808
syntax 805
task table 806
valid variables 807
PRTEXP procedure 819
concepts 821
examples 821
overview 819
syntax 819
PS= option
PROC REPORT statement 897
PSPACE= option
PROC REPORT statement 897
pull-down menus 681
activating 681
associating FRAME applications with 716
defining 690
for DATA step window applications 710
grayed items 688
items in 687
key sequences for 687
separator lines 693
submenus 694
PUT statement
compared with LINE statement (REPORT) 923
PW= option
MODIFY statement (DATASETS) 346
PROC DATASETS statement 307
PWD= statement
EXPORT procedure 407
IMPORT procedure 512
PWENCODE procedure 823
concepts 824
encoding vs. encryption 824
examples 825
overview 823
syntax 823

Base SAS 9.1.3 Procedures Guide (Vol. 2)
Base SAS 9.1 Procedures Guide, Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4
ISBN: 1590472047
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 142 © 2008-2017.
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