C and C++ development tools, 703–720, 725–727

C and C++ programming tools, 703–727

C programs, compiling using gcc, 704–705

C shell. See csh shell

C++ makefile, complex, 713–714

C++ programs, compiling using gcc and g++, 705–706

Caching DNS servers, 503

CAE (Common Applications Environment), 16

cal (calendar) command, 45–46

Calculations, 578–583

Caldera, 11, 19

cancel command, 88, 91

Capitalization, in UNIX, 56

Cartridge tapes, 402

Case sensitivity

in awk, 624

of UNIX vs. DOS, 524–525

of UNIX file system, 56, 524–525

case statements, 603–604, 606–607

cat command, 44, 63–66, 85, 98–99,102–104

cat -v command, 64

CataList directory, 285

cd (change directory) command, 66–67, 467

cd ~ command, 67–68

CDE (Common Desktop Environment), 16, 24–25, 191–198, 222–224

application development tools, 197

application integration tools, 197

Application Manager, 195

current session, 195

developer components, 196–197

documentation, 191–192

end-user components, 194–196

evolution of, 192–193

features of, 194

File Manager, 195

front panel, 194, 196

home session, 195

internationalization features, 198

Login Manager, 194

Messaging System, 195

obtaining, 193–194

online documentation, 197

online documentation browser screen, 197

Session Manager, 194–195

Terminal Emulator, 196

Window Manager, 195

CDE desktop. See CDE

CDE tools, 195–196

CD-ROM file systems, 405–406

CD-ROMs, 403, 405–406, 409

CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team), 491

CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 817–822

Apache support for, 471–473

with HTML forms, 819–821

overhead, 821–822

security, 473–474, 821–822

suexec and, 473–474

CGI-BIN scripts, 295

CGI.pm module (Perl), 818–819

CGI scripting, using Perl for, 667–668

CHAP, 500

Cheetah (Mac OS X), 23

chgrp (change group) command, 85

chgrp -R command, 85

Child process, 306, 309

chmod (change mode) command, 81–83, 394–395

using for group ID permission, 329

using for suid permission, 329

chmod -R command, 83

chomp command, in Perl, 649–650

chown (change owner) command, 84

chown -R command, 84

Ciphertext, explained, 336

Cisco Voice over IP, 787

Class inheritance, in Java, 738–739

Classes (levels) of network service, 485–487

Classes (in OOP), 729

creating in Python, 696–697

in Java, 737–738

Cleartext, 336

Client printcap file, 443

Client-side tools, 295

Clients, 440–442, 445

Client/server architecture, 440–444

Client/server computing, 439–455

Client/server security, 443–444

Clobbering (overwriting) information, 71

cmp (comparison) command, 566

colrm command, 559

Columns, 556–561

Comanche, 479

comm (common) command, 566

Command aliases, 113, 120–122

Command argument expansion, 96–97


replacing with UNIX shell, 539

UNIX shell as a program under, 538–539

Command details, displaying, 48

Command editing, with sed, 637

Command history, 122–125

Command interpreter, 7

Command line, 165

\ (backslash) at end of, 586

& symbol at end of, 105

entering commands on, 96

using wildcards on, 97–99

Command-line arguments, 593–595

Command-line editing commands, 126

Command-line editors, 125–127

Command-line input, quoting, 129–130

Command-line interface, 165

Command-line options, 44–45

order of, 74

in Python scripts, 692

in shell scripts, 610–611

in UNIX vs. DOS, 527–528

Command mode (vi editor), 135

Command output

printing, 90

viewing with pg, 86

Command shells. See Shells

Command substitution, 127–128

Command switches, in DOS, 527–528

Commands, 7, 62–75

combining, 614

entering, 44–48, 96

executing at specific times, 311

finding in man pages, 837–838

grouping, 97, 611–612

parts of, 96

running in the background, 105–107

running in an xterm window, 105–106

scheduling, 309–311

stopping, 45

using authorized, 395

using emacs to issue, 158


in Java, 733

in shell script, 588–589

Comparing files, 565–567

Comparison operators

in awk, 624–625

in Perl, 654

in Python, 686

Comparison patterns, explained, 622

Compound patterns, explained, 622

compress command, 340, 553–554

Compressed files, working with, 554

Compressing files, 339–341, 553–555

Conditional execution, 597–604

Connecting to a UNIX machine

locally, 37–39

remotely, 40

Console locking, 348

Console terminal, 367

Constructor (in OOP), 737

continue command, 606

Control Centers

CDE, 192

GNOME, 166

KDE, 192, 204, 206, 218–219

Control characters, 45

Control statements

in awk, 625, 630–632

in java, 735–736

Control structures

in Perl, 653–656

in Python, 685–687

Core, explained, 715

Core image, explained, 715

COSE (Common Open Software Environment)

consortium, 16

Covert channels, in structured security, 354

cp command, 69–70, 660

cp -i command, 70

cp -r command, 70

cpio command, for backup and restore, 420–421

Credentials, NFS, 513

cron facility (system daemon), 311, 364–365

cron jobs, setting up, 364–365

crontab command, 312

crontab files, 311–312, 364–365

crypt command, 336–338, 341, 351

decrypting files using, 338

with hidden encryption key, 337

replacements for, 338–339

security of, 338

using an environment variable, 337–338

csh (C) shell, 93–94

command aliases, 122

configuring, 109–113

history substitution in, 124

variables, 117–120

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 813–817

CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System), 386

Current directory

listing files in, 63

specifying, 59

cut command, 556–559

with columns, 558–559

with fields, 557

with multiple files, 557–558

specifying delimiters to, 558

with uniq, 565

Cut and paste, to reorganize a file, 560

CVS (Concurrent Version System), 720–723

adding a project, 721

checking out source files, 721

configuring environment and repository for, 720–721

obtaining, 720

working with files, 722–723

cvs checkout command, 721

cvs commands, 721–723

cvs commit command, 722

cvs import command, 721

cvs update command, 722–723

UNIX. The Complete Reference
UNIX: The Complete Reference, Second Edition (Complete Reference Series)
ISBN: 0072263369
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 316

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