

D2I (Database 2 Interactive), 364 “365
data, 324 “356
accessing in text files, 335 “337
files, 324 “325
graphic, 340 “341
increasing demands for, 390 “392
metadata ( see metadata)
random access of, 325
redefining, 339 “340
saving, 376 “377
sequential access of, 325
Data Access Application Block, 395
Data Control Blocks (DBS), 324
data definition (DD) statements, 38
data items, 173 “174
data repositories, 342 “343
Active Directory as, 344 “345
Web Storage System (WSS) as, 345 “347
Data Transformation Services option (Enterprise Manager), 366
data types, 176 “180, 312, 948
Database 2 Interactive (D2I), 364 “365
database administrators (DBAs), 361
database programming, 377 “378
legacy-style, 380 “384
.NET-style, 384 “405
required knowledge for COBAL programming, 64
Database Programming with Visual Basic .NET, 406
Database Projects folder (VS .NET), 377
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), 79 “80
in SQL Server, 367 “371
DataColumnCollection object, 393
DataGrid control, 512 “514, 521, 531
DataReader object, 388
DataRowCollection object, 393
DataSet class, 392, 411 “413, 855
DataTable class, 816
DB2 host structure/host variables , 390
DB2I tools, 365
DBAs (database administrators), 361
DBS (Data Control Blocks), 324
DCLGEN (Declaration Generator ), 390
DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model), 843
DD (data definition) statements, 38
dead objects, 251
Debug class, 868
Debug menu (VS .NET), 898 “899
debugging, 886. See also Application Center Test (ACT)
of .NET applications, 637 “639
Web sites on, 910 “911
Windows Service application, 887 “900
XML child element for, 710
Debugging Strategies for .NET Developers, 910
Declaration Generator (DCLGEN), 390
declarations, XML, 119
decollating, 597
decompilation, 636
decrement operator (--), 922, 925
default assemblies, 211 “212
default constructors, 287
DefineDataTypesSampleCobol sample program, 175 198
DefineDataTypesSampleVB sample
program, 182
delegates, 206, 215 , 234
Dependencies window (VB .NET), 655 “656
deployment, .NET, 46
DEQ command, 247, 248
derived classes, 207, 250
deserialization, 339
desktop applications, 452
Destructor/Finalizer method., 100
development aids, third-party, 63
development environment, .NET, 34
DHTML (dynamic Hypertext Markup Language), 112
dial-up connections, 529
DiffGram, 413
digital softcopy, 598
Dim statements, 298
directives, 682 “683
DirectoryEntry class, 345
DirectorySearch class, 345
DIS (Draft International Standard) review, 6
Disassembly window (VS .NET), 875 “877
Disconnected Application Model, 384
disconnected relational database, 410
disk storage, 249
Dispose method, 261
distributed and concurrent processing, .NET, 49 “50
distributed applications, 803 “804
Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), 843
Distributed .NET Programming in VB .NET , 878
distributed processing, 248, 843
Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC), 755, 756
DLL (dynamic link library) COM objects, 70
DLL (dynamic link library) files, 196
Dllhost.exe process, 849
Document Object Model (DOM), 112, 124
Document Object Model (DOM) class, 436 “437
document type definition (DTD), 119
documentation comments, 927
Documentation feature (VS .NET), 208 “209
DocumentedClass.vb class, 694, 695 “696
Doing Web Development: Client-Side Techniques , 128
DOM (Document Object Model), 112, 124
DOM (Document Object Model) class, 436 “437
domain trees, 344
domains, 344
Dotfuscator, 636 “637, 678
Dotnetfx.exe file, 634
DoTransaction method, 760
Downloads screen, of Start Page (VS .NET), 148 “150
Draft International Standard (DIS) review, 6
drag and drop approach, 669
DTB (Dynamic Transaction Backout), 754
DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator), 755, 756
DTD (document type definition), 119
Dyl280 programming language, 32
dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (DHTML), 112
dynamic link library (DLL) COM objects, 70
dynamic link library (DLL) files, 196
dynamic registration, 768 “770
Dynamic Transaction Backout (DTB), 754

COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET
COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET: A Guide for the Reformed Mainframe Programmer
ISBN: 1590590481
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 204 © 2008-2017.
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