C input mask character, 871

Cached Exchange Mode, 652

calculated columns, 421

calculated fields

creating, 509–510

displaying, 511

illustrated, 512

using, 508–509

calculated items

creating, 510–511

displaying, 511

illustrated, 512

using, 508–509


See also worksheets, calculations

applying multiple summary functions to same field, 506

custom PivotTable, 506–508

displaying PivotTable detail behind, 515–516

using different PivotTable summary function, 505–506


changes in Outlook Calendar, 634–636

linking shared calendar to Outlook, 742–743

sharing, 15, 635, 640

using Groove Calendar, 151–153

viewing multiple, 635–636

Cancel button (formula bar), 353


copying Caption property to form control label, 995

field, 910–911, 933–934

photo album, 623

caret (^)

aligning Excel text with, 358, 359

exponentiation and precedence order, 923

used in arithmetic expressions, 921

CAs (certificate authorities)

certificate revocation list used by, 713

configuring certificates for, 708–709

defined, 48

group policies for multiple computers, 709–711

obtaining certificates from, 690–692

public key obtained from public, 717

case changes in PowerPoint, 547

case sensitivity

formula names and, 411

passwords and, 378


See also custom categories in Access

Access Navigation Pane, 790–795

Access Options dialog box, 830–839

Access template, 844

Add-Ins, 527, 836–837

Advanced, 526, 835

Created Date and Modified Date, 794–795

Customize (Access), 836

Datasheet (Access), 832

display order rules for Access, 803

displaying single category on Navigation Pane, 823–824

filtering messages by color, 683–684

hiding Access custom groups in, 809–811

Object Designers (Access), 833, 893–894

Object Type, 790, 792

Outlook’s color, 637–638, 683–684

PivotTables filtered by, 488–489

Popular, 526, 829–830, 894–895

PowerPoint, 526–527

predefined Access custom, 796

Proofing, 526, 834

Save, 526

Tables And Related Views, 791–793, 794, 799, 803

Trust Center, 527, 837–838

Categorized Mail folder, 676, 677


See also companion CD

installing Microsoft Office from, 1191–1195

packaging presentation files for, 574

CEILING function, 465

cell ranges

counting occurrence of text strings in, 470

entering data in, 360

naming, 407–419

passwords for, 375–378

resolving alignment in, 359

selecting with mouse, 344

selecting names in Go To dialog box, 419

cell reference operators, 424

cell references, 394–401.

See also relative references;

structured references

changing type of, 395–396

circular references, 430–432


absolute references, 398–399, 400

mixed, 399–400

relative, 398, 399

creating to other workbook worksheets, 396–397

effect of inserted rows on SUM formula, 401

entering, 395

filling and copying structured references, 426–427

function of, 394

inserting into functions, 461

referencing other worksheets in same workbook, 396

replacing with names, 417–419

row-column style of, 397–398

3-D, 419,420


See also cell ranges;

cell references

active, 344, 352

applying borders to selected, 289

defining and managing names of, 409

deleting and restoring content of, 361–363

displayed vs. underlying values of, 355–356

displaying empty PivotTable, 497

distinguishing locked, 374


entries, 361

formula name references, 410


data, 352–355

SUM function in, 405

values in cell range, 360

fill handle of, 342

Go To options for, 348–349, 419

hiding, 378–379


entries with Enter key, 352

and unlocking, 373–374

naming for formulas, 407–408

regions of, 341

resolving alignment in range of, 359


data, 344–352

formula precedents and dependents, 351

location of split, 368

with mouse, 344

when dialog box is open, 413

single-cell array formulas, 437, 438

text wrapping in, 357

truncated data in, 356

using names in formulas, 408–409

certificate authorities. See CAs (certificate authorities)

Certificate dialog box, 694, 695

Certificate Export Wizard, 693, 694–696

Certificate Import Wizard, 693

certificate revocation list (CRL), 713–714

certificate trust list (CTL), 709–711

Certificate Trust List Wizard, 710


See also digital certificates

digital, 689–690

encryption, 714

Certificates dialog box (Internet Explorer), 708

Certisign, 48

Change Role dialog box, 147

Change Security Settings dialog box, 702

CHAR function, 468

character spacing for PowerPoint, 547, 550


displaying as literals, 871

input mask definition, 870–871

matching closest Access entries when typing, 1015


entering symbols, 359–360

excluded from field names, 859

using in Excel, 354–355

text-alignment prefix, 358–359

underscore placeholder, 871

validation rule, 869–870

wildcard, 869


formatting options for, 581–582

PivotCharts, 516–518

PowerPoint, 579–582

saving PowerPoint templates for, 581

Chat tool

chatting with workspace members, 145–146

expanding and collapsing, 145

Microsoft Office Communicator vs., 183

check boxes.

See also specific check box

creating control for, 980

using, 1015–1016

Check In page, 734

Check for Slide Updates dialog box, 585

checking in/out documents, 732–734

Choose button (New Search Folders dialog box), 678

CHOOSE function, 480

Choose Profile dialog box, 663

circular references, 430–432

Circular References menu, 431

CLEAN function, 466, 468

clear-text messages

options for, 698–699

sending with signed messages, 700

client applications

defined, 641

mail clients, 662, 719

S/MIME-capable mail, 719

using other e-mail, 662

Client notebook template, 92

clip art, 566–567

Clip Organizer, 566, 567


using Office, 950–951

viewing, 250


coding document-level events, 1132

efficient VBA, 1095

indenting in VBA macros, 1112–1113

intuitive abbreviations in XML, 1166

layout of XML, 1158

readingXML, 1145–1146

running from Immediate window, 1121

saving both Open XML Format document and, 1084

viewing macros in VBE, 1079–1080

CODE function, 468

Code window (VBE), 363, 1083

codecs, 573


See also Microsoft Office Groove;

revising documents;

Windows SharePoint Services

defined, 77

features in Office for, 77–79

Office environments for, 5

OneNote for, 89, 91

in PowerPoint

marking presentations as final, 594

restricting file access, 590–592

reviewing, approving, and tracking changes, 587–589

screening hidden data in shared presentations, 594–597

templates for collaborating, 583–585

in SharePoint Services

collaborative features of, 725–726

integrating Outlook with, 639–640

sharing documents with, 725, 729–735


business cards, 640

calendars, 15, 635, 640

contacts, 735–741

notebooks, 123–124

using Slide Library, 585–586

workspace sharing

Groove for, 85–88

using SharePoint Services, 79–84

collapse dialog button, 413, 455


Chat tool, 145

groups in Navigation Pane by object type, 791

Navigation Pane, 631–632

notebooks, 94

outlines, 238, 244, 249

collections and collection objects, 1101–1102

colon (:)

range operator in structured references, 424

using with Line Labels, 1125


applying Theme color in Word VBA, 1105


setting, 282–284

setting color of form control, 993

creating theme, 536


designing forms with, 997–999

unavailable for Track Changes Options dialog box, 328


searching and reformatting, 307

setting, 305

modifying text font, 547

Outlook color categories, 637–638, 683–684

previewing page background, 258, 259

selecting alternating report background, 1050–1051

3-D object, 974–975

verifying status of Groove contact, 192

color categories

filtering messages by, 683–684

Outlook’s, 637–638

color palette, 282, 283

COLUMN function, 483

column specifiers

column headings placed in, 421

operators for, 424

preventing adjustment of, 427


Datasheet view of, 941

displaying field captions as headings, 933–934

finding cells using Column Differences option, 351–352

inserting breaks in Word, 217

lookup functions for, 483–484

resizing report, 1046–1047, 1049

selecting Excel, 345–347

setting up report labels for, 1032–1033

text box, 548

working with data in, 849–851

COLUMNS function, 484

COMBIN function, 463–464

combining revised documents, 336–338

Combo Box Wizard, 1012–1015

combo boxes

building, 1011–1015

changing text boxes manually to, 1012

creating control for, 979

comma (,)

separating arguments with, 424

thousands separator, 871

union operator in structured references, 424

using in Excel, 354

Command Prompt window

Outlook startup switches for, 670–671

specifying switches in Office shortcuts, 668, 674

using RUNAS command from, 669–670


See also Quick Access Toolbar;


accessing in Excel with smart tags, 362

adding/removing from Quick Access Toolbar, 770, 771–772, 776

Blank Form, 973

Convert To SmartArt, 554

Copy, 950

Cut, 951

Datasheet, 1003

default Access, 769–770

Encrypt, 718

Find & Select, 347

finding Office, 23

form quick create, 1000–1003

Formulas, 348

Go To, 348–349

Go To Special, 348–352

Key Tips for Word’s Insert tab, 31

located on tabs, 24

locations for PowerPoint, 521–523

Mark As Final, 613

Microsoft Office Button, 23, 24, 34–35, 766, 767–769

MsgBox, 1114–1116

Multiple Items, 1002

Paste, 951

PivotChart and PivotTable quick create, 1003

PowerPoint Home tab, 29–30

Prepare, 590

Print Preview, 624–625, 626

Publish Pages, 130

quick create, 852

quick create forms, 1000–1003

Redo, 769, 770

reordering Quick Access Toolbar, 774

Report, 1037–1039

Ribbon locations for PowerPoint, 521–523

Run Compatibility Checker, 34

RUNAS, 669–670

Save (Access), 769, 770

Split Form, 1001

startFromScratch, 1177, 1178, 1185

Table Design, 855

Table Templates, 854

toggling in VBA macros, 1102

unable to find Insert, File, 265

Undo (Access), 769, 770

View Ruler, 220

comment balloons

adjusting for online viewing, 316–317

configuring, 315

displayed in Final Showing Markup view, 326

illustrated, 308

returning to main document from, 314

reviewing comments with or without, 318

showing/hiding, 316

sizing in inches vs. percentages, 317

views where turned on, 313

Comment Block button, 1124

comment markers, 308

comments, 307–323.

See also comment balloons

adding to presentations, 587–588

allowing without document editing, 311–312

balloons for, 308

color of reviewers’, 310–311

commenting out error handlers in macros, 1125

configuring reviewers’ names, 309–310

cutting and pasting into Notes pane, 588

deleting, 314, 320–321

display views available for, 307

Document Inspector’s search of, 595

editing presentation, 589

illustrated, 308

inserting, 313–314

placing in floating frames, 266

printing, 321–322

removing from ZIP package, 1173–1175

returning to main document from, 314

revealing information in ScreenTip, 319

reviewing, 318–319

setting balloon font and label appearance, 315

sizing comment balloons, 317

specifying for Outlook shortcut, 668

voice and handwritten, 302, 314

Comments feature (PowerPoint), 602

Common Tasks area (Groove), 145

communicating in Groove, 176–186

about, 176–177

Communications Manager, 176, 177–178

instant messages, 182–184

integrating with Windows Messenger, 183–184

managing alerts, 175, 185–186

message history, 184–185

pausing communications, 180

status messages, 178, 179

viewing and modifying network settings, 180–181

working offline, 180

Communications Manager (Groove), 176, 177–178

pausing communications, 180

status messages in, 178–179

uses of, 177–178

viewing or modifying network settings, 180–181

Compact Form for PivotTables, 496

Companies table, 866–867

companion CD

adding sample databases to Trusted Locations, 782

image from book Blank.accdb file on, 898

image from book Content edit.docx sample file, 1171

digital signatures omitted on Access sample files, 777

image from book Fearless logo.png sample file, 1171, 1173

idMso values on, 1180

location of Access files installed from, 765

image from book My tab.docx sample file, 1178

sample files for reports, 1019

image from book Text editing.docx sample file, 1165

Word 2007 Content Control Toolkit, 1189

Compare Documents dialog box, 335

Compare Side By Side dialog box, 384

comparing and combining documents, 334–338


and opening new .docx documents, 1161

project macros, 1122


CA group policies for multiple, 709–711

copying digital certificate to other, 692

downloading IRM certificate to multiple, 722

importing digital certificate to, 697, 719

inviting to use Groove workspace, 142–143

running Microsoft Office Diagnostics on, 1198–1199

CONCATENATE text function, 471


Null values, 920

strings with plus sign, 920

text fields, 918–919

text values with &, 402–403

conditional functions, 471–474

conditional statements

ending macro execution with, 1119–1120

using in VBA, 1111–1112

Conditional Sum Wizard

about, 444–445

formulas using SUM and IF functions with, 446–449

conditional test formulas, 444–451

about, 444

conditional functions for, 471–474

Conditional Sum and Lookup Wizards, 444–445

logical operators in, 444

Confirm Password dialog box, 392


about, 352

defining names by, 414

quotation marks omitted around VBA, 1133

using parentheses for negative, 354

VBA intrinsic, 1099–1101

Contact dialog box, 188, 189

contact management

marking contacts for follow up, 681–683

Outlook’s, 646–647

Contact Manager dialog box, 187

Contact Verification Alert, 193


changing verification status of, 194


to Outlook from SharePoint Services, 738–739

from Outlook to SharePoint site, 740–741

initiating activities with, 188–189

linking notes to, 108–109


from Groove, 136–137

from Launchbar, 189–190

resolving contact-naming conflicts, 191, 192

sending messages from Groove to, 137–138

specifying alert level for, 187–188

verifying identities of, 192–194

viewing shared, 735–737

workspace members vs., 138

containers for note text, 101–102

content. See content blocking; external content

content blocking, 686–689

downloading blocked pictures, 686, 687, 688

Trust Center options for, 688–689

Content Controls

binding data to, 1182–1189

components of bound, 1183

converting control types from plain to rich text, 1189

toolkit for binding to data, 1189

image from book Content edit.docx sample file

about, 1171

editing, 1172

content types

definitions for, 1175

file identifying ZIP package’s, 1151

[Content_Types].xml file

creating, 1160

function of, 1151

required for XML documents, 1156

structure of, 1153

context menus. See shortcut menus

contextual spelling proofing tool, 558–559

contextual tabs

about, 7

appearance of, 36–37

defined, 25

control IDs, 1180, 1182

control layout indicator, 1009

control layouts, 1059–1066

converting without removing, 1063

placing controls in, 1059

stacked, 1059, 1061

tabular, 1059, 1062–1063

Control Panel settings, 1196

control source, 976


See also Content Controls;

control layouts

ActiveX, 56–57, 982

binding data to content, 1182–1189

converting from plain to rich text, 1189

deleting in Group, Sort, And Total pane, 1057–1058


attaching new label to, 991

building combo boxes, 1011–1015

fonts for, 992–993

formatting, 993

label properties for, 995–996

moving and sizing, 990–991

selecting with ruler, 998

inserting in manually-created reports, 1033–1034


adjusting fonts for report, 1031

editing report, 1047–1049

setting up column labels, 1032–1033


in control layouts, 1059

on form with field list, 983–984


creating, 1136–1138

editing, 1136

convergence, 431

Convert To SmartArt command, 554

Copy command, 950

image from book Copy XML.txt file, 1157


absolute references, 398–399, 400

contacts to Outlook from SharePoint Services, 738–739

documents with tracked changes, 313

linked text boxes, 272–273

outline headings without text, 244

relative references, 398, 399

structured references, 426–427

table into PowerPoint, 538

worksheets, 365–366

copying and pasting

in subdatasheets, 950–952

between workbooks, 443

copyrighting intellectual property, 612

COUNTBLANK function, 474

Create Digital Certificate dialog box, 55

Create Names From Selection dialog box, 412–413

Create New Field dialog box, 196, 197, 198–200

Create New Workspace dialog box, 139, 170

Create PivotTable dialog box, 490

Create Rule dialog box, 748

Create tab (Access), 784–785

Created Date and Modified Date category (Access), 794–795

credit card transactions, 72

CRL (certificate revocation list), 713–714

cryptographic message format, 701

CTL (certificate trust list), 709–711

Ctrl key shortcuts, 27

Currency data type, 858, 860

Currency format ($) in Excel, 354

Current Database category (Access), 831–832

Custom Animation task pane

adding animation to item with, 577–578

changing order of animations, 578

displaying, 576

illustrated, 577

opening, 573

custom calculation, 507

custom categories in Access, 795–805.

See also Navigation Options dialog box

building custom groups, 801–805

creating and modifying, 800–801

creating object shortcuts in custom groups, 805–809

hiding custom groups in category, 809–811

predefined in templates, 796

shortcut arrow icon, 797

Custom dialog box, 680–681

custom groups in Access

creating object shortcuts in, 805–809

hiding in category, 809–811

custom PivotTable calculations, 506–508

custom slide shows

basic, 614–615

developing hyperlinked, 616–617

running, 617

Custom Views dialog box, 372

Customer Experience Improvement Program, 59

customIU.xsd sample schema, 1148

Customize category (Access), 836

Customize dialog box, 677

Customize installation option, 1193–1195

Customize Keyboard dialog box, 1121


See also specific applications’ Options dialog box


table design, 891–895

user interface, 826–827

appearance of changed lines, 329–330

borders, 277–279

button images, 1177

Document Inspector modules, 63

gallery styles, 41

notebook tags, 104–105

PivotTable subtotals, 499–501

PowerPoint, 523–527

layouts, 540–541

theme fonts, 550–551

Quick Access Toolbar, 32–33

Ribbon, 1175–1182

about, 1175–1176

adding group to built-in tab, 1180–1182

adding tab, 1176–1180

components of, 1176

control IDs, 1180

search folders, 676–677

image from book customUI.xml document part, 1176

image from book customUI.xml file

adding ribbon tab with, 1176–1177

errors, 1182

Cut command, 951

cutting and pasting

parts of outlines, 249–250

between workbooks, 443

2007 Microsoft Office System Inside Out
2007 MicrosoftВ® Office System Inside Out (Bpg-Inside Out)
ISBN: 0735623244
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 299

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