Daily Task List (Calendar folder), 634


See also data entry in Excel;

data sources;

data types

changing numeric format of PivotTable, 496

creating PivotCharts from source, 516–518

entering database table, 849–851

input masks for, 870–874

PowerPoint 2007 incompatibility with earlier versions, 530

refreshing PivotTable, 495

replacing subdatasheet, 950

screening presentations for hidden, 594–597

selecting and changing in subdatasheets, 949

selecting in Excel, 344–352


for entering datasheet, 947

for selecting datasheet, 942

simplifying input into forms, 1011–1017


in Datasheet view, 957–961

query output, 934–936

storing input mask formatting with, 872–873

data entry in Excel, 352–363

creating long text values, 357

displayed vs. underlying cell values, 355–356

editing and undoing entries, 361–363

entries in cells, 352–353

formula bar entries, 353

keyboard shortcuts, 353

making entries in range, 360

numeric text entries, 354, 358–359

symbols, 359–360

text value entries in, 354

text wrapping, 357

text-alignment prefix characters, 358–359

using special characters, 354–355

Data Files dialog box, 652, 653

data input in Microsoft Office, 28

data markers, 581

data sources

creating PivotTables from, 489–493

establishing live connections to, 6

filtering fields before adding to PivotTable, 490

summarizing information in PivotTable, 485

data storage

finding Outlook’s files, 652–653

Outlook folders in, 649–650

sharing files in Outlook, 653–654

data types, 857–861.

See also specific data types

automatic detection of, 15

date format in Date/Time, 860

declaring variables as particular, 1093–1094

group intervals based on, 1027–1028

Hyperlink, 858, 860, 953–957

list of, 858

returning in arithmetic expressions, 929

types of variable, 1092–1093

unavailable in Group, Sort, And Total pane, 1025

database objects

finding with Search Bar, 820–824

maximizing search for, 824

Database Tools tab (Access), 786–787

Database window. See Navigation pane


.accdb file format for, 841

changing row sequence in relational, 952

creating, 842–849

default Access file format for, 894–895

designing tables, 842

disabling untrusted, 777–778

entering data in tables, 849–851

opening existing Access, 764–767

sample Access, 940

saving, 844, 846

searching for objects in Access, 820–824

starting with blank, 847–849

templates for creating, 842–847

Datasheet category (Access), 832

Datasheet command, 1003

Datasheet view, 940–968

calculated expressions viewed in, 930–931

checking field properties in, 910

displaying field captions as column headings in, 933–934

filter or sort sequence for table saved in, 878

navigating in, 940–942

query results viewed in, 919

sorting data in, 957–961

viewing sorted recordsets in, 934, 935–936


See also subdatasheets

adjusting navigation keys for, 948–949

data entry shortcuts for, 947

editing hyperlinks in, 956–957

navigating in, 940–942

selecting and changing in subdatasheets, 949

shortcuts for selecting data, 942

working with subdatasheets, 943–946


See also Date/Time data type

Access functions for, 932

changing notebook’s, 101

comparing values with Between, 917

concatenating, 471

four-digit year formatting for, 891–892

grouping PivotTable items by, 513–515

interval settings for DateDiff function, 921–922

preventing confusion of fractions and, 355

separators for input masks, 871

Date Filters (Filter window), 965

Date Navigator (Office), 632

Date/Time data type

about, 858

calculating differences between two, 921–926

date format stored within, 860

DateDiff function

interval settings for, 921–922

using in Expression Builder, 927–928, 929, 930, 931

debugging VBA macros, 1123–1124

decimal point (.)

input mask placeholder, 871

using in Excel, 354, 356


general VBA, 1095

variable, 1093–1094


creating database template, 895–899

database file format, 894–895

default Access commands on Quick Access Toolbar, 769–770, 775

ExprN default field name, 918, 933

modifying Access global settings, 829–839

resetting Quick Access Toolbar

Access, 775

PowerPoint, 525


Word page setup to template, 213–214

workbook, 388

search folder settings, 676–677

unable to edit gallery default styles, 41

Define Custom Show dialog box, 615


alerts, 746–747

comments, 314, 320–321

contents of cell, 361

controls, 1057–1058

document parts, 1175

Groove appointments, 152

headers and footers, 228–229, 1110

linked text boxes without losing text, 273–274

notebook sections, 97

presentation comments, 589

query rows, 952

rows in message boxes, 952

subdatasheet rows, 952

table relationships in error, 887

text in Reviewing pane, 314

Word objects with loops, 1110

worksheets, 363–364

demoting headings, 238, 247

dependent workbooks, 440–441

design sandbox, about, 194

Design tab

customizing PowerPoint theme fonts from, 550–551

for Form Design Tools tab, 978

two on PowerPoint Ribbon, 539

Design view

creating table in, 855–856

opening or closing property sheet in, 986

opening tables in Relationships window in, 888

query displayed in, 905–907

report design in, 1021–1023

adjusting footers, 1034

building report queries, 1020–1021

column labels in, 1032–1033

configuring totals in, 1028

defining grouping specifications, 1023–1025

finishing, 1031–1036

footers, 1029–1030

inserting controls in, 1033–1034

modifying Report Wizard reports, 1045

printing options for groupings, 1030

removing control layouts, 1059

setting group intervals, 1027–1028

specifying line spacing in, 1034

titles in, 1028–1029

setting up table validation rules in, 876


See also reports

custom color forms, 997–999

database tables, 842, 891–895


with Form Wizard, 1003–1007

with quick create commands, 1000–1003

table fields, 866–867, 894

Detail section of Form window, 974–977

Detailed Address Cards view (Outlook), 681, 682

Details view (Navigation Pane), 819


downloading templates for, 580

using Office 2003, 581

Dialog Box Launcher, 250

dialog boxes.

See also UserForms;

and specific dialog boxes

continuing use of, 41

designing VBA UserForms, 1134–1141

entering Options, 34–35

use in Office 2007 release, 27

% Difference From custom calculation, 507

digital certificates.

See also CAs (certificate authorities)

about, 689–690

backing up, 693–696

changing trust relationships for, 706–707

configuring CA trust, 708–709

copying to another computer, 692

Groove use of, 135

importing, 697, 719

indicating default signing certificate, 701

installing from backup copy, 696–697

invalid, 705

obtaining, 690–692

publishing to GAL, 700

digital fingerprint, 190

Digital Signature: Invalid dialog box, 705

Digital Signature Details dialog box, 50

digital signatures, 697–714.

See also digital certificates

about, 689–690

adding to outgoing messages, 698–699

changing certificate trust relationships for, 706–707

configuring global security options for, 699–700

defined, 48

digitally signing macro projects, 55–56

faster method for adding, 703

omitted from Access sample databases, 777

overview, 697

PowerPoint’s use of, 14

reading messages with, 704–705

reviewing validity of, 50–51

S/MIME and clear-text options, 697–698

toolbar button for, 699

using in Outlook, 661–662

validity of trusted publisher’s, 609

viewing and validating, 711–714

warnings of invalid or omitted, 50

Digitally Sign Message icon, 703

Dim statements, 1094

directories. See folders

Disable button (Slide Update dialog box), 585

Disabled Items dialog box, 664

disabling. See turning on/off

discussion boards in SharePoint, 726

Discussion tool (Groove), 153–155

Disk Diagnostic test, 1199

Display Views On SharePoint property, 881

displayed values, 355–356


calculated fields and items, 511

comment balloons, 316

Custom Animation task pane, 576


in Print Layout and Outline views, 247–248

in split window, 247, 248

empty PivotTable cells, 497

field captions as headings, 933–934

first text line in outline, 244–245

hidden Navigation Pane shortcuts, 814–817

outline formatting, 245–246

PivotTable detail behind calculations, 515–516

PivotTable Field List window, 494

Search Bar, 821

single category in Navigation Pane, 823–824

table revisions, 329

tabs for Access documents, 827–828

worksheets in VBE, 363

divergence, 431

division sign (/), operator precedence of, 393

Do loops

examples of, 1107–1108

selecting For…Next loops vs., 1108–1110

Do Not Show This Message Again check box (Microsoft Office Genuine Advantage confirmation dialog box), 845, 846

.docm files, 11

docProps folder, 1152

Document Grid tab (Page Setup dialog box)

illustrated, 229

working with, 229–231

Document Inspector

customizing modules, 63

illustrated, 64, 65, 596, 597

information found and removed by, 62–64

removing comments and information in, 13, 320, 613

screening hidden data in shared presentations, 594–597

searching comments with, 595

using, 64–65

document libraries

adding file via e-mail to SharePoint, 757

connecting SharePoint library to Outlook, 750–751

downloading SharePoint library files to Outlook, 751–752

opening SharePoint files in Outlook, 752–754

uploading documents to, 730

version history enabled for, 734–735

viewing revision history in, 338

Document Map, 252–253

document objects in Word and Excel, 1084

document parts

image from book customUI.xml, 1176

defined, 1147

deleting, 1175

finding measurements in, 1164

key, 1153–1156

removing comments from ZIP package, 1173–1175

Document Property Quick Parts, 1119

Document Themes folder, 537

document variables, 1096–1097

Documenter dialog box, 899–900


See also borders;



revising documents;


alignment tabs in Word, 228

backgrounds for online pages, 258–259


mixing and matching, 280

page, 223, 286–288

section, 223, 288–289, 290

suppressing on first page, 287

undoing, 281


controlling page and section, 215–219

removing in outline, 251

text wrapping, 217, 218

unwanted page, 219

checking in/out, 732–734

coding document-level events, 1132–1133

combining multiple revisions, 336–338


and combining, 334–338

without merging, 338

compatibility with earlier Word versions, 11

creating from SharePoint site, 731–732


in Print Layout and Outline views, 247–248

in split window, 247, 248

tabs for Access, 827–828

headers and footers

creating, 223, 224–227

deleting, 228–229, 1110

inserting horizontal lines in, 292–294

layout fundamentals for, 256–257


adjusting settings for, 209–210

aligning vertical content between, 222–223

gutter for bound, 211

marking PowerPoint presentations as final, 594

maximum linked text boxes in, 270

Mini toolbar appears when text selected, 38

navigating from comment balloon to, 314


lines of, 231–233

pages of, 223–224

optimizing readability of tracked changes, 311


reasons for, 237–239

techniques for, 236–237

overlapping Access, 827

page orientation, 211

paper size for Word, 211–212

paper source for Word, 212–213

passwords for, 69–71, 313

permission restrictions for, 67–69

planning page setup for, 208

printing marked-up, 333–334

privacy options for Word, 60

removing personal information in, 60, 61–65

running from trusted locations, 51

saving with comments as Web page, 322–323

sharing, 725, 729–735

uploading to document library, 730

version control for SharePoint, 732–735

viewing in Outline view, 239–241, 247–248

watermarks in, 259–261

Documents folder, 607

document.xml file, 1157–1158, 1159

.docx files, 1156–1163

about, 11

building, 1156–1163

compiling and opening in Word, 1161

folder structure, 1157

macro-free file format, 1152


image from book Content edit.docx, 1171, 1172

image from book First Recording.docx, 1078

image from book My tab.docx, 1178

image from book Text editing.docx, 1165

DOLLAR function, 467

dollar sign ($), 354

.dotm file format, 214

.dotx file format, 214

double quotation marks ("")

enclosing strings with, 868, 871, 1093

omitted around VBA constants, 1133

specifying values for VBA arguments in, 1098


CA certificates, 709

diagnostic updates, 1199

diagram templates, 580


to Outlook from SharePoint library, 751–752

in shared Groove workspaces, 172–176

from SharePoint discussion board, 689

from trusted sites, 689

IRM certificate to multiple computers, 722

Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack, 599


blocked, 686, 687, 688

to hard drive, 566, 622

preventing HTML picture downloads, 688–689

public key from VeriSign Web site, 717

setting privacy options for, 59–60

Trust Center options for, 688–689

Windows Media Player, 111

Word 2007 Content Control Toolkit, 1189

XML Notepad, 1148

Draft view, 330


cell’s fill handle, 427

fields in PivotTables, 495

form control handles, 990–991

objects into custom groups, 808

outline section to new position, 251

Outlook icon to Quick Launch bar, 666

query fields in design grid, 908, 909

table links, 883–884

worksheets between workbooks, 366


OneNote for, 116–117

sketching in Groove, 163–165

table in presentations, 537–538

drawing grid, 230–231

Drawing Tools toolbar (OneNote), 117

2007 Microsoft Office System Inside Out
2007 MicrosoftВ® Office System Inside Out (Bpg-Inside Out)
ISBN: 0735623244
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 299

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