Section 2.10. Terms and Concepts

2.10. Terms and Concepts

sender, 38

recipient, 38

transmission medium, 38

interceptor, 38

intruder, 38

encryption, 38

decryption, 38

encode, 38

decode, 38

encipher, 38

decipher, 38

cryptosystem, 38

plaintext, 39

ciphertext, 39

algorithm, 39

key, 39

symmetric, 39

asymmetric, 39

keyless cipher, 40

cryptography, 40

cryptanalyst, 40

cryptology, 40

break an encryption, 41

substitution, 43

transposition, 43

substitution cipher, 44

monoalphabetic substitution, 44

simple substitution, 44

Caesar cipher, 44

permutation, 46

one-time pad, 49

Vigenère tableau, 49

Vernam cipher, 50

book cipher, 52

transposition, 55

columnar transposition, 55

digram, 56

trigram, 56

product cipher, 58

secure cryptographic system, 60

amount of secrecy, 60

error propagation, 61

authentication, 62

key distribution, 62

key management, 62

stream cipher, 62

block cipher, 63

confusion, 64

diffusion, 64

ciphertext-only attack, 65

known plaintext attack, 65

probable plaintext attack, 66

chosen plaintext attack, 66

chosen ciphertext attack, 66

Data Encryption Standard (DES), 68

Data Encryption Algorithm-1, 69

double DES, 70

triple DES, 71

differential cryptanalysis, 71

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 72

Rijndael, 73

cycle or round, 73

public key encryption, 76

asymmetric encryption system, 76

private key, 76

secret key, 76

RivestShamirAdelman (RSA) algorithm, 77

cryptographic hash function, 79

message digest, 79

hash, 79

checksum, 79

one-way function, 79

MD4, MD5, 80


chaining, 80

key exchange, 80

digital signature, 82

certificate, 84

certificate authority, 88

Security in Computing
Security in Computing, 4th Edition
ISBN: 0132390779
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 171 © 2008-2017.
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