Hack 73. Alter a Video s Look After Editing

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Hack 73. Alter a Video's Look After Editing

Even if you've completed editing your video, you can still alter its appearance.

If you've installed QuickTime Pro (http://www.apple.com/quicktime/buy/; $29. 99), you have the ability to add a filter to a video without using any other application. In fact, QuickTime Pro adds 14 standard filters; plus, you can add more from third-party companies, such as Buena Software (http://www.buena.com/; free $30). You also have the ability to cut, copy, and paste video together, as well as create skins [Hack #76], create chapters [Hack #49], and even convert a movie from one format to another [Hack #29]. But, I digress.

6.14.1. Getting to the Filters

If you have a video file that QuickTime can read, you can open the file and then select File Export to begin the process.

QuickTime-supported file formats include: 3DMF (Mac OS 9 and Windows), 3GPP, 3GPP2, AIFF, AMC, AMR, Animated GIF, AU, Audio CD Data (Mac OS 9), AVI, BMP, Cubic VR, DLS, DV, FlashPix, FLC, GIF, GSM, JPEG 2000 (Mac OS X), JPEG/JFIF, Karaoke, MacPaint, Macromedia Flash, MIDI, MPEG-1, MP3 (MPEG-1, Layer 3), M3U (MP3 Playlist files), MPEG-2 (through a separate Playback Component), MPEG-4, M4A, M4B, M4P (iTunes audio), PDF (Mac OS X), Photoshop, PICS, PICT, PLS, PNG, QCP (Mac OS 9 & Windows), QuickTime Image File, QuickTime Movie, SD2 (Mac OS 9 & Windows), SDP, SDV, SF2 (SoundFont 2), SGI, SMIL, System 7 Sound (Mac OS 9), Targa, Text, TIFF, TIFF Fax, VDU (Sony Video Disk Unit), Virtual Reality (VR), and WAV.

From the Export window, choose Movie to QuickTime Movie from the Export pop-up menu. Then, click the Options… button, which brings up the Movie Settings window. Figure 6-43 shows the Export window.

In Movie Settings window (Figure 6-44), you have the ability to change the video's codec using the Settings button, change the video's look using the Filter button, and change the video's size or rotation using the Size button.

You're only concerned about altering the video's look, so you should click the Filter… button.

Figure 6-43. Exporting a movie to a QuickTime Movie

Figure 6-44. Changing a video's look with the Movie Settings window

6.14.2. Selecting a Filter

Clicking the Filter… button brings up a new window with the available filters, a preview of your footage (which reflects any changes you apply), and a set of controls. The availability and type of controls will depend on the filter you choose:


Alpha Gain

Alters the alpha channel in your image (requires an alpha channel)

Brightness and Contrast

Allows you to increase or decrease the brightness and contrast, separately


Alters the spectrum of color for your image to match a given ColorSync profile

HSL Balance

Enables you to change the Hue, Saturation, and Lightness

RGB Balance

Provides control over the Red, Green, and Blue channels



Lets you blur your image


Edge Detection

Locates and draws edges within your image


Creates two offset greyish images, providing the illusion of an embossed image

General Convolution

Takes a 3 x 3 grid of pixels, and replaces the center pixel with a weighted average of the surrounding pixels



Brings out fine details within the image, especially around defined edges

Special Effects

Color Style

Enables you to both solarize and posterize the image

Color Tint

Provides quick options for creating a Sepia or X-Ray looking movie, as well as control over the light and dark colors for a unique tint

Film Noise

Adds hairs, scratches, dust, and fading to provide a film-like appearance

Lens Flare

Creates a lens flare at a point you specify

I personally like the Edge Detection filter, when set to the highest setting ("7thickest"). I think it adds a surreal, almost cartoon-like feel to video. Figure 6-45 shows the Edge Detection filter set to "7-thickest" and to "Colorize result."

Figure 6-45. Edge Detection using the "Colorize result" setting

Another cool filter is the Film Noise effect. Not only does it allow you to add the appearance of hairs, scratches, and dust, but it also offers a type of film fading. I like the 1930s color film choice, because it really saturates the image. Figure 6-46 shows the Film Noise filter being applied to a movie.

When you have chosen the filter you would like to apply, and configured it to your liking, click OK and then Save. The export process can take a long time. Depending on the speed of your computer and the length of your movie, you might want to go grab a coffee.

6.14.3. Saving Movies for Reference

Because the export creates a new video file, and does not alter the original, you can select a new filter and repeat the process. The best way to become familiar with the filters and their effects is to apply each one individually to a short video. Then, save the video to your hard drive and keep the filtered videos for future reference.

Figure 6-46. Film Noise, making the video look like a 1930s color film

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    Digital Video Hacks
    Digital Video Hacks: Tips & Tools for Shooting, Editing, and Sharing (OReillys Hacks Series)
    ISBN: 0596009461
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 158
    Authors: Joshua Paul

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