Dashboard technology, 104

Data, separating, from presentation in Word 2007, 247–250

Database call, 116

Data binding, 56, 246–252

Data-bound property, 260

Data Description File (DDF), 332–334

Data element, 318

DataLoaderCallback function, 160

DataLoader control, 160

DataLoader utility method, 164

Data node, 208

Data sources, HTTP handlers as, 150–155

DataStoreItem, 249

DataTable object, 121

Data View Web Part, 99–100

Date And Time field type, 184

.ddf file, 332–334

Debugging, 54–55, 113, 136, 185, 198

Debug menu, 110

Declarative Rule Condition, 289

DefaultAnnouncementBody, 330

DefaultAnnouncementTitle, 330

Default.aspx, 44–45, 81, 84, 92, 94

Default content, 37, 197

Default Credentials, 371

Default.master, 80–81

components of, 85

and creating custom template, 92

customizing, 91

defined, 84–86

delegate control definition in, 88

HEAD element of, 85–86

navigation components defined in, 86–87

Default.master page, 314

Default policy, 47

DefaultTemplateName, 193

Default Web Site, 3–4, 29–30

Delegate, 367

Delegate controls, 85, 88–91, 257

Delegating user credentials, 370–371

Delete method, 65

DeleteTask activity type, 285


of application through features, 324–327

of site definition, 312

of solution package for feature, 332–336, 338

solution package for site definition, 340–341

using solution package, 331–346

of Web Parts, 336–340

DeploymentTarget attribute, 334

Deploysolution, 335, 338, 347

Description, 22, 105, 204, 321

Designer view, 274–276, 285–289

Design role definition, 375

Design view, 91

Developer platform

customization vs. development, 15–17

development opportunities, 17–19

features, 19–20

programming against Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) Object Model, 20–21

Developing provisioning components, 16.

See also Event handler;

Web Parts

Device driver, 32

Diagnostic logging, Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) debugging through, 185

Directive. See specific directives

DisableEventFiring, 214

Discussion content type, 199

Discussions list type, 177

DisplayCategory attribute, 321

Display mode, 116, 247

DisplayName, 197, 202, 204

Dispose method, 21

Div element, 157

DLL, 35

.doc extension, 41, 234

.docs file, 237–240

Document-based content type, 196

Document content type, 196, 198–199, 227, 267

Document libraries, 12, 58–59, 176, 324

adding new file to document library, 221–229

difference between, and standard Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) list, 218

form libraries and Microsoft Office InfoPath, 229–233

New button in, 317

Office Open XML file formats, 233–252

programming against documents, 219–221

saving .docx file in, 243–244

SPDocumentLibrary class, 218–219

use for entry, 58

See also Lists

Document library instance, 224

Document library list type, 176

Document management, 226–229

Document Manager Assistance, 227

DocumentManager feature, 224, 227, 230, 243

Documents, 219–221, 268–269

DocumentTemplate, 317

DocumentTemplateUrl property, 225

Document Workspace, 324

Document Workspace site template, 312

Document.xml, 240

.docx extension, 41, 234–235

.docx file, 238, 240–244, 246

DoesUserHavePermissions method, 373–374

DOM. See HTML Document Object Model (DOM)

DOS makcab command, 334

DropDownList control, 190, 192, 194, 218, 221

DWP directory, 108

.dwp extension, 107

.dwp file, 319

Inside Microsoft Windows Sharepoint Services Version 3
Inside Microsoft Windows Sharepoint Services Version 3
ISBN: 735623201
Year: 2007
Pages: 92

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